Rise and shine at around 6:45am.
Got breakfast for the kids and now
time to put the thinking cap on
and rethink some of my Christmas ideas list
in my notebook.
Need to tighten the belt a few more notches
and figure out what cheap things I can
get for the rest of my Christmas list.
I was wanting to get Tony an aluminum floor jack.
That's getting crossed off for now :0(
Now I am reconsidering that $20 tool set
for Jonathan. May have to find a simple set
for a couple dollars at Marcs or Habror Freight.
Wednesday me and mom
might hit a couple thrift stores to find
some cheap things for the kids.
Would like to go to Walmart today and look
for the travel Hungry Hippos games.
With my coupons I have it should make them free.
Also will be looking for some battery operated
toothbrushes. I have some coupons for those also.
Also need some waterproof gloves and face mask
hats for the boys. After seeing prices yesterday in the
stores I'm not sure I can afford those :0(
I have those cheap $1.00 gloves for the boys
and they don't keep their hands very warm
especially when they like to pick up snow!
Next week I need to work on my baking, pretty
much the cheapest way to make gifts.
So need to put my heart and soul into those gifts
to make them nice. Can't really afford to buy any
more baking ingredients so have to do with
what I have on hand at the moment.
Was thinking about using up some cake mixes
I have in my pantry and making some sheet cakes.
Then cut out circles in the sheet cake and layer it
into an empty peanut butter jar.
To stretch what frosting I have in tubs I can
add cream cheese to it (have some in freezer)
and whip together.
I can cut out some Christmas wrapping paper
to cover the lid top of the jar to make it look pretty
then tie some curling ribbon around the neck.
I'm hoping it will look something like this.
Home from shopping, my doctor visit & car lot.
2 Hungry Hippos Games (paid .24 cents each!)
2 Pictureka Games (both FREE)
2 Arm & Hammer Spinbrush battery operated toothbrushes
(paid $4.00 each)
5 pound bag gerbil food
(paid $3.67)
I saved $22.00 with coupons!!

Today in the sales that come in your mailbox
I found coupons for Meijers.
See below.
We bought Christopher an electric
train set from Meijers yesterday
and now today comes out a coupon
for $6.00 off an item $29.97. Ahhhh!
Here I go again just like I did with that jump box I bought.
I'm either going to return the train set and get
another one with the $6.00 coupon
and the $4.00 off with the employee discount card
or have them see if they could just give
me another $6.00 off.
That would make that train set
reg. $50
sale $40
I pay $30!!
Went to the car lot around 2ish today.
The main guy I deal with wasn't there
so I told the other person I wanted my title.
He said it wasn't there that the owner must
have all the titles with him.
I said tomorrow makes 30 days since buying the car.
I also told him to tell the owner that I'm not
paying the remaining balance on the car til
I have the title in my hand!
He said to call back around 4pm that the owner
should be in then. Then I made a smart ass comment
to him and asked if they were going to be open or
closed up tight like yesterday at 4:30 when
they are supposed to be open til 6pm.
He apologized and said they had other obligations
yesterday. I'm thinking, other obligations?
You're running a business for pete's sake
isn't that a first priority???
Hey at least today they had their gas heat turned back on.
Yesterday when we went in there the gas had
been shut off and they were running
an oil heater to heat the place!
And lastly about my doctor's visit.
My chest x-ray came back normal so
no pneumonia!
He's still concerned about discoloration
around my injured toe. He did say my toe nail
is starting to grow back.
I asked about quitting smoking and he's giving
me some sort of anti-depressant medicine
to help with quitting. Not sure how it will
work and will have to read up on it. I have
been on anti-depressants before due to having
panic & anxiety attacks/agoraphobia.
He tells me the one side affect to watch out for
within the first couple of weeks of taking them
is suicidal thoughts. Just great, take medicine for
depression to make you feel suicidal.
Anyone see something wrong with this picture???
I took myself off these type of pills about 12 years ago.
