Still working on cleaning and weeding out. It's a never ending process around here.
Still waiting to get boxes from Tony's work so for now I am putting all those
Kroger and Meijer bags from yesterday's shopping trip to use.
Hoping Tony brings me home some trim nails today so we can get the molding up
above the kitchen cabinets. Might work on that this evening if he remembers.
I'm hoping that by adding the molding it will give the kitchen height being
that it is a smaller space that could feel like it was closing in on you.
Tony might be getting off work early tomorrow. If he accumulates too much overtime
they send him home early. Which to me doesn't makes sense if you've earned time
and a half and they send you home straight time.
Anyway we were possibly thinking about taking the kids tomorrow to see Toy Story 3.
I would love to make a trip over to habitat to look for cabinets, shelves or hutches and possibly even some paneling for the bathroom.
When working with small spaces such as my kitchen and bath I don't
think finding things at habitat would be hard. Now if you had a bigger project
that might be more difficult. Like for my bathroom I would only need a lil over
12 feet of paneling or bead beadboard and maybe some trim.
My tip when looking for certain sized items is to keep a small notepad in your purse
with all measurements on it. I also carry around a measuring tape on my keychain.
I absolutely love this keychain and it has come in handy on so many different occasions!
Just back from Habitat. Saw a couple pieces of white washed paneling and beadboard but nothing that was 12ft long. I'll just have to keep checking back
as their stock rotates daily.
People that spend 10's of thousands of dollars on kitchen cabinets
are crazy! They had cabinet sets galore in there. Saw a nice
pine colored set that was $585. It had a lot more cabinets
than what I have in my kitchen and was an updated look.
Compared to new this is the way to go if you were doing a major kitchen
Well I'm gonna go and get some lunch made and maybe work on supper.
Making things ahead of time instead of when kids and hubby walk
through the door is soooo much more easier.
Tonight's supper
1/2 head of cabbage fried up with 1/2 pound bacon, some potatoes, onions and smoked sausage. Maybe add a half jar of leftover alfredo sauce in.
Just got done blanching and getting 17 ears of corn ready for the freezer.
I've probably got 27 ears in the freezer now.
Swoop on corn now while it's priced at .15 cents an ear at Kroger
and freeze so you can have it during off peak season when
prices go up and corn isn't so tasty.
Got all my green onions cut up. I think they were multiplying as I cut them!
Here's a tip for when cutting onions. My eyes started burning pretty good
so I grabbed a pair of sunglasses to use while cutting. Worked like a charm!
Man that was a lot of cutting!
Here they are ready to go into the freezer. They completely filled a
sandwich sized baggie. I can use these in soups, salads,
fish and salsa.
What an afternoon. Around 2:30pm I was kicking back watching tv
when Damien came over. He was kicking back also. Got up to go to the kitchen when I heard crying outside. I see Jonathan on the ground under the carport. He said this one boy that was over sucker punched him in the eye and threw him off a bicycle
right out front. He's like 14 so don't think I went after a little guy. Lucky for me the boy was still in our driveway so I could chew
him another asshole and chase him down the street. I was really cussing up a
storm and going after him that he sped off down the road. I must have been really loud because the truck driver neighbor came out to see what was going on.
Then Damien came out. He says I shot out of the house like a bat out of hell
after this kid, LMAO. Ain't nobody gonna punch my kid in the face without
a momma being up their ass!! So right now we wait and see if Jonathan has a black eye. Told the boy he is no longer allowed at our house or I will call the police on him next time. There's just no sense of having to hit someone in the face and have a mouth with no respect. He was over yesterday outside and our back door was open. Christopher went in the kitchen and this kid started yelling in our house at Christopher to shut up. Disprespectful lil shit. I ain't having that at my house. I got up from my chair and snuck around the corner and slammed the door in his face. Never heard anymore outta him after that till today.
Anyway the neighbor came over with all 3 of his kids. I didn't feel like standing around talking so I got out the mower and mowed the front, back and side yard.
Just got done. Tony just walked in so I am going to chill for now.
My adrenaline rush is winding down. When full of energy, go mow the grass, you'll get it done in no time, LMAO.
Christopher is in his room, Jonathan is at a friends and me
and Tony are in the house. Our driveway is full of people playing
basketball! There's even some I've never seen before. I think
at one I counted 10 people.
I tell all the kids and adults I want this to be a safe place
for kids to play and I won't tolerate crap out of kids that want to cause
harm or problems to others!!
Dad was nice and found a bike for Christopher today at work.
Christopher's and Tony's bike was stolen recently.
Christopher was really surprised to see the bike.
Needs a lil work and some oil on the chain but other
than that looks good.
No rest for the weary. Sitting here when one of the neighbor kids walks
in saying their lil brother (2 yrs old) cut his toes and is bleeding.
Little kids see the slightest drop of blood and think someone is
bleeding to death, LOL!
I just shake my head wondering why the dad (truck driver) is out there
not taking him home across the street to care for him. I go out with
my first aid bag in hand, some paper towels and a tub of water and soap to doctor up a couple stubbed toes. Then dad finally took him home. What do I look like a mom or something, lol.
2 more kids coming to the door wanting to play. What is it about our
house that attracts every kid in the neighborhood???
Me and pop need some down time so we'll see how long that lasts.
Got the thermostat off the Trans AM. Tony didn't think I knew how to do it.
It's got to be one of the simplest things to change on a car!
Went over to Advance Auto to get a new thermostat, gasket
and some anti freeze. From there I decided to GO down another
road by Advance where this assinine kid from earlier lives. Sure enough he was out
in the street bouncing a basketball. He doesn't know the suburban so I drove
really slow past him, looking him the eye, and said "WHAT'S UP". He said "huh" and
had a really confused look on his face. I told Tony give him a minute
for my face to sink in to realize who I was. I want the lil sucker to know
I ain't playing games and I know where he lives. I revved the engine on the truck a few times when leaving.
Jonathan complained his shoulder/chest area hurt. I pulled his shirt
up and sure enough he had a bruise. So that was another reason for driving
by this kids house to see if he really lived there. Should I have any
doctor bills as a result of this I know where to hunt him down!!