This morning me and mom looked for yard sales.
Only found 2 and I bought
1 thing, a plastic drawer tote for $2.00.
I got this for the dining room area to put
my coupon fliers, coupon binder and bills in.
After yard sales I took her over to Kmart.
Last night we were at Kmart getting
the kids shoes and I saw they had
racks and racks and racks of clothes
marked down to $3.99.
We didn't buy anything.
I also want to tell you that our Kmart
has a Little Caesers in it and normally
one topping large pepperoni pizzas are $5.00.
But Monday through Wednesday they
are running a deal where it is only $3.99.
Next we went to Meijer on Sawmill Rd.
Between me and mom we got 36 boxes
of Betty Crocker Helpers.
Between the both of us we went through
the checkouts 6 times!!
Plus the 18 boxes I got yesterday.
I still have 4 more coupons which
will mean another 2 more trips through
the checkout tomorrow for a total of
66 boxes!!
6 more than I originally thought
because mom had 2 extra coupons she gave me
on top of the 20 I had.
11 trips through checkout
x's $2.94 each time is $32.34.
Plus I will have gotten a total of
$33.00 worth of free meat coupons.
I used $9.00 of those so far this week
so will have $24 left over in free meat to apply to next week.
Here are the 6 coupons I got today.
Will get another 2 tomorrow.
I also got these bonus box top coupons
to turn into the school.
I should have a total of 200 box top points with these
plus 66 more points of the boxes of Helpers
along with any others I have been saving.
Schools also take Campbell soup labels.
I had wanted to get some marshmallows
and make marshmallow cheerio bars
for the boys lunches.
I was too stingy to pay $1.24 for them at Meijer.
So when we left Meijer I had to go by Aldi
and stopped in there.
I bought 3 packs there .89 cents x's 3 is $2.67
I saved $1.05 by going to Aldi instead for them.
While in there me and mom noticed they
had canned pumpkin for .89 cents x's 2 is $1.98.
I don't know if anyone has noticed in the
past year or so you could NOT buy canned pumpkin
anywhere!!! Reason being is that there was
a pumpkin shortage.
Anyway I splurged and bought 2 cans
and mom bought 4.
And just in case I can't find them any more after today
I plan to store them in the pantry and use
during the holidays this year for some either
pumpkin bread or cake and pumpkin cheesecake.
I can't afford to buy several cans at once to make pies
with it so by adding it to breads and cream cheese is
a way I can stretch it out.
Oh I did get my chicken breast back from yesterday
after it went to Marengo and back.
It was stored in a fridge when Don visited there
and returned it back home when done.
LOL, the things I do to save a buck for a lunch.
And that's about it for the things going on today.
This weekend I have plans to clean house.
Hey Kendra did you talk to your friend about
seeing if they had those bars that I could use for hanging
clothes? I would really, really love to get
something hung up in the basement this weekend
so I can walk around here without tripping
over clothes in baskets.
I also want to get out both my crock pots
and cook all 3 packages (14 pounds) of chicken up
I got the other day.
My thinking is by doing that I will save on
freezer space and it will save me time
later on with cooking meals by having
meat cooked ahead of time.
I am patiently waiting for my sales
ads to arrive. You never know if they are coming
Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
I already got a sneak peak at Walgreens
ads for next week.
Just by briefly looking at the ad is
I see these deals:
FREE Butterfinger candy bars.
I found a bunch of Butterfinger coupons
in a convenience store last week for
$1.00 off 2. Walgreens will
have them for .50 cents each with
a Walgreens coupon!!
Walgreens will also have a $3.00 off Dr. Scholls
coupon in their flier. You can stack (that means to use with)
that coupon with THIS printable coupon worth $2.00
for a total of $5.00 off insoles!
And Walgreens will have a coupon
for Quaker Oats 2 for $3.00.
There is a $1.00 manufacture coupon
to make them only .50 cents each!!
You've got to see this! LOL
These are just my Catalina coupons
(minus 2 I plan to get tomorrow)
that I plan to use on next week's shopping trip.
This does NOT even include any
manufacture coupons I will have!!
See I told you I should have a really
good shopping trip next week!
Oh the cashier is so gonna love me!!
This is bad that I had to stand in
a chair to take a picture of them all!
These coupons ALONE
not including any free items coupons
or 20% off dog food coupons
total up to $41.00!!!!
