There's got to be light at the end of
this tunnel, along with some
green grass and warmer temperatures!
Earlier wake up calls comes
with being on call.
Tony got one more page last night
but we didn't go with him
due to it being about 10:30pm.
The answering service will tell you
what the problem is, the address
and phone number of the resident.
What I don't understand is
if you make an emergency maintenance
request why can't you answer your
phone when we call!
Sometimes by calling the residents
you can weed out if it was something
that needs repaired immediately
or can wait til the following day.
And of course this situation could
have waited.
Sure he gets paid to go investigate the problem
but to have to go out in the crappy
weather puts lives at risk.
So needless to say neither me nor Tony
got a whole lot of sleep last night.
I wasn't sleeping til I knew he was
home safe and sound.
Then we got up at 5:45am because
he had to go in early to plow and
salt again. And I always get up
when he does.
I flipped on the news and did not
see Columbus schools closed so
it's a go for today.
Whatchya think of Jonathan's new hat?
He's been wanting this hat since before
Christmas but at $10, I don't think so.
In the past month or so, Henderson Rd.
Kroger has all their OSU merchandise
marked down to 50% off.
So with only 2 hats left, I got him
the hat and told him it was an early
birthday present.

Breakfast all wrapped into a quick bread.
Hey it's got bananas, oatmeal, walnuts,
eggs, pancake mix and maple syrup.
I did a maple syrup glaze on top
of the banana bread.
Warmed up in the microwave- Delish!!

Our elementary school is offering
free tutoring to selected children.
One of my children got picked for it.
It's 2 days a week for 1.5 hours each day.
They even furnish bussing after hours
also which is a plus for me.
It goes til April.
Here in the near future I'm thinking
about making some ravioli.
Maybe a crab and cheese filling
with an alfredo sauce?
Or a sausage cheese filling
with spaghetti sauce I just got
from the thrift store?
Video to show you how
to make homemade ravioli.
There's got to be light at the end of
this tunnel, along with some
green grass and warmer temperatures!
Earlier wake up calls comes
with being on call.
Tony got one more page last night
but we didn't go with him
due to it being about 10:30pm.
The answering service will tell you
what the problem is, the address
and phone number of the resident.
What I don't understand is
if you make an emergency maintenance
request why can't you answer your
phone when we call!
Sometimes by calling the residents
you can weed out if it was something
that needs repaired immediately
or can wait til the following day.
And of course this situation could
have waited.
Sure he gets paid to go investigate the problem
but to have to go out in the crappy
weather puts lives at risk.
So needless to say neither me nor Tony
got a whole lot of sleep last night.
I wasn't sleeping til I knew he was
home safe and sound.
Then we got up at 5:45am because
he had to go in early to plow and
salt again. And I always get up
when he does.
I flipped on the news and did not
see Columbus schools closed so
it's a go for today.
Whatchya think of Jonathan's new hat?
He's been wanting this hat since before
Christmas but at $10, I don't think so.
In the past month or so, Henderson Rd.
Kroger has all their OSU merchandise
marked down to 50% off.
So with only 2 hats left, I got him
the hat and told him it was an early
birthday present.
Breakfast all wrapped into a quick bread.
Hey it's got bananas, oatmeal, walnuts,
eggs, pancake mix and maple syrup.
I did a maple syrup glaze on top
of the banana bread.
Warmed up in the microwave- Delish!!
Our elementary school is offering
free tutoring to selected children.
One of my children got picked for it.
It's 2 days a week for 1.5 hours each day.
They even furnish bussing after hours
also which is a plus for me.
It goes til April.
Here in the near future I'm thinking
about making some ravioli.
Maybe a crab and cheese filling
with an alfredo sauce?
Or a sausage cheese filling
with spaghetti sauce I just got
from the thrift store?
Video to show you how
to make homemade ravioli.
Forever foods: