another roll of contact paper to do
my upper cabinets. Hoping to start
this today. It won't be as easy as the
bottom cupboards considering I have to
climb on counter tops to do it.
From there we went to Meijer.
I PAID $9.85
2 Miracle Whip
Reg. 2 for $5.96
PAID $2.50 for 2 or $1.25 each
SAVED $3.46
Bar S Bologna $1.00
Bar S Hot Dogs $1.18
Reg. $2.18 for both
PAID $1.18 for both
SAVED $1.00
2 Jello
reg. $1.10 for 2
SAVED $1.10
2 Kraft Salad Dressing
Reg. $4.00 for 2
PAID $1.18 for 2
SAVED $2.82
2 Mountain Dew 2 liters
Reg. $3.18 for 2
PAID $1.00 for 2
SAVED $2.18
2 Pepsi Max 2 liters
Reg. $3.18 for 2
PAID $1.00 for 2
SAVED $2.18
Meow Mix Cat Food
Reg. $3.99
Paid $2.99
SAVED $1.00
This is the first time using a bunch of
coupons again since about Easter.
Need to get the printer working again
so I can print off internet coupons!
When a printer sits too long it can
become stubborn with putting out ink!
Trying to get some cheap ideas for the bathroom.
-aqua wall paint, a lighter color, not bold.
-white washed wood paneling contact paper
-marble contact paper for possibly sink counter top.
Just ideas though as who knows what I will find.

11:20 to 11:45AM
Got all the upper cabinets washed down and knobs
removed. Took about 15 minutes to do the one
cupboard. You can't tell but it's actually 2 pieces
of contact paper as the paper wasn't wide enough
to cover the door in one sheet.
It's starting to give the kitchen a homey feeling
and warm it up some even though it is a light
pine color. I'm just so tired of looking at white.
White walls and cabinets remind me of apartment
living. But ya know if you do live in an apartment
you could do this easy fix on your cabinets
because it is easily removable and shouldn't
damage the cupboards.
This light pine color on the cabinets helps
tie in the backsplash tiles which are a creamy
color and a purplish gray. White cupboards
made it stick out like a sore thumb.
My counters are also the purplish gray color
so everything is coming together nicely.
Got the other cupboard door done.
Now you can see where the light pine
looks like it fits better than white
paint against the back splash.
Upper stove cabinets done.
Time for lunch and a break.
Got another cupboard door done while making supper.
Only 2 more to go, YEAH! The ones above the fridge.
I think I will end up with about a quarter
roll of paper left.
So total cost to makeover kitchen cabinets....
a whopping $12.25!!!
Oh and I didn't tell ya, when I went
to Home Depot to get the paper they
had ONE left!!! So I got very lucky.
WOO HOO I'm finally done with my cabinets!
Oh man, we just had supper not long ago
and it was sooo good.
FMV Kroger brand Tilapia fillets
Dip fillets in ranch dressing.
Combine the following:
bread crumbs
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
onion powder
montreal steak seasoning
Dredge fillets through crumbs
then bake on greased sheet 350 for about 30 minutes.
Was reading the news online.
There's a news story about an apartment
complex that's part of where hubby works.
It's all owned by the same company.
We actually know the maintenance worker
out there and I know he wouldn't commit
burglary!! So that's a false accusation
that this resident is making!
They actually sent one of Governours
maintenance guys out there today to
lend a hand.
I see a lawsuit in the near future though
as I think the apartment complex did wrong
by evicting the resident without just cause.
Heritage Green is where we used to rent
a garage to store our car in and work on
it when building it and putting a motor in.