Do you get itchy, dry skin this time of year?
Try an oatmeal bath.
Put anywhere from about a 1/2 to 2 cups of instant oatmeal
into pieces of pantyhose and tie up.
Wet the oatmeal bag and keep squeezing into
your bath water. Use the bag to rub
over your body.
This is so much cheaper than buying those
packets which can run about $6.00 for an 8 pack.
If you don't have pantyhose you can do like I do
and put the oatmeal into a food processor and
grind down into fine particles and just add
it straight to your bath water.
I keep one container of regular oatmeal
and one container of ground up oatmeal that I can
use in the bath or make a paste with and apply
directly to the skin for poison ivy or bee stings.
For those of you who may get W.I.C. and
have too much instant baby cereal,
you can use that also in your bath!

How about making some oatmeal bath
gifts in a jar for someone on your Christmas list.
Here's a recipe for an oatmeal cookie bath or
oatmeal cookies & milk bath.
Not sure how economical it is to make since
it has dry milk powder in it and that can
get expensive. They do sell powdered milk at Aldis.
Oatmeal Cookies & Milk Bath
Got all my bills and rebates done, whew!
I had $47.00 total in rebates
from Pep Boys!
Cleaned out my purse. What a mess
with papers everywhere.
Found all sorts of coupons in there, lol,
from where I picked them up in stores
or got catalinas.
I had 4 freebie coupons for things
like ibuprofen, poise pads, chocolate &
2 liter Big K pop. Luckily they haven't
expired and I can still use them.
I also found more coupons
for the Krusteaz cookie mixes!
Forgot that the kids had picked up
a bunch of coupons for me during one
of our grocery trips.
$1.49 x's 10 is $14.90
minus $10 in coupons
makes it $4.90 for 10 or .49 cents each!!
Gonna have to go back and get 10 more.
That will be 20 boxes of cookie mixes I'll have, lol.
These are regular $2.29 each x's 10 is $22.90
when not on sale and without coupons!
I feel better that bills & rebates are out
of the way now. One less thing to worry about.
Now I can work on Christmas baking!
Still need to work on Christmas cards.
The other day my insurance company sent
me a sheet of 51 free Christmas address labels!
That was nice of them. I can use those on my cards.
I usually include school photos of the kids
in each card. And this year if I can get my printer
to work, I might make up some seed packets
from the flowers I grew this past Summer.
Wasn't quite sure what to have for supper tonight
until I was rummaging around in my pantry for baking
supplies when I ran across a couple cans of chili.
1 box elbow macaroni
2 cans Hormel chili
1 jar salsa or 1 large can diced tomatoes
1 pound ground turkey
1 small onion diced
I made a couple things today.
I got started on making the snowman
pretzel rods.
Then I made Mint Chocolate Apple Crisps,
the name I gave them.
I cored and slices 3 apples.
Then put the apples in water with a little lemon juice
to keep them from browning.
Then in a small sauce pan melted
2 Tablespoon shortening,
a box of Andes Mints
and 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
over low heat.
While the chocolate was melting
I added a cup of cocoa krispies
and a 1/2 cup nut topping to a bowl and combined together.
Next I poked the apple slices with skewers
and held over the melted chocolate.
I spooned the chocolate over the apple
slice until completely covered.
Then rolled the chocolate covered apple slice
into the cereal & nut mixture.
I then poked the skewer into an empty box
to allow the chocolate to set up somewhat.
Once completed I sat them in the fridge
until the chocolate hardened and I was
able to remove the skewers.
These would look nice on a fruit tray
during the holidays.
I made some with mint chocolate and no topping.
When making Christmas goodies, remember to make
some for your trash man, mailman or whoever
you deal with on a weekly basis.
I'm thinking about making a goody bag or tin
of baked goods and leaving it in the mailbox
with the flag up for the mailman.
Knowing my luck I'd have a substitute mailman
that day, lol.
A quick and easy way to make freezer meals
is to double your recipes when making your
regular supper meals. Not everyone has time
to spend the day making a variety of meals
for the freezer. I know some days I don't.
Like tonight I am making a double pot
of chili mac. Half will be eaten for supper
and lunch tomorrow and the other half
will be packed up for the freezer.