They make you feel dizzy, heart racing, weird and
bizarre dreams, trouble standing up from a sitting
position and so on. So I am trying them once again.
I'm sure they are not the same pills I took years
ago. He said they are for helping me mentally with
quitting smoking and will also help benefit me with
my panic attacks. As much as I didn't want
to go back for more visits I have to go back
so he can gradually increase the dosage of
medicine over time. He originally wanted me back
in 2 weeks but I didn't feel like having to drag kids
to the doctor's during Winter break and then dealing with
Christmas time on top of that, so made it three weeks
before I see him again.
Due to me having asthma he wanted to know if I wanted
a flu shot. I turned it down. I'm not one for getting
it after reading too many bad things about them.
I'll take my chances. The last time I got the flu
was back in 1996-1997, 13-14 years ago.
I had just gotten a free flu shot
through work and still ended up with the flu anyway.
Flu shots don't guarantee that you don't get the flu.
They only guess at what flu strains will come out.
You can still get another strain of flu, which I did that year.
Then he asked if I wanted a pneumonia shot. He recommended
it for people with lung or breathing problems.
So I went ahead and got one.
Oh I forgot to tell you that yesterday when
we shopped at Walgreens I got a catalina
coupon good for $5.00 off $5.00 or more.
Yeah, that's like a couple free little Christmas
gifts for the boys.
We looked at some appliances our friend had for
sale last night. He offered the entire set
to us for $500 and we wouldn't have to
pay him til we got our tax refund.
The only problem I would see is that
the refrigerator is something like
35.5 inches wide and the opening
we have for a fridge is only 33 inches.
I really don't see this deal working out for us
even though Tony is trying to figure out how
to do it. I don't feel like rearranging my kitchen
just to make room for a fridge when they do make
33" wide side by side refrigerators. Me,
I think I would be patient til we find one that
would fit. We do need a larger fridge as ours
is only about 14-16 cubic feet for a family of 4!
This is my kitchen and what we
have to work with.
I just don't see it happening.
Got breakfast for the kids and now
time to put the thinking cap on
and rethink some of my Christmas ideas list
in my notebook.
Need to tighten the belt a few more notches
and figure out what cheap things I can
get for the rest of my Christmas list.
I was wanting to get Tony an aluminum floor jack.
That's getting crossed off for now :0(
Now I am reconsidering that $20 tool set
for Jonathan. May have to find a simple set
for a couple dollars at Marcs or Habror Freight.
Wednesday me and mom
might hit a couple thrift stores to find
some cheap things for the kids.
Would like to go to Walmart today and look
for the travel Hungry Hippos games.
With my coupons I have it should make them free.
Also will be looking for some battery operated
toothbrushes. I have some coupons for those also.
Also need some waterproof gloves and face mask
hats for the boys. After seeing prices yesterday in the
stores I'm not sure I can afford those :0(
I have those cheap $1.00 gloves for the boys
and they don't keep their hands very warm
especially when they like to pick up snow!
Next week I need to work on my baking, pretty
much the cheapest way to make gifts.
So need to put my heart and soul into those gifts
to make them nice. Can't really afford to buy any
more baking ingredients so have to do with
what I have on hand at the moment.
Was thinking about using up some cake mixes
I have in my pantry and making some sheet cakes.
Then cut out circles in the sheet cake and layer it
into an empty peanut butter jar.
To stretch what frosting I have in tubs I can
add cream cheese to it (have some in freezer)
and whip together.
I can cut out some Christmas wrapping paper
to cover the lid top of the jar to make it look pretty
then tie some curling ribbon around the neck.
I'm hoping it will look something like this.
Home from shopping, my doctor visit & car lot.
2 Hungry Hippos Games (paid .24 cents each!)
2 Pictureka Games (both FREE)
2 Arm & Hammer Spinbrush battery operated toothbrushes
(paid $4.00 each)
5 pound bag gerbil food
(paid $3.67)
I saved $22.00 with coupons!!
