Today I went down to the parts store and
picked up a package of JB Weld.
With hubby and step-dad at work
and no guys around to help me, I am
attempting to fix a split radiator
on the Tracker myself. I don't think
my step-dad thinks any woman out there
knows about cars. At least he doesn't
believe half the stuff I tell him and
has it double checked by someone else!
Hubby I think
gave up with it and is calling junk yards
and parts stores to replace the whole
radiator. But if anyone knows me I'm out
to save money!!! $200 to $300 for a new
radiator is very costly!!
I think women have more patience with things.
I've seen guys work on cars and start cussing
and throwing things. So with no one around
I hope I fixed this thing.
Waiting for it to cure for a couple hours.
I put mighty putty on the crack since
mighty putty will work on wet surfaces.
Then once dry I will try the JB Weld
on top of that to reinforce it since
radiators are under pressure and JB
Weld is made for high temperatures.
Hubby already
attempted to fix it with other putty I had.
I had to completely remove all the hardened putty
which was no easy task as it dried rock hard
and needed chiseled off carefully.
Never done this crap before! I think women
should learn a thing or two about cars
and quit worrying about breaking a nail
or getting dirty!! Get over it!!
That nail will grow back and the other
stuff washed off or will eventually
wear off over time.
You might learn a thing or two.
Go to your local library and pick up
a Haynes or Chilton manual. Give it a look
over. It even has PICTURES for those
who can't read! They are supposed to be
based upon a complete breakdown of a vehicle
but I don't believe that for a minute
as they leave out many things.
But just by reading books like that you can
figure out the simplest things.
Free Dr. Scholl's Shoe Inserts For Her
on Facebook.

Need some cheap ideas for meals
try Great Depression Cooking
with 94 year old Clara.
She has a whole series of videos
on YouTube! Check it out!
She also has a cookbook called
Clara's Kitchen.
It's available at Amazon for $14.95.
BUT I have been able to locate it
at the Columbus Public Libraries
and already have a reserve on it
to check it out. They have
9 copies available and only 2 are left
to check out, well make that 1 after
my reserve, lol.
I also checked Ebay and there are
none available in the US.
Here is a recipe mom made today and gave
me a sample of. It was really good!
(no ice cream maker needed)
2 eggs
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream
2/3 cup Karo light syrup
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
With electric mixer, beat eggs until light
and frothy.
Gradually add sugar, beating until dissolved.
Add milk, cream, corn syrup and vanilla,
beating until blended.
Freeze about 3 hours, until firm.
Remove from freezer and beat with electric
mixer to break up ice crystals and make
ice cream smooth.
Return to freezer for another 2 hours.
Tonight's supper will consist of some items
I need to use up in my fridge.
Fried cabbage
-1/2 head of cabbage .75 cents
-onion, diced .10 cents
-2 potatoes, slice and dice .40
-Italian sausage, sliced and cut in half .60 cents
only used one of the two pieces of sausages.
-package mushroom, sliced $1.30
-about 1/8 cup Sweet Baby Ray's
Sweet Vidalia Onion BBQ sauce
diluted with same amount of water.
-Olive Oil
-season salt
Add all to skillet and fry til tender.
makes about 5 servings at .63 cents a serving.
If you should happen to drop your cell phone
in water or some kind of liquid...
-remove from water immediately
-immediately remove battery
-wipe off any water
-place cell phone in a zip bag
of white rice anywhere from
1 day to 3 days or maybe longer.
rice is supposed to remove the water.
And don't ask why I would know this
as I am kicking myself in the ass end right now!!!