on getting the new radiator installed.
If this wind would die down I don't think
it would be so bad.
Ya know what sound good on a chilly day like
today that I thought of?
I bought up a bunch of Red Hot candies when
they were marked down from the holidays.
What about putting a scoop of them
in your coffee filter (no coffee)
then putting apple juice (or cider) in the coffee
pot instead of water and running it through
to make warm spiced apple juice.
Maybe add some caramel topping to your
cup (or caramel bits as that's all I
have that I found on clearance for .50 cents)
and stir until melted.
Or put whipped cream on top drizzled with
caramel syrup.
It just sounded good but I haven't tried it yet.
cheaper and better for you if you use ground turkey.
I'm not a big ground turkey fan but I deal with
it since it is cheaper and it's not so bad
when mixed with things. I don't do turkey
burgers! Yuck! But anything else will do.
Hamburger Stroganoff Casserole
1 to 1-1/2 lbs. ground beef or turkey
1 onion, diced
4 oz. can mushroom stems and pieces, drained
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup sour cream (I use whatever I have leftover)
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
8 oz. pkg. pasta, macaroni, or noodles
Cook ground beef and onions in skillet until done. Drain. In large
saucepan, cook pasta according to package directions. Drain. Return to
saucepan. Stir meat, mushrooms, soup, and spices into the pasta
mixture. Heat through. Fold in sour cream. Blend well. Heat for just a
couple of minutes (do not boil sour cream).
Just back from doing some errands
and had to stop in Kroger to get some
apple juice.
In the coffee filter I put about 1/3 cup
of the red hot candies and about 4 cups
apple juice in the coffee maker and let
it brew through. I added 2 Tablespoons
of the caramel bits to the glass and stirred
til melted (think it would taste more
caramely if I used syrup, then added whipped
cream. YUMMMY!!!
OK this probably isn't a subject to talk
about after posting yummies above but oh well.
For those of you purchase over the counter
products to do a colon cleanse are wasting your
money. Here's an article I read about how
to do it yourself.
My hubby is a nurse/ medic in a hospital and did a cleanse last year ( a purchased product). Was talking to the Dr's at work and some even giggled at him!! The cleanse is primarily a huge dose of fiber ( according to them). They said he could have saved a ton of $$ by buying Benefiber with coupons and having a salad at the End of each meal. The salad / vegies would help clear out the remains of meal. Not too fast for absorbtion of nutrients, just finish the job. Reducing meats that take up to 3 days to digest is way helpful.. Add fruit throughout the day as a nibble when you are hungry does the same as the salad when had on empty stomach. I actually prefer to add benefiber to each drink I have throughout the day to help me fill full as well.
How to rid mosquitoes- cheap and easy method,
an article I read.
The best way of getting rid of mosquitoes is Listerine, the original medicinal type. The Dollar Store-type works, too. I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby. During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.
COMMENTS: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors. It works - in fact, it killed them instantly. I bought my bottle from Target and it cost me $1.89. It really doesn't take much, and it is a big bottle, too; so it is not as expensive to use as the can of spray you buy that doesn't last 30 minutes. So, try this. It will last a couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames and even inside the dog house if you have one. Also can be used to dab any bites you receive. It will stop the itching quicker and go away faster .
--I'm gonna have to try this when fishing!
If you ever need a rental vehicle be sure
to check out THIS PLACE
You can put in the size of the vehicle needed,
date and it will tell you the cost and compare
prices with different places. Can't say that I ever
rented a car other than when someone wrecked mine.
BUT we are considering renting a car for a
vacation. I want something that will be dependable
and not have to worry about it breaking down
somewhere. I see they have ones that start
around $22 a day. Not too bad. You start getting
up in price when you want a mini van, suv or
luxury car though. Those run about $50 to $80 or more
a day. Gotta consider gas mileage also. If you
go to the actual rental car web site it will
list the gas mileage for each vehicle.
Today I cleaned carpets.
Oh I didn't tell ya,
after getting rid of about 10 vacuums, mine
decided to take a crap. I was patient and waited
a couple weeks and hubby found me a vac at work.
It was pretty much brand new and someone threw it
out because it had a clog! You won't believe how
many people throw out perfectly good vacs
just because of a clog or broken belt.
I will never have to worry about purchasing
another vac that's for sure!
Anyway I cleaned the carpet today. Having
light colored carpets suck but it came
with the house so what can ya do.
Found a new carpet cleaner still in the box
that a resident left behind so that helps
I got out a circle braided area rug and
cleaned it up good and put it under the dining
room table. I got that rug off craigslist
for $5 about 4 years ago!
I still haven't got my one dining room
wall painted. I'm too cheap to go
out and buy a quart of paint for it, LOL!
Want to do it in a reddish color to pull the
red from the couch in the living room
into the dining room.
So much freakin' house work to do I can't seem
to keep up. Kid's are like mini tornados
and can do so much damage in a matter of seconds
if your back is turned.
I take two steps forward and 5 steps back. AHHHH!
Why does housework seem to take so looong to do!
I'm one that when I do major housework
I have to go through everything.
Tonight I dug out a yard sale find
from last year and put it in the living room
because I thought it was old world looking.
I paid a $1.00 for this chest and thought
it was the neatest looking thing.
It has an old map on it and
has old book ends all around the sides
and top.