am I doing up so early on a weekend???
Oh yeah, the cat was in the room next
to our bedroom trying to see how much
noise it could make, GRRRR. Plus my
shoulder was starting to throb.
This started yesterday morning
and has decided to stick with me since.
I'm not one to go to doctors. Usually
I do some kind of home remedies first
for a week or so. And 9 out of 10 times
it goes away. And you wonder why it takes
so long to get a doctor's appointment then
when you do get it the doctor spends about
5 minutes with you and slaps you with
his expensive bill or copay. It's because people
run to the doctor over the littlest things.
What did people do in the 1800's or earlier
when there was no urgent care or hospital?
They dealt with the simple things at home
then sent for the doctor for more complicated
things. Even then he'd just give you a shot
of whiskey to cover up the pain. And we wonder
why we have so many drunks out there now.
They cover up their pain and problems with
alcohol as their own home remedy.
Guess we can blame the drunks on our ancestors, LOL,
they started it all.
Ok it's 7:15AM. Think maybe I'll pop my butt
back in bed for a bit. You never know it
could be one of those days where the kids
sleep in. I put the cat in the basement so I shouldn't
be awoken by it!
Got back up at 10:30AM.
At 11:30-12:PM I headed down to mom's
to give my step-dad a hair cut.
I also trimmed the back of mom's hair.
If I get time from house cleaning
today I might give the boys and Tony
a hair cut today also.
On the ride home I heard this song from
Dolly Parton, Coat Of Many Colors, that touched me and figured
I'd put here to share.
Tony got the kitchen cleaned up.
I did a little spot on my wall in the
kitchen with some of the glaze I bought
yesterday at a yard sale. Couldn't
beat a whole gallon for a buck and this
will go a loooong way!
All I did was take a rag and wipe the
glaze on the wall over the exiting paint.
The lady described the glaze as a paint
stain so you get the idea of what it does.
With my cabinets done I thought that by
using the glaze on the paint would
help tie the colors in more.
Check out the before and after with the glaze.
Just a subtle hint of difference.
The tinted glaze seems to warm up the
walls from a cold beige to a little hint
of a yellow beige.
Still under $20 for doing my mini
kitchen makeover :0)
The air is stagnant outside. Just thick
and hot with no air flow. It's gonna be in the
90's today, YUCK! Keeping the house dark by
closing curtains. Got the air conditioner on
74 and have fans moving the air around.
There is no way I am firing the oven up on a
day like today. I threw 5 chicken leg quarters
(a $1.54 mark down package)in the crock
with water, onion powder and teriyaki sauce.
This morning mom gave me a couple packages of deer
tenderloin she didn't want. I have one
thawing out and the other in the freezer.
That will be another crock pot meal.
A trick to remove the gamey taste from deer meats
is to use a cup of coffee and some tomato
juice. To make it less tough throw it in the crock
on high several hours and it will just fall apart.
Who buys specific pet food storage containers for their
dog? I don't. They run $15 to $60.
I use one of two things that were freebies to
begin with.
1. An empty soap bucket. Wash out real good.
Or you can place a clean trash bag inside
and fold over the edges of the bucket.
The lid will still fit.
2. For larger bags of food I use a tote with
a lid. I keep it outside under the carport.
It keeps out critters and is water resistant.
Those empty soap buckets are also good for storing
cat litter. We also keep a bucket of that outside
or in the shed. Cat litter isn't just for the
cat, we use it sop up oil, antifreeze or other spills and leaks
from the car in the driveway.
We also use an empty bucket for putting dog
poopie from the yard in. Until full the lid
keeps out flies and rain. Once full, put the
lid on tight and throw away. Keeps down the smell!
Just returned home not long ago.
Went to Kroger to get Tony's prescriptions
refilled. I thought they did away with the
clearance bins at the Kroger on Henderson
but today found where they moved them to, YEAH!
Here is the deals I found:
2 packages Louisianna Fish Fry
.50 cents each
4 pack Kroger chocolate pudding cups
.49 cents
regular .89 cents
Peanut butter and chocolate Moon Pies
.75 cents
regular $1.88
Frank Sinatra's Alfredo Sauce
regular $5.19
6 cans Kroger pork and beans
.29 cents
regular .50 cents
Kroger Beef Pot Roast soup
.69 cents
regular $1.44
5 packets Kroger brown gravy mix
.39 cents each
regular .79 cents each
2 pound package of 2 salmon fillets
regular $13.70
2.22 pound package Tilapia fillets
regular $11.97
was going to get the 2 pound package
of FMV brand Tilapia fillets but
it was $10. Found these that were cheaper.
Tony got called out soon after leaving
Kroger. We had to replace a fridge.
I threw all the cold stuff we just
bought in the maintenance shop fridge
till we were done. It figures that
the pager would go off right after shopping.
The temperature gauge in the truck was
going between 94 and 95 degrees out.
Came home and fixed a late supper.
1 box fettucini $1.00
2.5 chicken leg quarters .77 cents
(bagged up the rest of the chicken
and put in freezer)
1/2 jar alfredo sauce .75 cents
bread & butter .25 cents
made 5 servings @ .55 cents a serving
put one serving in the freezer for Tony's lunch.
Winding down this hot day. Sitting here
browsing the sales fliers. Here are any great
deals I have found this week paired up
with coupons and sales.
The only thing I see for Kroger is they
have corn on the cob for .15 cents
each. Might get some more corn
and put in the freezer.
Eckrich Smoked Sausage
$1.67 each
times 2 is $3.34
minus $1.00 off 2 coupon
makes it $2.34 for 2 or $1.17 each
Can't Believe It's Not Butter
$1.33 each
minus $1.00 Kroger coupon from mail
(yes Meijer accepts competitor's couons!)
makes it .33 cents
General Mills Cereal
$1.99 times 2 is $3.98
minus $1.00 off 2 coupon
makes it $2.98 for 2 or $1.49 each
Ritz Crackers
$2.50 each
minus $1.10 Kroger coupon from mail
makes it $1.40 each
Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil 80 Sq. Ft.
$2.50 each
minus $1.50 coupon
makes it $1.00 each
L'Oreal Hair Color
$2.00 off sale
use $3.00 off coupon
to make a total of $5.00 total off price.
Price range from $2.99 to $12.97
I'm off here. Bill Engval is on Comedy channel.
I've seen this exact show 2 other times and it's
hilarious. I have laughed so hard I cried!
To sum it all up...
My life is somewhere between
Malcom in the Middle and Bill Engval.
I haven't done Ebay in awhile and decided to turn
there to find Tony another cell phone.
I just won my auction, woo hoo.
Plus the seller stated in the auction
that there is a 30 day guarantee on them
or your money back!
I bid $10.50 for TWO phones just like the
one Tony had. Now we will have a back up
one if needed. Plus once they arrive I can
see if his original phone would work with
another battery in it. That would be great
if it did. Tony's a happy camper now, well
almost, I still have to find him some
diabetic socks on there like I did before.
Ever price those at stores? They start
at around $5.00 a pair!! Ebay has them
for $16.90 for 12 pairs of crew socks.
That is $1.40 a pair. Much better for my
It may still sound like a lot but you have
to consider they are diabetic socks.
I bought 24 pairs from Ebay about 3 years
ago and they lasted this long. So it is
money well spent.