seeing Tony off to work by 7AM.
The guy across the street said
his kids would be coming over
at 7AM. So I have been sitting here
waiting for them since then.
It's now almost 9:30AM and they are
just now getting here.
Well I can see it now. So much for
all my cleaning I did yesterday.
With a house full of 5 kids
I'm sure it's going to get messed up!
I had considered steam cleaning carpets
yesterday and am so glad I didn't do it.
I drug up 2 huge totes out of the basement.
They are full of Barbie stuff.
I think I paid $20 for most of it at
a yard sale about 5 years ago.
The rest was freebie stuff I found at
Tony's work.
The dad said he was gonna leave me a key
but when his brother dropped the kids
off there was no key to get their
juice or other food from their house.
Now I have to figure out what to feed
these kids today.
Well it's official, it's not even 10AM
and my hard work from yesterday cleaning
has gone out the window!
I am such a nice person when people
get in a bind. Too nice.
Someone shoot me!
The cat just come around the corner
to see what all the commotion is about.
The look on her face was like, WTF??
The dog could care less. Many more
hands to pet her today.
I worked as a preschool teacher for
6 years! 6 years was a loooong time!
60 hour work weeks, no benefits, no paid
vacation, I used my own
vehicle to pick up school kids
and all for under $4 an hour.
Well I think I figured out what
everyone will have for lunch.
Ramen noodles and hot dogs.
Simple, cheap, quick and something kids like.
Brain storming as to what to have for
supper. I'm thinking about firing up
the bread machine to make some breadsticks.
Maybe stuffing them with something I just
don't know what yet. Gotta go and check
to see what's in the freezer first
to come up with some concotion.
Went outside to get a smoke.
Checked out the garden. I am amazed
at how fast things are growing in there.
I did see something I didn't like,
green catapillars on some plants
eating them. Well I got something
to take care of that. Too much time
and energy goes into a garden to have
bugs eat it!
Anyway here are my garden goodies I
found this morning.
Zucchinis, a bean plant and cucumbers
are blooming.
I've got these baby veggies starting to grow.
Tomatoes, banana peppers, hungarian peppers,
green peppers & beans.
Just shoot me because I have gone nuts.
Make that 6 kids in my house now.
Jonathan decided to invited a friend
inside to play video games.
It's pretty quiet though.
Is that a good thing or bad???
Now remember this house is about
930 square foot.
I remember an older lady, actually
the people who bought our Cadi,
telling me she raised either
6 or 8 kids in their home which
is just like ours.
I don't know how they did it
and kept sane in a small place.
I've got some bread in the bread
machine. I'm gonna try to make
meatball stuffed breadsticks with
cheese and sauce.
Well I should probably go and get
the meatballs started before
the bread gets done with it's first
I have survived 4 hours 40 minutes so far.
Still have 3 hours 20 minutes.
Getting tired by the minute.
Is it bed time yet???
I decided to take all 5 kids
across the street to the other
kids house to play in their
backyard in their playhouse.
While crossing the street a guy
on a bicycle rode by and asked
if they were all mine. I said,
I don't think so, only 2 of them are.
Ok only 1.5 hours left to go.
And who's to say that these kids
grandma will be here by then to
pick them up.
Why is it when someone describes a scent
of a product do they refer to it as flavors????
This bugs the crap outta me.
I have seen it in Krogers on a sign.
Laundry detergent on sale, only certain flavors.
Now I see an online add for incense-
three different flavor sticks.
HELLO PEOPLE, flavors are something you
taste, scents are different smells!!
The kids were picked up at 6PM.
While all three were good kids I had
a sigh of relief to see grandma walking
up the walk. I can relax now and take
back my house, lol.
This evening we decided to go to Blockbusters.
It's been a looong time since I've been there.
We had a couple coupons out of the Entertainment
book for rent 1 get 1 free movies and games.
This will probably be our last trip there
other than to return the movies and games.
$11 and some change to rent 2 movies
and 2 games. I'm bitching and I got
2 free rentals. Normal price would
have been $22 plus!! It's just not
worth the money if you ask me.
I can take everyone to the movie theater
for $6 and buy cheap games for $5
each at Gamestop. Heck at the moment
I'm almost up to a $75 FREE gift card
for Gamestop from doing surveys.
Hoping to get it up to $100 by Christmas
time. Plus I just checked the new release
movie we just rented for $5
for $5 to $7 NEW to OWN on Ebay.
It's a no wonder there are very few Blockbusters left!
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