There is a $5.00 one in there
covered up
and I included two more $3.00
I will get tomorrow.
Today also while in Meijer I found coupons
on Hellmans jars worth $1.10 off.
Snatched up a bunch hoping for them to go on sale.
Sometimes they could go on sale for around $2 to $2.50.
I know I sound so confusing about coupons
and saving money with them.
I even have mom lost with how I am doing
it at the moment. Once you have a system
it's not too hard, for me at least.
Lots of thinking, calculating and planning ahead!
And I am so happy to have gotten another printer.
Because that means I can now print the internet
coupons for even more savings!!
My step-dad asked me yesterday if I was really planning
on eating 66 boxes of Helper.
I said yes of course why else would I have
gotten so many with a great deal.
My hint for stockpiling is try to stockpile things
that won't go out of date if you plan on keeping them awhile.
Rice, dehydrated potatoes, and pasta
should keep for years!
What's to go bad in those boxes???
And the thing about it is,
if I ran into a situation and had to stop
shopping for many months, I have enough
food to last that long.
That's the whole idea to stockpiling.
Not only stocking up on the deals
but having an emergency cushion.
It about like having money in a savings
account to fall back upon.
With groceries it's the same way.
You never know what situation may arise
in the future and you ALWAYS want to plan ahead!
Oh goodie, while organizing coupons and stuff,
getting them put away in my new drawers I got
today, I found yet another Fruity Pebbles coupon.
So I can get 1 more box of cereal for .74 cents.
Cereals are stupid money.
Go for about $3 to $6 regular price.
I try to buy them for $1.25 or less each!
I FINALLY got my points needed from
a survey site I do to be able to get
four $25 gift cards for Gamestop.
Hell Yeah! $100 free shopping trip
for Christmas stuff for the boys.
Tony got a free XBOX 360 from work
and I can use this card to get them some
games, memory cards and what not!!
I literally got up and did a happy
dance after completing the survey
just now that put me to enough points to get it!!
Cheesy Garlic Bread
Cottage Cheese
With an upcoming abundance of meat
to put in the freezer I have decided
to use up some freezer leftovers
to make more space.
I know I had lasagna twice this week.
One was Oncore and the other homemade.
No one is complaining so it's all good!
Remember most leftovers were are already
tallied up expense wise for other meals
so when I use them they are freebies.
leftover Lasagna- FREE
leftover 1/2 loaf Sweet Italian Bread-FREE
1/2 package lettuce mix- .50 cents
1 package shredded cheddar cheese- $1.00
1 tomato from garden- FREE
1/2 cup homemade croutons- FREE
1/4 cup salad dressing- .10 cents
(salad for mom & dad)
1/2 container cottage cheese .50 cents
leftover pineapple ring from Jonathan's lunch- FREE
(cottage cheese for kids)
garlic powder, salt & pepper
Serves 4 @ .52 cents a serving
Those black trays I used for supper
were from single serve entrees.
I saved the plastic tray and use those
for smaller meals instead of getting out
the good dishes.
They are washable and are
able to be put in the dishwasher.
And to not get too many dishes dirty
I just reused the plastic bowls the lasagna
was froze in to put the kids some cottage cheese in.
Woo Hoo.
Did another survey for another
survey site.
Now up to $30.20!
After supper I spent time getting
my plastic drawer thing organized
and got my printer set up.
Got it all sitting next to my
chair at the table for convenience.
Now everything is all in one spot
and easier to find as I labeled all the
I also worked on tidying the kitchen up some.
Got my Helpers taken down to the pantry
and put away.
And got the laundry rounded up and thrown
down to the basement.
Dishes will get done tomorrow as I usually
wait til I have a full load to run the dishwasher.
It's a start to the weekend!
Just did yet another survey.
They send you checks for $3.00
for their surveys.
Once this arrive I will
have 4 checks totaling $12
to put in the bank!
Now working on more surveys
through a site called Zoom Panel.
With these surveys you accumulate
points then turn them in for prizes.
I am at 415 points.
They start at 1,000 points for prizes.
For the 1,000 point range prizes include
song downloads, cds, dvds, magazines & books.
If you ever get up into the 10,000 range
these are some prizes:
blackberry curve, dishware, tools, grills,
jewelry, cordless phones, razr, tents & backpacks.
They do have other prize ranges in between.
