Went to garage sales this morning
and afternoon. Stopped in McDonald's
for lunch then Home Depot.
I got a roll of wood contact paper.
I figured I'd start with one roll
to see how I would like it.
I don't think their contact
paper at Home Depot looked as
detailed as the ones I've been looking
at on Ebay. Was gonna stop at Arbys
for a shake before we came home but
the kids blew that and are not too
happy with me at the moment.
I didn't get much from sales.
A purse with smaller matching
change purse for $1.00
and a Jeff Gordon car trailer
for Tony from the boys for
Father's Day $3.00.
2 fish coffee cups for father-in-law .50 cents both.
Found my step-dad a couple gag gifts for
around a buck.
I couldn't wait to try out the contact paper
on my cupboard to see what it would look like.
Like I said I only bought one roll to see how
it would turn out. I've been browsing
contact paper on Ebay but didn't want to buy
anything off there without first trying it out.
I don't think it turned out too bad. I'm
just sick of looking at white cupboards
and want something different. I still have
my eye on the cherry contact paper but wanted to see what a light
pine looked like first. It's always removable
and probably took me about 10 to 15 minutes
to carefully put on the door. If you've
ever done window tint it's almost like
putting that on. Gotta make sure there
are no air pockets.
I think I'm onto something with a cheap
kitchen makeover. I could also use this
on the dishwasher door if I wanted too!
To make this more permanent you could
use rubber cement to tack down the paper
behind the doors where it overlaps.
I'm sure you noticed I took off the wallpaper
decal off one of the cabinet drawers.
That was simple to get off as I remembered
a handy tip from HGTV. I used a spray bottle
of water with some fabric softener mixed in.
Sprayed it on, let it sit a couple minutes
and the wallpaper peeled right off.
Then I used my nails to get the adhesive
off, no problem at all!
For the base of the cabinets I will
just leave painted. Just do all the doors.
Now if I use cherry contact paper I might
paint them a darker color so they don't
stick out like a sore thumb.
Now compare this cheap fix to replacing
cabinets. I priced non stained cabinets
at Home Depot for about $50 to $200
depending up on the size of the cabinet.
Even then trying to find cabinets to fit
the space you have would be tricky!
Here's a good place to find a variety
of contact paper in different colors
and designs.
I got the one side of the kitchen
cabinets done. I think it looks pretty
good. Still have about half a roll
of contact paper left to go towards the
other cupboards. I kinda like the white
background with the white knobs
on top of the light pine color.
These cabinets cost $3.50 to cover.

Got a totally cool find today thanks to Tony.
An XBox 360!! FREE!!
I told him I thought we ought to put it up
until Christmas time for the boys.
I have my gift card I can turn in for
controllers and games for it also for FREE.
A used XBox 360 goes for $140 to $180
at Gamestop. $150 to $230 at Microcenter.
6:30 to 7:45PM
I got 5 drawers and the dishwasher done with
contact paper.
8:00 to 9:00PM
Got the last of the bottom cupboards done.
It's a good thing because I ran out
of contact paper!
Those fake drawer fronts by the sink
were tricky to do because you couldn't
wrap the paper around the backside.
I had to use a razor blade to trim
around the sides.