to keep laying in bed. About crawled to kitchen
to get some Ibuprofen.
You'd think with
the storms we got last night it would
have lessened the humidity, NOT. Air is
still thick this morning. News said the
heat index would be over 100 degrees.
Sitting here waiting for the Ibuprofen to kick in so I can
start making breakfast.
Shred up some potatoes.
Fry in skillet with a little butter
and Italian dressing.
In another skillet fry up some sausage.
Add onions if desired.
Combine the potatoes and sausage in skillet
once done. Add a couple of eggs to the mix
and stir till done.
Serve topped with shredded cheddar cheese.
Potatoes $1.00 (about 4-5 large)
italian dressing & butter .10 cents
sausage $1.00
cheddar cheese .75 cents (1 cup)
4 eggs .16 cents
TOTAL COST $3.01 for 6 servings or .50 a serving.
Throwing the other 2 servings in zip bags
and putting in the freezer.
Yes we cheat on weekends and try to use
styrofoam plates. $1.00 a 50 pack at Kroger.
It's got to be cheaper and easier than
doing dishes. And that's not something
I want to be doing during the weekend.
Checking out the Sunday paper coupons
and sales. Here are more deals with
coupons and sales in addition to the ones
I posted yesterday.
buy any 1 m&m's candy get m&m pretzel chocolate candies free
today's paper
Hellmann's Mayo $2.50
minus $1.50 coupon today's paper
makes it $1.00
Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn 3 pack
times 2 is $2.66
minus $1.00 off 2 coupon today's paper
makes it $1.66 for 2 or .83 cents each
Cheerios Cereal
minus $1.00 coupon today's paper
makes it .99 cents
Cool Whip
.99 cents each
times two is $1.98
minus .40 cent coupon today's paper
makes it $1.58 for 2 or .79 cents each
BallPark Franks Hot Dogs
$1.50 each
times 2 is $3.00
minus $1.50 coupons
makes it $1.50 for 2 or .75 cents each
One week at Kroger I found eggs
(normally $3.39 due to being specialty free range eggs)
for .50 cents a dozen.
Well today I decided to make up a batch of
1 large canning jar
1 can pickled beets with juice
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 cup splenda
dash of salt
onion sliced
I had a leftover banana and hungarian
pepper that I chopped up and threw in there also.
dash of allspice
dash of cinnamon
9 eggs
You could also add garlic and cloves.
put juices in jar and stirred in
vinegar, spices and splenda.
I layered the eggs with the beets,
onions and peppers.
Put lid on tightly and place in fridge
for 3-4 days.
Weather channel says it's 86 degrees
but feel like 95 degrees. YUCK!
Tony got paged out this afternoon.
Someone's toilet overflowed. It was a garden
apartment and it overflowed clear out into
the hallway past the front door.
I helped Tony with a shop vac and wiping up
the floors because these people thought we
should clean up their mess after unclogging
the toilet, GRRRR. They tried to tip me
but maintenance workers are not allowed to
receive tips, BUMMER!
Have been wanting to make strawberry shortcake.
I've had the strawberries sliced and sugared
since yesterday. There was no way I was firing
the oven up. So instead I decided to do
a cake in the crock pot. I'll put whipped
cream and strawberries on the cake instead.
Let you know how the crock pot version turns out.
We decided to head outside since it wasn't feeling
too bad out. Tony was tinkering with the blue
Trans Am and I helped some and wandered around the yard.
I decided that I should step on a wobbly stepping stone
and hit my foot with it to see if it would hurt.
And ya know what? It does!
Cake in crock is done.
I made a chocolate swirl cake mix from
a box and added a box of french vanilla pudding.
Tinkered around outside some more.
Tony decided to take the blue Trans Am
for a ride around the block. First time
since we had it. Still needs some love.
I think we might be keeping it.
We've looked at 3 other Trans Am recently
for $1,800 to $2,300 and condition wise,
they don't compare to what we already have.
They have been rust buckets in sad shape.
Check out them seat covers. I made them
myself about 5 years ago. Surprisingly
they were still in the car when we traded
it back.
I had originally splurged and bought a set
of blue flame seat covers way back when.
I put them on the day I got them in the mail.
And do you know that night someone stole them
out of the car! That's why I ended up making
a set. Ain't been stolen since, lol.
They keep the seats from getting dry rot due
to sun and fading them out.
Gave everyone a haircut, Tony and the boys.
They still need some trimming around
the ears with the scissors.
This is like 5 haircuts I've done since yesterday.