Banging head on wall at moment!
Kids just yelled to me to say there
was a nice wet spot on the carpet!
This damn dog has started once again
using our freaking carpet as a bathroom.
I let her out earlier for awhile.
Then let her back in and only allowed
her a half bowl of water.
Then was going to let her back out
again before bed and no more water
for the night.
She actually got up from where she
was at in the kitchen, left a piss trail from
kitchen across
the living room and went over and
peed a big ole spot in front of the chair!
This is like the 3rd time in the past
couple of days.
Now on top of everything else
I need to do I have to once again clean carpets.
I'm am pissed, no punt intended!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a thrifty hint/tip to end the day with.
Many retailers sell expensive vacuum beads that you add to your vacuum
bags to leave a fresh smelling aroma all over your house.
I have seen these beads sold for a pretty penny (like around $15 at
many places) and love the idea of having fragrance in your vacuum
bags. so, instead, just soak a cotton ball (or a few) with vanilla
extract (nearly everyone has this in their kitchen pantry already) for
a very lovely subtle fragrance each time you vacuum. This thrifty tip
will cost you a fraction of a penny and infinitely cheaper than the
Sitting here tinkering with coupons
and trying out my printer.
I found another Meijer catalina
coupon good for $1.00 off Shaving Needs of $5.00 or more.
I also found a coupon for buy 1 get 1 free
Edge Shave Gel up to $2.75
So if they cost $2.75 x's 2 is $5.50
which qualifies for catalina coupon.
buy 1 get 1 would be $2.75
minus $1.00 coupon
makes it $1.75 for them both
or .87 cents each!
I know I'm having way too much fun
with my printer tonight printing coupons!
I was reading on a coupon web site
that if you buy 3 Green Giant frozen veggies
at Meijers
you get a $2.00 coupon on your next
shopping trip.
Me and Tony will each go through
the checkout tomorrow with one
of THESE coupons in our hand
for Green Giant.
Green Giant .99 cents each
x's 3 is $2.97
minus $1.20 coupon makes it $1.77 for 3
or .59 cents each.
$2.00 catalina coupon would be like
getting all 3 for FREE plus .23 cents!!
I will go through with one of these
coupons first to see if it actually works.
I found a list on Meijer's web site of where it
tells you what you can buy and what
catalina coupons you can get.
go here:
in the blue box on the right
to see the list!
BAR S Hot Dog/bologna coupons
Buy $15 or more of Kraft cheese
and get $5.00 off your next shopping trip.
Print 2 of these coupons worth
$5.00 each for a total of $10 off!
I just saw on Mejer's web site they
are having a 2 day sale!
So here's the scenario
to use those 2 $5.00 coupons above.
Buy 10 packages Kraft cheese slices
on sale for $1.67 each.
x's 10 is $16.70
(qualifies for the $5.00 catalina coupon!)
minus 2 $5.00 off coupons, $10 total
makes it $6.70 for 10 pkgs or .67 cents each
plus $5.00 catalina on your next shopping trip!
I'm gonna try to hook up my printer to another
computer and get another 2 of those $5.00 off coupons.
Then I printed off an additional 2 more Helper
So let me rack the ole brain a minute
to count up how much all these catalinas
would be worth that I could use next
week if I bought everything on here also.
(jeopardy song playing)
Ok time's up!
The total off my grocery bill next week
would be...
drum roll please....
Why do I suddenly envision
the Meijer manager coming to
my checkout lane???!!!
Feeling sudden eye twitch!
Oh my gosh,
If I get a cashier like I had today I would cry.
I bought ONLY 6 hamburger helpers
and handed her 2 hamburger helper coupons
and do you know she had to recheck everything
in my bag to make sure I bought them! DUH!!!
Yeah my grocery budget will run over to $51-$53
for this week but will SOOOO make up
for it next week with $59 in free groceries!!
So you see why it is worth going over budget.
Yeah that's right I am up early, late,
however you want to put it.!
I was trying to get coupons printed
from different computers
and it was trying to fight me,
but I won that battle and now
have 4 of those $5.00 coupons above.
Yeah me!
I'm gonna go collapse and pass out now!
So very tired!
How bad have you got it
when it comes to couponing and saving money?
This is my work area at the moment!
At least I will sleep better knowing
4 of those $5.00 coupons
will be setting on the table tomorrow
morning ready to go!
