from Hip2Save
Sign up for a FREE SAMPLE of Ester-C® Gummies!
Well today me and mom ended up
going to Kroger and another store called Deals.
I had never been to Deals before, located
in Westerville by Roush Hardware.
To me they are a cross between a Dollar Tree,
Dollar General and Family Dollar.
The only thing I got there was
Hawaiian Punch drink mixes for water $1.00 each
and a container of parmesan cheese for $2.50.
I got a few items.
I was trying to buy items for the kids
lunches that were more healthy for them
and had less sugar.
2 bananas to make peanut butter banana
tortilla roll ups for kids lunch .50 cents.
24 bottled water for $2.60
3 boxes 8 count sugar free Hawaiian Punch for water $1.00 each.
This was cheaper than Capri Sun juice pouches
which ran $1.90 for 10 pouches.
Those pouches contain about 18 grams
of sugar per serving compared to the water
and Hawaiian Punch that had no sugar in it.
I also bought a large jar of applesauce with
no added sugar. To buy the jar I got twice
as much applesauce compared to buying
the little individual serving sizes.
A regular or cinnamon applesauce
jar had 20 grams of sugar per serving!
With the no added sugar applesauce was
only 9 grams.
I also bought a small box of sugar free
strawberry jello .33 cents. I plan to empty
this pouch into the no sugar added applesauce
to make strawberry flavored applesauce.
Also bought some diet 2 liters of Big K pop
and a package of cookies.
I know cookies have the sugar but it's
ok in moderation.
My total bill was $13.28
BUT I didn't pay anything due
to using a gift card I had.
I had signed up for some kind of research/survey thing
through Kroger's pharmacy and they gave us
two $25 gift cards for doing it!
And ya know I don't even remember having
to do anything to get those cards!!
After shopping me, mom and my step-dad
went to Fazoli's Italian for lunch.
I had printed a coupon they sent me in my email
and we used that.
Our total bill came to $5.33!!!!!!
If it hadn't been for mom getting extra
cheese on both dishes it would have been $4.33!
Tax was .34 cents.
We got 3 waters free,
a large plate of spaghetti with extra cheese
and another dish of pepperoni spaghetti with extra cheese
and unlimited bread sticks!!!!
We split up everything between the three of
us and our bellies were stuffed when we got done!
Free Smucker's Uncrustables
.They ask to submit an organizational tip or solution for the on-the-go mom or dad. You will receive a coupon by mail for one free box of Smucker's® Uncrustables® sandwiches (4-pack) (max. value $3.00). This giveaway is open daily, enter at the following times:
Mondays - at Noon EST
Tuesdays - at 6am EST
Wednesdays - at 4pm EST
Thursdays - at 6am EST
Fridays - at Noon EST
Saturdays - at 2pm EST
Sundays - at 9pm EST
from lovefreethings
While I love freebies I probably wouldn't
buy these unless they were really cheap or free.
You could make your own by using 2 pieces
of regular bread and remove the crusts,
add peanut butter and jelly,
then crimp the edges together with a fork.

Please allow 1-3 weeks for shipment of your coupon for a FREE bottle of 24-count Advil® Tablets or 20-count Advil® Liqui-Gels®.
CVS has Mars candy bars on sale this week buy 2 get 1 FREE and there is a B1G1 coupon in the 9/26 RP.
Buy (6) candy bars and use (3) B1G1 coupons and pay for just (1) candy bar.
Running a little slow at the moment.
You can print a coupon for a FREE Package of Nabisco cookies with a purchase of an additional package of Nabisco cookies and a gallon of milk. Just visit the “Cookies & Milk” tab to print your coupon. Coupon must be redeemed by 10/22/2010.
Limit one per household. Max coupon print is 50,000 for this month.
Chips Ahoy cookies are $1.99
this week at Kroger so it would
be like getting 2 packages of cookies
for a buck each when you buy a gallon of milk.
Daily Free Sample
ALL YOU is your source for the best free samples EVERY DAY!
Free Zebra Z-Grip Daisies Pen
Free sample: An ALL YOU exclusive—get a free Zebra Z-Grip™ Daisies pen.How to get it: To request your free Zebra Z-Grip pen, click the "Get Free Sample" button and fill out a short contact form on
* Request your free Zebra Z-Grip™ Daisies pen now while supplies last!
