ready for work then I helped him load up
the stuff I brought up outta the basement
that I had sitting outside. Did pretty good
yesterday. Got rid of 2 large boxes of stuff
along with a bunch of odds and ends that were
too big for boxes. I managed to fill up the
backseat of his Suburban with stuff.
That's about when I heard a semi truck coming
down the street. It was the neighbor coming
home from either Tennessee or Georgia
or wherever it is he goes. I'm thinking RUN!
I don't want to babysit! All was clear and I
made it back in the house without him talking
to me, whew! Mom had a good but funny idea.
She said next time I should put a note ahead
of time on our truck saying, can't babysit,
before he posts another one of his notes!
This guy keeps saying he'll pay me good.
Well if that's the case, where's the payment
from when I watched them last week???
Then when he asked me, "what, if anything,
do I owe you for babysitting," that worried me.
Who words things like that? The "if anything"
part had me shaking my head.
Soooo much to do around here and I am only
one person. Think I'll start in the kitchen
and get my dishes done. Boy when kids are
out of school they can start piling up so
quickly. I try to encourage them to use
one cup each day instead of many to reduce
the amount of dishes.
Then after that I need to work on laundry.
I got it started yesterday and did about 3 loads
when weeding some things out of the basement.
It was nice and cool down there when compared
to 90 something outside. That is another reason
I want to get this basement done. It would
be a great hangout for the kids and their friends
on hot Summer days. Plus I wouldn't have to
worry about them destroying and messing up
the main part of the house. It's outta sight.
I showed Tony this morning what I was wanting
to do with the crown molding in the kitchen.
Hopefully he'll be able to bring home some
finishing nails and caulk from work so we
can get that up soon.
Here is me from yesterday showing what it
will look like if it were put up.
I look like I am conducting an orchestra, lol,
or maybe it's a move from Karate Kid.
If I had my way and the money, I would of loved
to of taken out the front of the soffit and
make open shelves above the cabinets.
Maybe one day, who knows.
Sure would give me a lot more storage
to put things that I don't use all the time.
I don't think there is ventilation or anything
behind it. The main frame could stay in tact
just cut out the drywall on the front and finish
the edges. The main reason for the soffit is
so the cabinets are lowered to reach them.
To me it's just wasted space I could be using!
Here's a couple photo ideas that I found
that are similar of what I'd like to do.

I try to think of all kinds of unique ideas for
doing things. I don't know if they are actually
unique, more like practical and cheap ways of doing
things. I like to be different.
And here is another idea I had for the one wall
in my kitchen where I currently have 3 shelves
hung up for storage. If I could find the top to
a small hutch I would love to put it up in that area,
sitting on the counter and going up the wall.
Of course it would be screwed into the studs.
But that's another day and another find.
You can't use regular cabinets in this area
considering there is a pass through window on
the adjoining wall.
I mean where else would you find a cabinet
that isn't very deep?
You can see here in these photos of where
some hutches are not very deep. Deep enough
for a tea cup and saucer or DVD's.
Now I will have to keep my eye out for a cheap
or free one. Who needs custom cabinets!!
Make your own!!
My space I have along with pics of some hutches.
Now imagine just the top part of the hutch
on my wall, painted to match rest of kitchen.

Well going to work on dishes then mom is going
to take us all out to lunch at Taco Bell today.
Got dishes loaded in the dishwasher.
Happened to look out kitchen window.
My backyard looks like a nature preserve today!
Got young squirrels running everywhere.
They are sooo funny to watch when they
play with one another. Then 2 rabbits showed
up. The squirrels and rabbits were actually
playing and chasing each other.
Then comes the sparrows and cardinal.
I guess all it takes is a half bag of
stale cheese puffs in the bird feeder
to bring them altogether, LOL!
Pics aren't so good as I had zoom to the fullest.
And when it goes that far you have to have
a very stable hand or it blurs.
Here's a video of squirrleys playing.
Nevermind the noise from the camera.
It's the zoom trying to focus in.
Just got back.
Mom wanted to go to the thrift store.
Here is my saying and doing.
If there's something you want and don't
absolutely, positively need it RIGHT NOW,
then I wait it out and end up finding
whatever I needed at a fraction of the cost
or even free.
I've been wanting metal ice cube trays since
last year. I FINALLY found some at the thrift
store .90 cents. I'm not using it for an ice
cube tray though as I had an idea I wanted to
try out.
You've heard of the Perfect Brownie Pan
that makes pre sliced brownie on TV.
They cost $25!!
I'm wanting to make some brownie bites
but use my .90 cent metal ice cube trays!