If you do this for a month straight you could
accumulate a month's worth of meals in your freezer
and it really doesn't take any extra time out of your day to do.
And these meals didn't cost all that much to make.
1 box elbow macaroni .50 cents
1 large can whole tomatoes .49 cents
2 cans Hormel no bean chili .66 cents
1.2 pound pkg ground turkey $1.39
Ya gotta remember I shop the mark down bins,
clearance sections and use coupons to
get things at those prices.
When boiling the macaroni I poured the
extra juice from the tomatoes in the pot as well.
TOTAL COST for 2 meals (about 10 servings)
or .30 cents a serving
Think about it,
if you do freezer meals this way
you would only have to
fix supper 6 months out of the year!!
The other 6 months you'll just spend
warming up premade meals.
(ok, minus the holidays, lol)
Large butter bowls are just
the right size to put family meals in!
Just returned from Kroger.
Yeah I splurged this week with my grocery spending
but I got some really good deals
to add to my stockpile that should last
quite awhile.
Plus there was a couple weeks not long ago
with being sick and all that I didn't go shopping
so it all equals out in the end.
I absolutely LOVED my cashier tonight!!
She loved to see how much I had saved
and was interested in how much I paid
for certain items after the coupons.
When taking off my coupons she even
went as far as double checking to see
if she took off 10 of certain coupons I had,
which it was a good thing because she missed
a few.
Why can't I have cashiers like this all the time???!!!
My receipt says I saved $71.35
but they don't include the savings
when you buy items that are manager
specials so I also included that in there.
I got 3 items from the mark down bin.
-Farfalle Pasta 12 oz box
was $1.39
marked down to .69 cents
-28 oz can crushed tomatoes
was .93 cents
marked down to .49 cents
-28 oz can baked beans
was $1.40
marked down to .69 cents
My other deals.
I had some coupons I took with
me but picked up about 15 more
from blinkies and off boxes in the store.
Big K 2 liter diet cherry cola
reg. .80 cents
I paid: FREE!!
4 two liters diet mountain dew
reg. $1.69 x's 4 is $6.76
I paid .39 cents each
I saved $5.20!!
6 two liters diet sierra mist
reg. $1.69 x's 6 is $10.14
I paid .39 cents each
I saved $7.80!!
4 two liters diet sunkist
reg. $1.63 x's 4 is $6.52
I paid .38 cents each
I saved $5.00!!
10 boxes Orville Reddenbacker Gourmet microwave popcorn
3 packs-
(spicy nacho, caramel corn, kettle corn, movie theater butter,
cheddar cheese, salt & pepper etc)
Reg. $3.29 each x's 10 is $32.90
but 10 and get them for $1.49 each x's 10 is $14.90
$1.00 blinkie machine coupons x's 10
I paid $4.90 for 10 boxes
I SAVED $28.00!!
10 boxes Krusteaz cookie mixes
reg. $2.29 x's 10 is $22.90
buy 10 and get them for $1.49 each x's 10 is $14.90
$1.10 coupons on box x's 10
I paid $4.90 for 10 boxes
I SAVED $18.00!!
I also got other things.
One of which I splurged on, because
every now and then you want a little
something different for supper, so I got
something called Black & Bleu Hamburgers
from the butcher shop.
It has a pepper seasoning along
with some bleu cheese mixed in each patty.
These 4 butcher shop gourmet burgers cost about the
same as 4 McDonalds Double Cheeseburgers.
So in all reality I'm getting the better end of the deal.
And while at the butcher shop the butcher
offered us some steak samples.
What store does that, lol.
Man that was sooo good!
We also sampled cookies, pineapple
and tangerines while there.
There's always samples at the Henderson store!
I drive 5 miles to go to that store and bipass
about 4 other Kroger's to go to that one.
Haven't tried this next tip before but figured
I'd post it anyway.
It's for when you have a fever.
If you cut an onion in half then cut 1 thick slice from each cut sides...put the slices on the arches of your feet...put sock on...wrap your feet in a blanket or towel. ..then in about one hour your onion will start to smell like an onion cooking...AND YOUR FEVER WILL BE GONE...
