the $5.00 Dinner Mom, the book and website
I mentioned not long ago. Well the owner
of them is from Ohio of all places.
You'll have to read the article from the
Dispatch which is available online!
Skip the daily paper and read things online
for free.
Mom wanted to go to the thrift store this morning.
It was freezing cold out! My toes and fingers
were tingly. BRRRR!!! I think the cars said
it was 14 degrees.
I found a few things at the thrift store of interest.
I walked around for a few and put back two things
after really thinking them over.
-Flannel pillow case .59 cents
plan to cut these in half and fold over
and turn into bed warmers for the kids.
Sew tunnels in them and fill with rice.
Then microwave before bedtime and stick under
covers to make their beds warm.
-Lap shelf .90 cents. It had crayon markings
on the top of it but came clean with a MR Clean
Magic Eraser. I got this to use in the evenings
when I want to take the laptop to the bedroom
with me. Now I will have something to put it
on while in bed to watch movies.
You'd have to enlarge picture to see all
the crayon markings on it.
-Lastly, 2 pillow shams .59 cents each.
And here is the story behind this...
I must have found a nice comforter at Tony's work
that I liked, brought home and washed up. I use
it on our bed all the time. Then last year
at a yard sale I managed to find some matching shears
and drapes that match the comforter. The lady
had $7 on them but I offered $5 and she took it.
Now I have the matching pillow cases for $1.18.
I use beige sheets on my bed so it looks like
a matching set. Total cost for my bed set
$3.68. I took of half the price of the curtains
because while I use the shears in my bedroom
the drapes I used in my living room.
I forgot to add another one of
my freebies from mail call yesterday
as I didn't realize what was in it til
I opened it today. I got more free
address labels.
I wanted to tell you about one of my favorite
crafting tools, the hot glue gun.
And it's not just used for crafts.
To stretch the life of the kids tennis shoes
I used hot glue on them in thin layers,
not gunked on. I spread the hot glue
around and flatten it out with the hot tip.
Tennis shoes will start to crack or sometimes
come apart. This is when the handy glue
gun comes out to temporarily fill in those cracks.
It is water proof and keeps moisture out of their
shoes on a rainy day providing they are not
jumping in puddles.
I have to buy my kids larger pants and cut
the bottoms off to their size. I hate
getting the sewing machine out for this.
I now get out the hot glue gun and
hem the bottoms of the pants. It has worked
and lasts through wear and tear, through washings
and the dryer.
Mom bought today at the thrift store the bottom
to a dish drying rack. She accidentally got it
caught in the car door and caused a corner of it
to chip off. So this afternoon I will go down
and try to fix it by putting hot glue in the hole.
Like I said it is water proof and should hold
up to put wet dishes on.
When it comes to hot gluing plastic
items I would recommend using
sand paper or a finger nail file to lightly
scuff the surface so the glue will better
adhere to it. Glue will not stick to a flat,
slick surface and be expected to stay on
without roughing it up a bit.
Who doesn't like to come home to a good smelling
house. I know I sure do as it acts as a
stress reliever for me at times.
During yard sale season I search for
used smelly candles. You can find them
dirt cheap from .05 cents to .50 cents.
The candle may have burned down and the wick
is covered with wax. This doesn't bother me
and I don't see it as something that can't be used.
I dig a little wax out of the jar and add it
to a miniature electric potpourri crock.
It makes the house smell sooo good and I don't
have to worry about open flames unattended being
left around children as a fire hazzard.
When it looses it smell I add more wax to the pot.
When the pot gets to the halfway point I unplug
it and allow the wax to harden then scrape it out
into the trash with a knife and start all over
If you've ever priced scented candles you know
they can be very expensive! So this is my
cheaper way of still enjoying those candles
at a fraction of the cost.
Or you could find a cheap mug warmer and use
that to sit a small glass candle on top of.
Tony just called. He's getting off work
early today. He says he found me some goodies, YEAH!
He found a box of dishwasher detergent and
bottles of new cleaner for one of those mop
thingies that spray out onto the floor.
Having a brain fart at the moment as to what
they are called.
That sucks he just found the dishwasher detergent
because I just bought a box.
I had a good supply of detergent but finally ran
out. At one time I think I had 4-5 large boxes
from his work that he found.
Hey I ain't too good for freebies, bring 'em on!!
Yesterday he brought home a full bottle of spray
cleaner for the kitchen.
Very rarely do I ever have to buy cleaners due
to what he finds and brings home from work.
Residents leave them behind.
This saves me on a ton of money!!!
Don't know if anyone has ever heard of
these before. I just discovered one
last year. It was called
Downtown Discount Grocery
in Lakeview (Indian Lake), Ohio.
For example I got a 20 pound bag
of rice for $2.00.
I found a list of them throughout Ohio.
So maybe if you are planning a trip
you could stop in one and check it out.
Salvage stores might offer scratch
and dent items. Or have items that
were acquired from stores
who went out of business.
They sell food and non food items.
Just be sure to watch expiration
Plus as you all may know Big Lots
sells cheap grocery items.
D & S Discount Grocery, 8828 Dover Road, Ph 330-698-0137
Stites Grocery, 3524 County Road 130, 937-593-9223
Shedd Road Salvage, 15067 Shedd Road
Discount Grocery Outlet, 900 South Pickaway Street, Ph 740-474-6501
T & M Surplus Grocery, 2760 SR 193, Ph 440-858-2250
R Grocery Outlet, 254 Market Avenue, Ph 330-294-0876
Kinsman General, 6416 Kinsman-Nickerson Rd., No Phone number presently available
Downtown Discount Grocery, 155 North Main Street, Lakeview, oh 43331-9463
Phone: (937) 842-5880
Daly’s Discount Groceries, 506 North Main St., Ph 419-225-2907
Stites Grocery, 8100 Harding Hwy, Ph 419-225-9710
B & K Salvage, 5515 Kinsman Road (SR 87)
Kurtz Salvage, 16777 Shedd Road
Nature's Nook Grocery & Salvage Store, 12960 Bundysburg Rd., Ph 440-272-5079
The Surplus Outlet Store, 15240 Shedd Road, Ph 440-834-8311
Triple M Salvage, 16029 Nauvoo Road, Ph 440-632-0554
Overholt's Bargain Grocery & Variety, 912 East Lincolnway, Ph 330-868-6644
M & L Salvage, 640 East Main Street, Ph 440-437-5714
Tower Salvage, 4652 SR 322
Plain City
Dings 'N Dents Grocery Outlet LLC, 228 Gay Street, Ph 614-634-6626
Dodgeville Food Salvage & Grocery, 1293 Dodgeville Road, Ph 440-294-3805
West Farmington
Bontrager Salvage Grocery, 172 Second Street, Ph 330-889-3678
Well it's lunch time. Our family
doesn't eat out too often if we can help it.
It's not too often that hubby has off work
when the kids are in school and when it
does happen we like to share the moment
together and go out to eat.
I'm thinking Arby's as I sit here
looking through my saved fast food coupons.
They have pretty good subs. But I wait
for their 2 for $4.00 coupons before
I consider getting them. I'm not sure
you can find a sub in Columbus for $2.00.
You can get exclusive promotions
and offers if you become an
Arby's Extra's Member by registering
We got an Italian sub which was regular $4.00
and a swiss and dip sub which was regular $3.80
So we saved $4.80 by using the coupon!!
A small drink was $1.49 which we shared
and got free refills.
After all this talk about finding things
in apartments today was a good day for it!
Tony got a call from a coworker just after
we ate lunch saying they just got clearance
for leftovers in an apartment. So the
maintenance men could take whatever they wanted.
So we went back up to his work and came home
with a truck full of goodies.
Remember me saying earlier today that I don't
hardly ever have to buy cleaning supplies.
Well here is an example of what I got today...
And that's it for cleaning supplies.
Oh yeah I did find a new bag of flour.
I needed flour as I was almost out so this was a plus.
Now onto other goodies that you won't believe!
Tony's already playing it, LOL.
Works great, had controller, memory card, wires
and him and other coworkers split whatever games they found.
20" TV
Remember me talking about Hoarders the
other day? Well I am awaiting photos
to show you of an apartment I was in today.
You will not believe what I will show you!!!
This is reality and could be in your neighborhood.
This is not from the tv show Hoarders!!!
Houses you walk past may hold hidden secrets.
And here is one with it's secrets about
to be discovered.
I did not have my camera with me so have to wait
for Tony's coworker to send his pics via
cell phone. I would have had a ball if I had
my camera!!
Sometimes I have good days while others are so so.
Today I'm sure you can tell it is good by the amount
I post, lol.
So here is something else I found that I am sure everyone
can use.
Go to
On page 9 is a printable coupon for
up to 75% off a prescription drug to
use at your pharmacy.
I haven't printed it out to see
exact details but figured I'd give
everyone a heads up on it.
Ok got some pics in from the trashy apartment.
I will be sending the camera with Tony to
work tomorrow to get more pics as everything
was not seen in the ones I received.
Could you imagine living this way.
I thought the resident left food in the
cupboard. Come to find out when Tony
investigated it further, the resident
had put the empty food cans back in the
cupboard! Trash was everywhere. It
didn't look like he ever took trash out
of the apartment!
You just can't understand the overall view
I had today of this apartment! The pictures
aren't clear from a cell phone to express how all
this person lived! That mess you see is trash,
not clutter!
These pictures don't show how disgusting this
bathroom was!! Do you see the discoloration in
the sink, well that's how the bathtub and toilet
looked. The toilet will need replaced.
The floor around the toilet was black!