Only found 2 and I bought
1 thing, a plastic drawer tote for $2.00.
I got this for the dining room area to put
my coupon fliers, coupon binder and bills in.
After yard sales I took her over to Kmart.
Last night we were at Kmart getting
the kids shoes and I saw they had
racks and racks and racks of clothes
marked down to $3.99.
We didn't buy anything.
I also want to tell you that our Kmart
has a Little Caesers in it and normally
one topping large pepperoni pizzas are $5.00.
But Monday through Wednesday they
are running a deal where it is only $3.99.
Next we went to Meijer on Sawmill Rd.
Between me and mom we got 36 boxes
of Betty Crocker Helpers.
Between the both of us we went through
the checkouts 6 times!!
Plus the 18 boxes I got yesterday.
I still have 4 more coupons which
will mean another 2 more trips through
the checkout tomorrow for a total of
66 boxes!!
6 more than I originally thought
because mom had 2 extra coupons she gave me
on top of the 20 I had.
11 trips through checkout
x's $2.94 each time is $32.34.
Plus I will have gotten a total of
$33.00 worth of free meat coupons.
I used $9.00 of those so far this week
so will have $24 left over in free meat to apply to next week.
Here are the 6 coupons I got today.
Will get another 2 tomorrow.
to turn into the school.
I should have a total of 200 box top points with these
plus 66 more points of the boxes of Helpers
along with any others I have been saving.
Schools also take Campbell soup labels.
I had wanted to get some marshmallows
and make marshmallow cheerio bars
for the boys lunches.
I was too stingy to pay $1.24 for them at Meijer.
So when we left Meijer I had to go by Aldi
and stopped in there.
I bought 3 packs there .89 cents x's 3 is $2.67
I saved $1.05 by going to Aldi instead for them.
While in there me and mom noticed they
had canned pumpkin for .89 cents x's 2 is $1.98.
I don't know if anyone has noticed in the
past year or so you could NOT buy canned pumpkin
anywhere!!! Reason being is that there was
a pumpkin shortage.
Anyway I splurged and bought 2 cans
and mom bought 4.
And just in case I can't find them any more after today
I plan to store them in the pantry and use
during the holidays this year for some either
pumpkin bread or cake and pumpkin cheesecake.
I can't afford to buy several cans at once to make pies
with it so by adding it to breads and cream cheese is
a way I can stretch it out.
Oh I did get my chicken breast back from yesterday
after it went to Marengo and back.
It was stored in a fridge when Don visited there
and returned it back home when done.
LOL, the things I do to save a buck for a lunch.
And that's about it for the things going on today.
This weekend I have plans to clean house.
Hey Kendra did you talk to your friend about
seeing if they had those bars that I could use for hanging
clothes? I would really, really love to get
something hung up in the basement this weekend
so I can walk around here without tripping
over clothes in baskets.
I also want to get out both my crock pots
and cook all 3 packages (14 pounds) of chicken up
I got the other day.
My thinking is by doing that I will save on
freezer space and it will save me time
later on with cooking meals by having
meat cooked ahead of time.
I am patiently waiting for my sales
ads to arrive. You never know if they are coming
Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
I already got a sneak peak at Walgreens
ads for next week.
Just by briefly looking at the ad is
I see these deals:
FREE Butterfinger candy bars.
I found a bunch of Butterfinger coupons
in a convenience store last week for
$1.00 off 2. Walgreens will
have them for .50 cents each with
a Walgreens coupon!!
Walgreens will also have a $3.00 off Dr. Scholls
coupon in their flier. You can stack (that means to use with)
that coupon with THIS printable coupon worth $2.00
for a total of $5.00 off insoles!
And Walgreens will have a coupon
for Quaker Oats 2 for $3.00.
There is a $1.00 manufacture coupon
to make them only .50 cents each!!
You've got to see this! LOL
These are just my Catalina coupons
(minus 2 I plan to get tomorrow)
that I plan to use on next week's shopping trip.
This does NOT even include any
manufacture coupons I will have!!
See I told you I should have a really
good shopping trip next week!
Oh the cashier is so gonna love me!!
This is bad that I had to stand in
a chair to take a picture of them all!
These coupons ALONE
not including any free items coupons
or 20% off dog food coupons
total up to $41.00!!!!
