We stopped in AJ Wright which we haven't been in before.
We didn't find any shoes for him there but I had
a pair of shoes jump out at me. They were quite
noticeable as they looked like something a giant wore.
I don't think we had ever seen a size 20 shoe before.
If you picture the length from your elbow to the
tips of your fingers that's how long these shoes were!!
It's been a fun morning.
Kept Jonathan home from
school. He has had a cough for about the last week and
a half. No nose drainage, no fever or other complaints.
So I took him over to Urgent Care in Dublin due to
his barking cough which he even had in his sleep.
They did a strep test which came back negative
and an xray to look for signs of pneumonia which
also came back clear. She said his throat was red
and inflamed along with his right ear. She said
he had bronchitis and put him on amoxicillin.
She is also keeping him out of school until
next Monday because she said his bronchitis
was contagious and it would take a couple days
for the medicine to get into his system to start
I did not know bronchitis was contagious but I guess
some forms of it are as it is a viral infection.
We did some other running this morning
to return a pair of shoes I bought yesterday
at Walmart that didn't fit Christopher.
I went to the one on Bethel instead of Morse.
With that money from those one pair of shoes
I bought Tony a pair and found another pair
for Jonathan on a clearance for $7.00.
Mom also bought 2 more pairs of shoes for
the boys since they were only $7.00 a pair
that way we had them.
I also went ahead and bought Tony's Father's
Day gift. I don't think I ever have bought
a brand new dvd before but Tony really
liked the movie Avatar so I got it for him.
Before coming home we stopped by Sprint which
was finally open, yeah. They didn't understand
why we didn't get our rebate and are looking into
it. They are supposed to give us a call about it soon
to let us know what is going on.
And that's about it for now. I think me
and Jonathan's gonna lay down for a lil nap.
I haven't felt the greatest myself. My back
is still spasming and my head feels congested
with a slight headache. Still no energy.
A quick jelly recipe with many flavors, how about Watermelon Kiwi or Arctic Green Apple, Black Cherry, yum, to name a few.

1 (1/4 ounce) package Kool-Aid, any flavor (no sugar added*)
1 (1 3/4 ounce) package sure-jell pectin
3 cups granulated sugar
3 cups water
* Mix water, Sure-Jell and Kool-Aid together.
* Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
* Stir in sugar.
* Stir and bring to a full rolling boil that cannot be stirred down.
* Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
* Remove from heat.
* Quickly skim off foam with a large metal spoon.
* Pour into jelly glasses and seal.
People go a little overboard with their pets.
Yesterday when checking out at Meijer I turned
around and this lady was carrying her dog around
the store in a sling like a baby about like this
picture below. I didn't think animals were allowed
in stores unless they were helping the disabled!!

While rummaging around the freezer I found
some chicken breasts. So I got to thinking,
what can I make with these?
So here is what I will be making...