Try an oatmeal bath.
Put anywhere from about a 1/2 to 2 cups of instant oatmeal
into pieces of pantyhose and tie up.
Wet the oatmeal bag and keep squeezing into
your bath water. Use the bag to rub
over your body.
This is so much cheaper than buying those
packets which can run about $6.00 for an 8 pack.
If you don't have pantyhose you can do like I do
and put the oatmeal into a food processor and
grind down into fine particles and just add
it straight to your bath water.
I keep one container of regular oatmeal
and one container of ground up oatmeal that I can
use in the bath or make a paste with and apply
directly to the skin for poison ivy or bee stings.
For those of you who may get W.I.C. and
have too much instant baby cereal,
you can use that also in your bath!
How about making some oatmeal bath
gifts in a jar for someone on your Christmas list.
Here's a recipe for an oatmeal cookie bath or
oatmeal cookies & milk bath.
Not sure how economical it is to make since
it has dry milk powder in it and that can
get expensive. They do sell powdered milk at Aldis.
Oatmeal Cookies & Milk Bath
1 cup cornstarch
2 cups powdered milk
1/2 cup oatmeal (not instant)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix all ingredients in blender or food processor until it is a fine powder. Just add 2 tablespoons of the mixture to your bathwater for a soothing bath.
Got all my bills and rebates done, whew!
I had $47.00 total in rebates
from Pep Boys!
Cleaned out my purse. What a mess
with papers everywhere.
Found all sorts of coupons in there, lol,
from where I picked them up in stores
or got catalinas.
I had 4 freebie coupons for things
like ibuprofen, poise pads, chocolate &
2 liter Big K pop. Luckily they haven't
expired and I can still use them.
I also found more coupons
for the Krusteaz cookie mixes!
Forgot that the kids had picked up
a bunch of coupons for me during one
of our grocery trips.
$1.49 x's 10 is $14.90
minus $10 in coupons
makes it $4.90 for 10 or .49 cents each!!
Gonna have to go back and get 10 more.
That will be 20 boxes of cookie mixes I'll have, lol.
These are regular $2.29 each x's 10 is $22.90
when not on sale and without coupons!
I feel better that bills & rebates are out
of the way now. One less thing to worry about.
Now I can work on Christmas baking!
Still need to work on Christmas cards.
The other day my insurance company sent
me a sheet of 51 free Christmas address labels!
That was nice of them. I can use those on my cards.
I usually include school photos of the kids
in each card. And this year if I can get my printer
to work, I might make up some seed packets
from the flowers I grew this past Summer.
until I was rummaging around in my pantry for baking
supplies when I ran across a couple cans of chili.
1 box elbow macaroni
2 cans Hormel chili
1 jar salsa or 1 large can diced tomatoes
1 pound ground turkey
1 small onion diced
I made a couple things today.
I got started on making the snowman
pretzel rods.
the name I gave them.
I cored and slices 3 apples.
Then put the apples in water with a little lemon juice
to keep them from browning.
2 Tablespoon shortening,
a box of Andes Mints
and 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
over low heat.
I added a cup of cocoa krispies
and a 1/2 cup nut topping to a bowl and combined together.
and held over the melted chocolate.
I spooned the chocolate over the apple
slice until completely covered.
Then rolled the chocolate covered apple slice
into the cereal & nut mixture.
I then poked the skewer into an empty box
to allow the chocolate to set up somewhat.
until the chocolate hardened and I was
able to remove the skewers.
These would look nice on a fruit tray
during the holidays.
I made some with mint chocolate and no topping.
When making Christmas goodies, remember to make
some for your trash man, mailman or whoever
you deal with on a weekly basis.
I'm thinking about making a goody bag or tin
of baked goods and leaving it in the mailbox
with the flag up for the mailman.
Knowing my luck I'd have a substitute mailman
that day, lol.
A quick and easy way to make freezer meals
is to double your recipes when making your
regular supper meals. Not everyone has time
to spend the day making a variety of meals
for the freezer. I know some days I don't.
Like tonight I am making a double pot
of chili mac. Half will be eaten for supper
and lunch tomorrow and the other half
will be packed up for the freezer.