Today in the sales that come in your mailbox
I found coupons for Meijers.
See below.
train set from Meijers yesterday
and now today comes out a coupon
for $6.00 off an item $29.97. Ahhhh!
Here I go again just like I did with that jump box I bought.
I'm either going to return the train set and get
another one with the $6.00 coupon
and the $4.00 off with the employee discount card
or have them see if they could just give
me another $6.00 off.
That would make that train set
reg. $50
sale $40
I pay $30!!
Went to the car lot around 2ish today.
The main guy I deal with wasn't there
so I told the other person I wanted my title.
He said it wasn't there that the owner must
have all the titles with him.
I said tomorrow makes 30 days since buying the car.
I also told him to tell the owner that I'm not
paying the remaining balance on the car til
I have the title in my hand!
He said to call back around 4pm that the owner
should be in then. Then I made a smart ass comment
to him and asked if they were going to be open or
closed up tight like yesterday at 4:30 when
they are supposed to be open til 6pm.
He apologized and said they had other obligations
yesterday. I'm thinking, other obligations?
You're running a business for pete's sake
isn't that a first priority???
Hey at least today they had their gas heat turned back on.
Yesterday when we went in there the gas had
been shut off and they were running
an oil heater to heat the place!
And lastly about my doctor's visit.
My chest x-ray came back normal so
no pneumonia!
He's still concerned about discoloration
around my injured toe. He did say my toe nail
is starting to grow back.
I asked about quitting smoking and he's giving
me some sort of anti-depressant medicine
to help with quitting. Not sure how it will
work and will have to read up on it. I have
been on anti-depressants before due to having
panic & anxiety attacks/agoraphobia.
He tells me the one side affect to watch out for
within the first couple of weeks of taking them
is suicidal thoughts. Just great, take medicine for
depression to make you feel suicidal.
Anyone see something wrong with this picture???
I took myself off these type of pills about 12 years ago.
They make you feel dizzy, heart racing, weird and
bizarre dreams, trouble standing up from a sitting
position and so on. So I am trying them once again.
I'm sure they are not the same pills I took years
ago. He said they are for helping me mentally with
quitting smoking and will also help benefit me with
my panic attacks. As much as I didn't want
to go back for more visits I have to go back
so he can gradually increase the dosage of
medicine over time. He originally wanted me back
in 2 weeks but I didn't feel like having to drag kids
to the doctor's during Winter break and then dealing with
Christmas time on top of that, so made it three weeks
before I see him again.
Due to me having asthma he wanted to know if I wanted
a flu shot. I turned it down. I'm not one for getting
it after reading too many bad things about them.
I'll take my chances. The last time I got the flu
was back in 1996-1997, 13-14 years ago.
I had just gotten a free flu shot
through work and still ended up with the flu anyway.
Flu shots don't guarantee that you don't get the flu.
They only guess at what flu strains will come out.
You can still get another strain of flu, which I did that year.
Then he asked if I wanted a pneumonia shot. He recommended
it for people with lung or breathing problems.
So I went ahead and got one.
Oh I forgot to tell you that yesterday when
we shopped at Walgreens I got a catalina
coupon good for $5.00 off $5.00 or more.
Yeah, that's like a couple free little Christmas
gifts for the boys.
We looked at some appliances our friend had for
sale last night. He offered the entire set
to us for $500 and we wouldn't have to
pay him til we got our tax refund.
The only problem I would see is that
the refrigerator is something like
35.5 inches wide and the opening
we have for a fridge is only 33 inches.
I really don't see this deal working out for us
even though Tony is trying to figure out how
to do it. I don't feel like rearranging my kitchen
just to make room for a fridge when they do make
33" wide side by side refrigerators. Me,
I think I would be patient til we find one that
would fit. We do need a larger fridge as ours
is only about 14-16 cubic feet for a family of 4!
have to work with.
I just don't see it happening.