Chicken Breast With Stuffing
Here's a delightfully delicious chicken breast with stuffing recipe that is easy to make and oh so delicious. If you like chicken and stuffing you may just find that you have just discovered the ultimate chicken and stuffing recipe.
You will want to have 8 chicken breast half's that are boneless and skinless. Place plastic wrap over your chicken breast and beat flat with a kitchen hammer.
Now you will want to take a box of stove top stuffing and make it in a bowl according to package directions and set aside. Place a spoon of the dressing at the center of each chicken breast and roll up like in above photo. Place your rolled up chicken breast into a casserole dish that you have sprayed with vegetable cooking spray.Sprinkle your chicken breasts with dried parsley.
Now you will want to mix the below in a mixing bowl.
1. 1 Can Cream Of Chicken Soup.
2. 1 Can Cream Of Celery Soup.
3. 2 Cups Heavy Cream.
Mix together well and pour over your chicken breast in the casserole dish. Cover the casserole dish with tin foil and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees and then remove the tin foil. Bake for 10 minutes uncovered to allow to brown the dish some. This dish makes its own delicious gravy and your dressing is inside each rolled up chicken breast.
Still not feeling up to par. Drained is pretty
much how I feel. Tony is working at a side job
tonight painting so won't be home til about 9-9:30pm.
I look around the house thinking man I have so much
that needs done! Where am I going to find the energy
to do it all? I take vitamins, have my caffeine and
still nothing. Maybe I could use a little sunlight
since it's been nothing but rain these past couple
of days.
I was going to make juice jelly this evening and
got as far as getting everything out, staring
at it all, then putting it all away.
I've been wanting to also make English Muffin
bread but have yet to do it. I just sit
and stare at the recipe torn from a magazine.
Soooo I just sit here. I don't know if it's allergies
or sinuses making me feel this way.
In the past week before the rain the cottonwood
trees were loosing all these little white
fluffies everywhere. Looked like it was snowing.
Those things tear my allergies up so I'm thinking
I should point the finger at them.
I'll be glad when all this crap is over with.
Tony said today he's taking vacation about
the second week of June, when it's not so hot out.
July and August are not times I want to
take vacation.
I'm trying to figure out what to do and where
to go. I'd like to go somewhere out of town
and get a hotel room for a night or two
to get away from here for a couple days.
I got a AAA book at a yard sale so am
checking things out in there also.
I've been checking out Discover Ohio.
They even have a free booklet you can send away for.
Here's some ideas I have...
Piatt Castles
Ohio Caverns
Entertrainment Junction
Somewhere to do some fishing.
Decided to try and move around a little bit.
Got Jonathan's room tidied up somewhat.
Then I headed out to the garden and gave
all the veggies a dose of Miracle Grow.
Then I got some peas that finally sprouted planted.
Ok time to go get some Ibuprofen as I am
starting to get blurred vision which
usually means a migraine headache is coming
soon if I don't pop a few pills.
30 Secret Household Cleansers (You already own)
from All You magazine.
Eliminate odors
Try coffee grounds to keep your refrigerator smelling nice and fresh, just as you do with an open box of baking soda. Place them, new or used, in a bowl and remember to replace them every month or two.
Wash the dishwasher
To clean the inside of your dishwasher, fill the detergent cups with whichever one of these four products you have on hand: ½ cup white vinegar or a few tablespoons of powdered laundry bleach, Tang or lemon-flavored Kool-Aid (lemon is the only flavor that works). Then run the empty machine through a complete cycle.
Chill out
Use ice to cleanse the blades in your garbage disposal and break up the grease that collects on the rotors. Every few weeks, toss in a handful of cubes, turn on the disposal and run cold water. Add some orange, lemon or lime peels to ward off odors.
Soften up grease
Get baked-on foods off pots and pans with a dryer sheet. Just place one in a pot, fill with water and let sit overnight, then sponge off the next morning. The antistatic agent weakens the bond between the stuck-on food and the surface of the pan, while the fabric softener works its loosening magic.
Absorb grime
Cover the bottom of your trash can with old newspapers. It's an easy way to keep clean and soaks up leaks and odors.
Wipe away scuffs
Make scuffs on vinyl flooring disappear by applying a little baking soda with a damp sponge.
Zap bacteria
To keep bacteria from taking up permanent residence in your kitchen sponges, rinse them with water at the end of each day, squeeze, then put in the microwave for three minutes. Let cool before touching. Do the same with your cutting boards, if they are microwaveable.
Bring back the bling
Polish tarnished copper with this natural solution: Fill a 16-ounce spray bottle with white vinegar and 3 tablespoons of salt. Spray onto the copper, let sit briefly, then rub clean.
Use a substitute
Try Listerine mouthwash if you’re out of floor cleaner. Add a capful to a gallon of water and mop vinyl or tile—but not wood—floors with the mixture. The same product that kills bad-breath germs also zaps the gunk beneath your feet.
Scrubbing bubbles
Freshen the toilet bowl with effervescent tablets (denture or antacid) in between scourings. Drop two in the water, let soak for at least 20 minutes, then brush and flush. A can of cola dumped in for one hour also does the trick. The phosphoric acid in the beverage removes rust rings and other mineral deposits.
Shine on
Get rid of lime buildup on sinks by soaking an old rag in vinegar, then wrapping it around the faucet and clasping with a hair clip. Let sit for an hour, then take off rag and dry faucet.
Practice your swing
Wrap a microfiber cloth over the bristles of a regular broom or around the end of a golf club, secure it with a rubber band and use to get rid of cobwebs or dust in hard-to-reach places.
Erase every trace
Did your child use the painted walls as a canvas? Mist them with hairspray and wipe immediately to remove colored marker. For crayon, scrub with a toothpaste-covered toothbrush, or gently massage with baking soda and a damp microfiber cloth.