The boys got a Lego table for .90 cents!
I got a container to put cereal in .90 cents.
When I can't find cheap boxes of cereal
on sale I usually buy the 2 pound bags.
This will come in handy to store the
cereal in.
Found one of those sets of storage containers
that store and swivel around on a base.
These are still selling on Amazon for $20!!
I paid $1.91!!
The cashier was even jealous that I found these
for such a good deal!
Got a baggie full of these items for .90 cents!
Everything's still full and new!
Nutra Nail 5 to 7 day growth
retails for $5.00
Nutra Nail 30 second cuticle remover
retails for $3.00
Reconstrux rebuild and renew nails in 30 days.
retails for $6.50
Found me another large purse for $1.91.
Anyone price purses? They can be expensive!!
This one is done in a chocolate brown suede.

Mom took us over to Taco Bell for lunch.
You can't beat their $2.00 meal menu.
It included one of the following:
beefy 5 layer burrito,
gordita supreme,
grilled chicken burrito,
double decker taco
with a medium sized drink
and a bag of Doritos!!
I didn't eat breakfast before
going out and the gordita meal
filled me up. I didn't even finish
my bag of Doritos.
I think Friday or this weekend I'll
take the family out for supper.
Can't beat the cost of $8.00
for a family of 4 to eat out!!
Got more laundry done then decided to
clean out some cupboards. Need to haul some
kitchen items to the basement. Due to space issues
I have bookshelves in the basement where I can
store pots, pans and what not that I don't use
every week.
Sat down to take a quick break and do an online
WOO HOO I finally made it to the $75 mark!
That means I can get three $25 gift cards.
I've accomplished this in 6 months so am
hoping to make the $100 to $125 by Christmas time.
Boy that would sure come in handy at GameStop.
I was gonna use these gift cards towards
another game system for the boys but because
Tony found an XBox 360 the other day I can
now use it for controllers, memory cards and games.
Well break time is over. Need to start hauling
kitchen stuff to the basement, change the laundry
over, and haul up a box and a few other items
to be gotten rid of.
Never a moments rest!!
Saw this video and thought the squirrel was hilarious!
Check it out, LMAO! If they start doing that in my yard
I'm running!
Tonight's Supper- Chinese
Little of this and a little of that
to use up some leftovers.
Boiling up the last of my rice with water and
teriyaki sauce mixed in. I bought a huge bag
of rice about 2 years ago and this is the last of it.
Found some leftover cooked turkey in the freezer.
Microwaved to thaw.
Threw in a skillet with a little butter,
onion, leftover red bell pepper, leftover onion salt
and some chopped broccoli I had in freezer bags.
Added in banana pepper juice and pineapple juice*.
Going to mix this with the rice when done.
Then in the oven I have a couple leftover
talapia fillets breaded in crumbs with
parmesan cheese and onion salt.
And I also have 4 eggs rolls in there also.
*When using canned fruit or even jars of banana
peppers I save the juice in ice cube trays and then
freeze into cubes. Once frozen I remove from
trays and put in zip bags.
Ok just making notes to self about maybe some
yard sales tomorrow morning.
I can't seem to find my notebook.
Bet ya it is in Tony's truck :0)
He tends to use my notebooks to scribble
on when he's on call. Once he scribbled
on the back of the water bill that had
yet to be paid and didn't realize it.
I didn't realize it till I got a notice
in the mail from the water company
about an unpaid bill. He doesn't do
that anymore!
Huber Ridge community yard sales Fri & Sat.
32 West Lakeview Ave, Columbus
westerville 200 HILLCREST DR
8176 Rosaberry Run, Westerville, OH 43081
Some homes open both days, some only on Saturday. Near intersection of County Line and Spring Road.
696 Big Rock Drive
258 Caro Place Gahanna.
5660 Hazelwood Road - Columbus, Ohio 43229 (Forest Park West) (Karl Road & Rt. 161)
CHATHAM RIDGE in Westerville. Chatham Ridge is north of Central College and off of Sunbury Rd. Watch for signs and balloons!
1255 Flagstone Sq. Westerville Near Hoover resevoir Sunbury and Walnut
HUGE!!! Multi-Family Community Sale in the Northland Area of Columbus. 20 Homes, Rain or Shine.
Friday, June 25th and Saturday, June 26th
9am- 4pm
Right off of I-71, South of Morse Road and west of Maize!
westerville 100 Hillcrest- corner of Walnut St and Hillcrest heading towards Uptown
Sitting here and chilling for the evening.
Just got back home about 9:15pm from going
on 2 calls at Tony's work.
Kids are in bed and I am hoping we have a good
morning of yard saling tomorrow!
Check out this site I just found called
Was reading the SNP. Do you know they are
considering putting a mini Walmart in Westerville
Square by Shrock and Westerville Rd. If they do
it will be the first of it's kind.
They have wanted for years to bring a Walmart
to Westerville near Maxtown Rd and the city
turned it down.
West Nile virus has been found in mosquitoes in
Hillard. The township just sprayed our neighborhood
a couple days ago. Not sure how that spray in the
air gets to all mosquitoes especially if it was
a windy day.
Ok well enough of watching the news. Time
to jump in the shower then into bed.
Nighty night.