Trying to wake up. I guess we're gonna
head down to the flea market.
I'm thinking with all the rain last night
it's gonna be wet and muddy there
but everyone has their heart set on going.
This afternoon we headed up to Alum Creek
to do some fishing.
Afterwards we went to the beach.
Well I'm feeling a little burnt
on my shoulders and I'm tired
so might chill for the evening.
Well I thought I was chillin for the evening
when I decided to go cut the grass. I had
sweat in places it shouldn't of been, LOL!
Oh well it's done for another week.
Now if the rain would give us all a break.
My rain barrels are full once again
and I haven't had to water the garden in awhile.
Tomorrow it's back to the same ole same ole.
Vacation time is over :0(
At least Tony planned his vacation where
he doesn't have on call when he goes back.
The week after he does. It's always
a stressful week when he goes on call.
Can't do anything because you never know
when the pager will go off.
When the kids are out of school we always
tag along to help out to get the job
done quicker. I know this is gross but
I got my atta girl last time he was on call.
Tony says I'm a bloodhound and can smell
anything and everything. This one lady
called about a dead rodent somewhere in
her apartment. I went in with my sniffer
to find it. I found and retrieved it
out from under her dishwasher.
I couldn't imagine one of the yuppies
gals in the rental office doing
a maintenance man's work that's for sure.
I dive right in. That's how me and hubby
met. We both worked for maintenance
in an apartment complex.
Oh that reminds me of one of my favorite
songs. Gretchen Wilson says it all.
I sure do miss my 75 Chevy Stepside
pick 'em up truck when watching her
video. Getting used to drivin our 'Burban though.
It's got some giddy up go even though it's
a big bubba.
Getting kinda bummed vacation is over with.
I made a comment to Tony that when
we were in Hocking Hills I felt like
I fit in. It was so peaceful and quiet
without the rat race of rush hour traffic.
You definately knew when you were back
in Columbus with traffic and people
trying to run your ass over.
Everyone is in such a hurry in the city!
Country folks seem to know how to slow
down and take it easy.