There is a $5.00 one in there
covered up
and I included two more $3.00
I will get tomorrow.
Today also while in Meijer I found coupons
on Hellmans jars worth $1.10 off.
Snatched up a bunch hoping for them to go on sale.
Sometimes they could go on sale for around $2 to $2.50.
I know I sound so confusing about coupons
and saving money with them.
I even have mom lost with how I am doing
it at the moment. Once you have a system
it's not too hard, for me at least.
Lots of thinking, calculating and planning ahead!
And I am so happy to have gotten another printer.
Because that means I can now print the internet
coupons for even more savings!!
My step-dad asked me yesterday if I was really planning
on eating 66 boxes of Helper.
I said yes of course why else would I have
gotten so many with a great deal.
My hint for stockpiling is try to stockpile things
that won't go out of date if you plan on keeping them awhile.
Rice, dehydrated potatoes, and pasta
should keep for years!
What's to go bad in those boxes???
And the thing about it is,
if I ran into a situation and had to stop
shopping for many months, I have enough
food to last that long.
That's the whole idea to stockpiling.
Not only stocking up on the deals
but having an emergency cushion.
It about like having money in a savings
account to fall back upon.
With groceries it's the same way.
You never know what situation may arise
in the future and you ALWAYS want to plan ahead!
Oh goodie, while organizing coupons and stuff,
getting them put away in my new drawers I got
today, I found yet another Fruity Pebbles coupon.
So I can get 1 more box of cereal for .74 cents.
Cereals are stupid money.
Go for about $3 to $6 regular price.
I try to buy them for $1.25 or less each!
I FINALLY got my points needed from
a survey site I do to be able to get
four $25 gift cards for Gamestop.
Hell Yeah! $100 free shopping trip
for Christmas stuff for the boys.
Tony got a free XBOX 360 from work
and I can use this card to get them some
games, memory cards and what not!!
I literally got up and did a happy
dance after completing the survey
just now that put me to enough points to get it!!
Cheesy Garlic Bread
Cottage Cheese
With an upcoming abundance of meat
to put in the freezer I have decided
to use up some freezer leftovers
to make more space.
I know I had lasagna twice this week.
One was Oncore and the other homemade.
No one is complaining so it's all good!
Remember most leftovers were are already
tallied up expense wise for other meals
so when I use them they are freebies.
leftover Lasagna- FREE
leftover 1/2 loaf Sweet Italian Bread-FREE
1/2 package lettuce mix- .50 cents
1 package shredded cheddar cheese- $1.00
1 tomato from garden- FREE
1/2 cup homemade croutons- FREE
1/4 cup salad dressing- .10 cents
(salad for mom & dad)
1/2 container cottage cheese .50 cents
leftover pineapple ring from Jonathan's lunch- FREE
(cottage cheese for kids)
garlic powder, salt & pepper
Serves 4 @ .52 cents a serving
Those black trays I used for supper
were from single serve entrees.
I saved the plastic tray and use those
for smaller meals instead of getting out
the good dishes.
They are washable and are
able to be put in the dishwasher.
And to not get too many dishes dirty
I just reused the plastic bowls the lasagna
was froze in to put the kids some cottage cheese in.
Woo Hoo.
Did another survey for another
survey site.
Now up to $30.20!
After supper I spent time getting
my plastic drawer thing organized
and got my printer set up.
Got it all sitting next to my
chair at the table for convenience.
Now everything is all in one spot
and easier to find as I labeled all the
I also worked on tidying the kitchen up some.
Got my Helpers taken down to the pantry
and put away.
And got the laundry rounded up and thrown
down to the basement.
Dishes will get done tomorrow as I usually
wait til I have a full load to run the dishwasher.
It's a start to the weekend!
Just did yet another survey.
They send you checks for $3.00
for their surveys.
Once this arrive I will
have 4 checks totaling $12
to put in the bank!
Now working on more surveys
through a site called Zoom Panel.
With these surveys you accumulate
points then turn them in for prizes.
I am at 415 points.
They start at 1,000 points for prizes.
For the 1,000 point range prizes include
song downloads, cds, dvds, magazines & books.
If you ever get up into the 10,000 range
these are some prizes:
blackberry curve, dishware, tools, grills,
jewelry, cordless phones, razr, tents & backpacks.
They do have other prize ranges in between.
Banging head on wall at moment!