This is a bedroom which I think the resident used as
an office. Trash everywhere! He really like Choco-cakes
as there was TONS of those wrappers everywhere.
They were a smoker and cigarette butts were all over.
There were cups filled with butts on the floor.

This is the kitchen floor. It's not a very
large kitchen! Due to all the trash
there is no way they could have access to the
cupboards or even to oven as it blocked them.

This was the first thing I saw in the apartment
and was just blown away! This heaping pile of
trash overflowed the sink basin in the kitchen.
Most of it was tea bags! There had to be about
a thousand of them piled up in there among
other trash!

Tonight supper was Stroganoff.
I had leftover mashed potatoes from
last night's supper of crunchy potato
I then made up some hamburger, mixed in
a can of cream of chicken soup (didn't have
mushroom soup) and it called for sour cream
and chopped onion which I didn't have either.
So instead I used sour cream and onion chip dip.
Made this up and poured over the mashed potatoes.
Leftovers from this will go for Tony's lunch.
I make his lunches in a plastic bowl/plate that is
divided into three sections. They come with lids.
Then store them in the freezer like an entree.
When he needs a lunch it's ready to go to work
with him. Come lunch time all he has to do is
microwave it. Sometimes the guys get jealous
because he gets a home cooked meal for lunch, lol.
But hey it saves on money and is better for you
than buying fast food.