* Get daily sample alerts when you "Like" ALL YOU on Facebook.
Sorry they are all out of samples
but you can still print a coupon
for $1.00 off 2.
Kroger has a new Kick Off to Savings Instant Win game. There are over 30,000 prizes. You can play this every day but you are limited to 2 prizes per participant. I won a Wonka chocolate bar.
This instant win game ends 10/31/2010.
Any prizes are loaded to your Kroger Plus card.
Congratulations! You won a FREE Wonka Chocolate Bars, 3.5oz
I got the strawberry applesauce made
along with 8 bottles of water with
Hawaiian Punch drink mixes.
It's so much easier to make things ahead of time!
It's 55 degrees out at the moment,
cloudy and 14mph winds.
I hear a knock at the door.
It's truck driver neighbor's 2 girls
at the door asking for the boys to come out,
which they are not allowed at the moment.
One has shorts on and the other a little skirt
and neither have shoes on their feet.
And we wonder why we all get sick
this time of year when we can't dress
our kids appropriately!!
Tony is at the doctor's office,
an hour and a half later from the time
his appointment was, grrr.
Now they are sending him to
a specialist for his diabetic feet.
Have to wait to get the appointment.
Wonder how much that is gonna cost?
I swear family doctor's aren't too
knowledgeable when it comes
to diabetics as they really haven't done
much for him other than put him on pills
and run blood work!
He says he has severe pain in his feet
so they give him pain medicines.
You can't take these medicines and drive
let alone work as they make you feel loopy,
tired or lightheaded.
So what good are they other than to take
at home when planning to go nowhere??
Got supper on the stove.
We are having
Creamy Chicken & Noodles.
2 boxes chicken helper $1.00
1/4 bag already made chicken .05 cents
(remember I got like 3 family packs
chicken all for $1.29 so it was very cheap!)
5 slices of bread with butter .05 cents
(bread was .38 cents a loaf
and butter was free!)
$1.10 for 5 servings
@ .22 cents a serving
I also made up some chicken salad
for the kids lunches for tomorrow
with a little bit of the chicken from
above that I reserved and put aside
for lunches.
So they will have chicken salad sandwiches.
Gotta run to Kroger tonight after
supper to get Tony's prescriptions,
then start packing lunches,
unload dishwasher & put dishes away,
load dishwasher with dirty dishes,
hang and put away the remaining
load of clothes in the dryer,
throw some blankets in washer,
might do that tomorrow though
as I am trying to plan to hang them outside
Wednesday when the weather isn't calling for rain,
work on a grocery list and a plan
for Meijers and possibly Walgreens tomorrow.
I say plan as I see on my $2.00 coupons
from last week are only good
per transaction! Grrr!
So looks like I'm making a couple trips
through the checkout since the coupons
expire the 7th. Either that or make
another trip back tomorrow.
I can't let free $12 worth of coupons go to waste!
Sometime I need to find time to
clean house as it looks like a war zone in here!
I can't get ahead worth nothing
and if I do it looks like I never did anything!
So I can't win!
Pretty good deal on this HP printer below.
I use this exact model
and know you can refill the cartridges if need be
as I just did it today.
• HP reliability and performance
• Compact and easy to use
*Limit 1 coupon printed per offer. See coupon for exclusions, limitations and expiration.
This is the same printer I bought
but I got it at Walmart for $29.00
Black ink is $18
Color is $24.00
Good to know when considering this
deal and getting $10 in register rewards
towards printer ink.
Head on over to Facebook Bic Mark-It Page and get a coupon for $2.00/1 8 Pack of Bic Mark-it or higher Permanent Markers.
from DealWiseMommy
Like Nestle Tollhouse cookies on Facebook
then enter a spooky cookie recipe to possibly
win $2,500!!
and you could win up to $2,500!
Well it's almost 11PM
and I just got done with bills, grocery lists
and packing lunches.
I hate this cooler weather as my
body hurts.
Time to tuck in under the
electric blanket for a few!
Just got a dose of Ibuprofen
so am heading to bed!