If you do this for a month straight you could
accumulate a month's worth of meals in your freezer
and it really doesn't take any extra time out of your day to do.
1 box elbow macaroni .50 cents
1 large can whole tomatoes .49 cents
2 cans Hormel no bean chili .66 cents
1.2 pound pkg ground turkey $1.39
Ya gotta remember I shop the mark down bins,
clearance sections and use coupons to
get things at those prices.
When boiling the macaroni I poured the
extra juice from the tomatoes in the pot as well.
TOTAL COST for 2 meals (about 10 servings)
or .30 cents a serving
Think about it,
if you do freezer meals this way
you would only have to
fix supper 6 months out of the year!!
The other 6 months you'll just spend
warming up premade meals.
(ok, minus the holidays, lol)
Large butter bowls are just
the right size to put family meals in!
Just returned from Kroger.
Yeah I splurged this week with my grocery spending
but I got some really good deals
to add to my stockpile that should last
quite awhile.
Plus there was a couple weeks not long ago
with being sick and all that I didn't go shopping
so it all equals out in the end.
I absolutely LOVED my cashier tonight!!
She loved to see how much I had saved
and was interested in how much I paid
for certain items after the coupons.
When taking off my coupons she even
went as far as double checking to see
if she took off 10 of certain coupons I had,
which it was a good thing because she missed
a few.
Why can't I have cashiers like this all the time???!!!
My receipt says I saved $71.35
but they don't include the savings
when you buy items that are manager
specials so I also included that in there.
I got 3 items from the mark down bin.
-Farfalle Pasta 12 oz box
was $1.39
marked down to .69 cents
-28 oz can crushed tomatoes
was .93 cents
marked down to .49 cents
-28 oz can baked beans
was $1.40
marked down to .69 cents
My other deals.
I had some coupons I took with
me but picked up about 15 more
from blinkies and off boxes in the store.
Big K 2 liter diet cherry cola
reg. .80 cents
I paid: FREE!!
4 two liters diet mountain dew
reg. $1.69 x's 4 is $6.76
I paid .39 cents each
I saved $5.20!!
6 two liters diet sierra mist
reg. $1.69 x's 6 is $10.14
I paid .39 cents each
I saved $7.80!!
4 two liters diet sunkist
reg. $1.63 x's 4 is $6.52
I paid .38 cents each
I saved $5.00!!
10 boxes Orville Reddenbacker Gourmet microwave popcorn
3 packs-
(spicy nacho, caramel corn, kettle corn, movie theater butter,
cheddar cheese, salt & pepper etc)
Reg. $3.29 each x's 10 is $32.90
but 10 and get them for $1.49 each x's 10 is $14.90
$1.00 blinkie machine coupons x's 10
I paid $4.90 for 10 boxes
I SAVED $28.00!!
10 boxes Krusteaz cookie mixes
reg. $2.29 x's 10 is $22.90
buy 10 and get them for $1.49 each x's 10 is $14.90
$1.10 coupons on box x's 10
I paid $4.90 for 10 boxes
I SAVED $18.00!!
I also got other things.
One of which I splurged on, because
every now and then you want a little
something different for supper, so I got
something called Black & Bleu Hamburgers
from the butcher shop.
It has a pepper seasoning along
with some bleu cheese mixed in each patty.
These 4 butcher shop gourmet burgers cost about the
same as 4 McDonalds Double Cheeseburgers.
So in all reality I'm getting the better end of the deal.
And while at the butcher shop the butcher
offered us some steak samples.
What store does that, lol.
Man that was sooo good!
We also sampled cookies, pineapple
and tangerines while there.
There's always samples at the Henderson store!
I drive 5 miles to go to that store and bipass
about 4 other Kroger's to go to that one.
Haven't tried this next tip before but figured
I'd post it anyway.
It's for when you have a fever.
If you cut an onion in half then cut 1 thick slice from each cut sides...put the slices on the arches of your feet...put sock on...wrap your feet in a blanket or towel. ..then in about one hour your onion will start to smell like an onion cooking...AND YOUR FEVER WILL BE GONE...