Whew, don't know what it is this morning
but my stomach doesn't feel the greatest.
Keep having to run to the potty.
Maybe it's something I ate or maybe
it's from stress.
Today I hope to start working on
hanging my shelves. Don't have anyone
coming over to do fencing nor do I have
anywhere to go this morning or afternoon.
But later on this evening will be making
a trip to Newark to pay for the charger
and have our friend roll back it home.
Will have to probably wait for Tony
to help me with putting up the wooden
shelf. We bought some hollow wall
anchors to hang it up with because
we cannot find studs in the one
kitchen wall!
So think I will get started soon
with hanging the wired shelves
in the basement stairwell.
First need to swig some Pepto!
Here is a before picture of the basement
stairwell. The big open area is where
my other wooden shelf was located.
Next project would be to hang a metal
towel bar on the opposite wall across
from this. Because I don't use many
paper towels I need a place to hang
my wet cleaning rags.
Here are my shelves rearranged
and more put up. I ended up with
more storage in my basement stairwell
and will have more storage in my
kitchen. So far it's all working
out as planned.
Total spent for 8 shelves $5.00!
Ok now time to put stuff on them.
My horoscope for today.
The Moon clashes with Saturn today, bringing tension to the surface. You may feel personally threatened by what is going on around you.
Hmmmm, this seems to describe me feeling
worried about spending money on a couple
big items at the moment.
Still working on finding my kitchen.
It looks like I am just moving
in with boxes and baskets of stuff
sitting on the floor trying to
relocate and find a place for everything.
I have many spices that I had on storage shelves,
stove and in a drawer. I can finally now
put them all in one place.
These shelves with store baking items
and cleaning supplies.
When there are many move outs during
college graduation time, we find tons
of cleaning supplies. I very rarely
have to buy any. So I usually get
a bunch at once from people throwing
them away and need a place to store
it. This will last me for about a
year then.
This is where my towel bar will go.
Was in Zettler's last night and didn't
think to get the screws at the time
to hang this up.
Above my towel bar I will start putting
my seeds I have saved from the garden.
I have them in labeled plastic zip
bags and push pinned to the wall.
Perfect place to put them with
less humidity and light.
Still in the kitchen trying to figure
out things and get things put away.
I did prop my one wooden shelf up
to see what it would look like.
For what I need, it works perfect.
Perfect to put pop bottles on,
store cereal and other boxes, cans
and bread.
It does not stick out past the
pass through window which is something
I wanted.
Just had a thought and will act upon it
next. The wood that I added up top for
mounting looks too dark and sticks out
like a sore thumb. I got some leftover
paint I used on the walls and will
paint that piece to look like part of
the wall.
This shelf has been with me the last
15-16 years. I designed it and mom
had it built for me.
There used to be another cross shelf
where you see the pop sitting.
Lost that when I hit the shelf into
the carport when moving.
It's been with me through 11 moves!
I have moved at least 16 times that I can
think of in the past 22 years!!
I am so glad now to have a house and
grow roots!!
And wallah, I fixed the problem with
a couple coats of paint on the shelf.
Now it seems to blend in with the wall!
Today's garden goodies,
cucumbers, banana & hungarian peppers
and grape tomatoes.
Went to Newark this evening and of course
it poured down rain on the way there.
The guy that was supposed to of towed
the car home tonight conveniently forgot
about it. Grrrr. Anyway he's supposed to
go get it tomorrow and bring it here.
But we got the title to it, it's notarized,
and it's officially ours.
Hey lookie I found another 1974 Dodge
Charger in Newark. This one is $6000!
I like what we paid for ours!
Ours needs some work but I can
deal with that.