Still would like to hit a few yard sales.
Saturday I found a car show to go to.
If interested Columbus Square is having their first ever
car show you can check it out
Entry is free and is for cars 1985 and earlier. I'm
thinking it will be in the parking lot by the
thrift store.
Considering the area, I wonder how many hoopties with
big wheels will show up. Unfortunately our cars
aren't up to par to be putting in any car show but we
still love to go to check them all out.
Good Guys is coming next weekend so you will know
where to find us in the evenings, probably Reynoldsburg,
Worthington or the Continent. Can't afford to go to the
actual show so we go to the hotels where the people stay
at while the show is in town. I'm all about free and
it's probably just as good if not better than the car show.
You can walk around a look at them in the parking lots,
watch them parade around the streets and see lots and lots
of burnouts and of course the cops giving out tickets!
I must be getting old having to try and figure out
all these new electronic gadgets and gizmos.
Heck I grew up with Atari. I was used to going to the game
room in the mall to play pinball and those old
video machines that took quarters. But as we get
older some of us grow out of the video games and
our kids continue it for us. It's pretty bad
now a days when you ask you 9 and 10 year olds how to
operate something.
But that's why I have internet, so I can
type in any and all questions I have to learn
about things.
I'm trying to find Jonathan some games for his
Nintendo DS. Just discovered that the Gameboy
Advance games will also work in it also.
Good to know because I have no clue when it comes
to this stuff, lol.
Now I tried the regular Gameboy games and while
it will fit in the slot it will NOT work
and touch the connectors inside the game.
And from what I am finding you can get
some movies for them also. That would be so
great for longer car rides!
I learn something new everyday.
By looking online I found that GameStop
carries cheap .99 cent and $1.99 used
gameboy advance games!
They have in Gameboy Advance:
Wild Thornberrys
Shrek 2
Hey Arnold
Rug Rats
Scooby Doo
Bee movie
Hannah Montanna
Alice In Wonderland
Got a venison tenderloin in the crock pot.
I threw in a can of leftover diced tomatoes,
a can of tomato soup, 1 packet brown gravy,
3/4's of a soup can full of water along with
onion powder, pepper and Montreal steak seasoning.
So while getting the tenderloin in the crock I
notice all the critters in the backyard that
came out to play and stretch their legs.
They are sooooo funny to watch!
I put it on youtube so the video was
larger to see this lil critter bouncing
all over the place playing on our ladder
the kids left out in the yard.
Maybe the kids left a cup of Mountain Dew
out somewhere and that sucker got a caffeine
buzz from it, LMAO! Wish I had
it's energy!
Oh yeah the kids weren't too happy with me this
morning, lol. I decided I was gonna try to finish
up the molding in the kitchen. I was tapping all
the finishing nails, sinking them in the molding
with a hammer making lots of noise. They were asleep
still at 10am and I thought it was time they get up.
Rise and shine because it's hammer time!
Ok gonna caulk it and let it sit awhile to dry.
Christopher wanted to go to the library today.
Got the caulking done on the molding. Tony told me
this stuff would wash off my hands under water, NOT!
Finally got it off with a rag.
Caulk can fill in all kinds of gaps and
can be painted on. This is kitchen and bath caulk.
Heading to library now and gonna let the caulk dry
before painting.
My brother's dog keeps having diarrhea. I read that
if you feed your dog rawhide it CAN give them diarrhea.
So if your dog has diarrhea stop the rawhides for a
little while to see if it clears up.
Got the molding painted. Might do yet another coat.
Kicking myself in the ass end right now.
I could not figure out why this caulk was being
a pain in the butt to paint. And remember earlier
I couldn't understand why the caulk wouldn't wash
off my hands with soap and water???
Well earlier when I went in search of the caulk
I located a caulk gun and used what was in it,
not thinking. Guess what? It wasn't caulk in it,
IT WAS SILICONE!! AHHHHHH!!! I have been scraping
and peeling and digging all that crap back off
my molding this evening!!
I knew something wasn't right as my molding
looked like crap after I was done.
Now I know why. Now time to fix and redo everything
with CAULK!!
Double check everything before doing a project.
About like the saying, measure twice cut once.
Hey if I got this far before screwing up something,
I'm doing good, LOL!
Tonight's supper, venison tenderloin and
mashed potatoes and gravy.
When I make mashed potatoes I make them
like Texas Roadhouses with skins on.
Boy if someone was doing a major kitchen makeover
I found a hell of a deal on Craigslist. It includes
ALL the cabinets, dishwasher, stove, sink and a light
for $250!!! Someone's gonna jump all over this deal!
Just listed about an hour ago!