Here's a couple more items we found.
A stereo receiver and a projection
alarm clock.
Still digging a few more things out
of the truck. Wait til you see how
many plastic shoe boxes I found.
I'm going to use all those to organize
school supplies and bathroom
toiletry items on a bookshelf.
I found this exact stereo receiver
on Ebay for $150 plus $32 shipping
for a total of $182!!
It Works!!
I know next week for a fact is
the big rush of move outs.
Yesterday while DDn we ran into
a friend of ours that works at UV.
He made the comment, "I was wondering
when you were gonna show up". LOL.
It's good to know people when DDn
at certain places because some
will run you off. We've had that
happen at Olentangy. But got to talking
to the maintenance worker so it's all
good. Some DD'rs give it a bad rap
because they make such a mess.
When we DD sometimes we pick up trash
and throw it away or other times
we pretend to be throwing stuff
away like empty pop bottles or
McD cups then take a lookie.
We try not to linger too long, just
grab and go. If it's a box or bag of
stuff just grab the whole thing
and throw it in the truck. Like
yesterday I threw 4 trash bags in the
truck. And just because it's a trash
bag don't assume it's trash. I always
rip open a part of them if I think
there are goodies inside. And don't
assume some of those store boxes
are empty. I checked one and it
actually had a Roomba Robot vac in it
that worked last year. Looked like it had
never been used!
And my biggest thing is to ALWAYS
carry a bottle of hand sanitizer.
I use this on my hands after every
dive. Dumpster diving does not mean
you actually get into dumpsters.
After all these years of doing it
I think I actually got in twice and
that was to retrieve computers which
we turned around and sold for $75.
Sure there are always people around
because they are moving. I don't let
it bother me. I will never see them
again. I've had some even bring
me some more things they had in their
apartment and others who have had us
inside their apartment to pick through
it. I have found digital cameras, flat
screen monitors, game systems, computers,
gosh, you name it I've probably found it,
including money!
Ok here's the last of yesterday's haul.
Black purse, Samsonite bookbag,
18 plastic shoe boxes.
There was also some polo shirts
and a couple of large paper notebooks
not pictured.
And yes, whoever threw out those
shoe boxes actually used them for
shoes as I tossed a couple pairs
out of them. Too big for me at a size
8.5 to 9.5.
Who has that many shoes???
I have the basics:
tennis shoes, sandals, boots
and moccasin slip on shoes.
Get shoes in neutral colors
to match whatever outfit you're
wearing. No need to have a pair
in each color of the rainbow!!!
Well I need to start laundry and get it
hung up on the line. They are calling for
rain this afternoon. We're supposed to
start hanging fence panels today, YEAH!!
Tony doesn't think we should install these
6 foot fence panels over the driveway.
Instead he's thinking about a chain link
gate. I don't know how much they are.
We saw them at Lowes but there wasn't any
price on them.
Found another recipe for the freezer
for breakfast.
* 1/2 cup milk
* 3 eggs
* 1/4 cup peanut butter
* 2 tablespoons white sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
* 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
* 4 slices bread
1. Whisk together milk, eggs, peanut butter, sugar, vanilla extract, and cinnamon in a large bowl.
2. Heat the oil in a griddle or frying pan over medium heat.
3. Dunk each slice of bread in egg mixture, soaking both sides. Place in pan, and cook on both sides until golden, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Serve hot.
This morning's breakfast was
Fried Bologna & Egg Sandwiches.
I had a bunch of bologna in the
freezer. I stocked up on it when
I found the packages for .39 cents each!!
Got a load of laundry on the line
and another started in the washer.
Now I need to go down to the freezer
and figure out what to have for
lunch and supper today.
Running low on some things so need
to get creative with meals.
Got pizza dough going in the bread
machine. I used this recipe.
I also added in some Tuscan Blend
seasoning, garlic powder and some
dehydrated onions. I didn't have
oil so I melted some butter
and allowed it to cool before
adding to the mix, don't want to
kill the yeast. And I did
add 3-4 Tablespoons more of flour
because I thought the dough was
too sticky.
It's not delivery, It's homemade!
Wanna watch me pull a rabbit outta
my hat? I scrounged up some things
to make a couple homemade pizzas.
I had a bowl of veggies from the
garden- tomatoes, hungarian peppers,
green bell peppers. I also chopped
up an onion and found a jar of black
olives. Didn't even have an entire
package of cheese! Oh also had
a package of sausage patties in the freezer
I chopped and fried up.
The crust is excellent. Holds up
when picked up. It reminds be of
a Boballi crust since it kind of
bubbles up.
Oh yeah I used bacon ranch dressing
for the pizza sauce.
See what can be made when you don't
think you have much. Just start
combining things together.
Time to get the laundry off the line
and hang up another load. Got yet
another load waiting in the washer.
Seriously thinking about hanging
up a third line like last year
as there is not enough line
to keep up with our laundry.
Ohhh I'm stuffed. 2 Pieces of
pizza for each of us did us in!
Time to go waddle out to the yard, lol.
Uh oh, I just checked the radar and
it looks like some rain is heading
our way. Might hold off hanging
this next load of laundry til
I see if we'll get rain or not.
Rain decided to go North so I
got my next load of laundry hung up.
Me and Tony went out and he knocked
down a couple of the old fence panels.
WOW the yard looks so different
and much bigger!
Then we took out all the supports
to the new posts put in. We have
one post that didn't set right
or didn't have enough cement in it
because it wiggles too much.
So want to add more cement in
that hole.
Here soon we are gonna carry the new
fence panels out to the posts.
It is so hot and sticky out!!
So we are doing things with breaks
in between when it comes to dealing
with the outdoors.
If you enlarge the photos you can
see which post didn't set right.
Got the fence put up along the back.
This coming week we'll get up
the other 2 panels on the other side
facing the street.
Here's a sneak peak.
I'm too tired to post all the pics this
evening. But will get to it tomorrow morning.
After getting up the fence I took
the kids out to UV to get a McD's
Sundae. Then cruised through UV
for one more last look before the
weekend was over with. I got the
back end of the Suburban full of
stuff. Don't ask what at the moment
because I just grabbed boxes and bags.
Too tired to go through tonight so it
will be a surprise in the morning.
I do know I found a box of food, mostly
canned goods. I love it when they throw
their groceries away!
Oh, Jonathan found a Kroger Gift card
at UV. I had to stop by Kroger
before coming home to get some pop
so I asked the cashier to tell
me if there was anything left on
the card. There was $1.75 on it.
Hey any free money is good money!!