Kids just yelled to me to say there
was a nice wet spot on the carpet!
This damn dog has started once again
using our freaking carpet as a bathroom.
I let her out earlier for awhile.
Then let her back in and only allowed
her a half bowl of water.
Then was going to let her back out
again before bed and no more water
for the night.
She actually got up from where she
was at in the kitchen, left a piss trail from
kitchen across
the living room and went over and
peed a big ole spot in front of the chair!
This is like the 3rd time in the past
couple of days.
Now on top of everything else
I need to do I have to once again clean carpets.
I'm am pissed, no punt intended!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a thrifty hint/tip to end the day with.
Many retailers sell expensive vacuum beads that you add to your vacuum
bags to leave a fresh smelling aroma all over your house.
I have seen these beads sold for a pretty penny (like around $15 at
many places) and love the idea of having fragrance in your vacuum
bags. so, instead, just soak a cotton ball (or a few) with vanilla
extract (nearly everyone has this in their kitchen pantry already) for
a very lovely subtle fragrance each time you vacuum. This thrifty tip
will cost you a fraction of a penny and infinitely cheaper than the
Sitting here tinkering with coupons
and trying out my printer.
I found another Meijer catalina
coupon good for $1.00 off Shaving Needs of $5.00 or more.
I also found a coupon for buy 1 get 1 free
Edge Shave Gel up to $2.75
So if they cost $2.75 x's 2 is $5.50
which qualifies for catalina coupon.
buy 1 get 1 would be $2.75
minus $1.00 coupon
makes it $1.75 for them both
or .87 cents each!
I know I'm having way too much fun
with my printer tonight printing coupons!
I was reading on a coupon web site
that if you buy 3 Green Giant frozen veggies
at Meijers
you get a $2.00 coupon on your next
shopping trip.
Me and Tony will each go through
the checkout tomorrow with one
of THESE coupons in our hand
for Green Giant.
Green Giant .99 cents each
x's 3 is $2.97
minus $1.20 coupon makes it $1.77 for 3
or .59 cents each.
$2.00 catalina coupon would be like
getting all 3 for FREE plus .23 cents!!
I will go through with one of these
coupons first to see if it actually works.
I found a list on Meijer's web site of where it
tells you what you can buy and what
catalina coupons you can get.
go here:
in the blue box on the right
to see the list!
BAR S Hot Dog/bologna coupons
Buy $15 or more of Kraft cheese
and get $5.00 off your next shopping trip.
Print 2 of these coupons worth
$5.00 each for a total of $10 off!
I just saw on Mejer's web site they
are having a 2 day sale!
So here's the scenario
to use those 2 $5.00 coupons above.
Buy 10 packages Kraft cheese slices
on sale for $1.67 each.
x's 10 is $16.70
(qualifies for the $5.00 catalina coupon!)
minus 2 $5.00 off coupons, $10 total
makes it $6.70 for 10 pkgs or .67 cents each
plus $5.00 catalina on your next shopping trip!
I'm gonna try to hook up my printer to another
computer and get another 2 of those $5.00 off coupons.
Then I printed off an additional 2 more Helper
So let me rack the ole brain a minute
to count up how much all these catalinas
would be worth that I could use next
week if I bought everything on here also.
(jeopardy song playing)
Ok time's up!
The total off my grocery bill next week
would be...
drum roll please....
Why do I suddenly envision
the Meijer manager coming to
my checkout lane???!!!
Feeling sudden eye twitch!
Oh my gosh,
If I get a cashier like I had today I would cry.
I bought ONLY 6 hamburger helpers
and handed her 2 hamburger helper coupons
and do you know she had to recheck everything
in my bag to make sure I bought them! DUH!!!
Yeah my grocery budget will run over to $51-$53
for this week but will SOOOO make up
for it next week with $59 in free groceries!!
So you see why it is worth going over budget.
Yeah that's right I am up early, late,
however you want to put it.!
I was trying to get coupons printed
from different computers
and it was trying to fight me,
but I won that battle and now
have 4 of those $5.00 coupons above.
Yeah me!
I'm gonna go collapse and pass out now!
So very tired!
How bad have you got it
when it comes to couponing and saving money?
This is my work area at the moment!
At least I will sleep better knowing
4 of those $5.00 coupons
will be setting on the table tomorrow
morning ready to go!