It's one of those mornings I could
have stayed in bed a few hours more.
Back of my legs are still hurting.
Hoping some Ibuprofen will help.
This afternoon we are going to Lowes
to get some cement for the fence posts.
Then I need to stop in Walmart to
pick up a photo. I guess I got there
too late last night to be able to
get it then.
Gonna start breakfast of strawberry
banana yogurt with some warm chocolate
muffins from the oven.
Then I'm gonna get started on one
of the recipes for the cookie contest.
Got my cookies in the oven.
Now the wait begins to see if they turn out.
It's not easy coming up with your
own recipe. You have to write down
exact measurements of everything
and the details on how to make it.
You can get ideas from other recipes
but are not allowed to use someone
elses recipe.
I, myself, try to make something completely
different than past winners. I take note
of what has been made. I'm sure everyone
is tired of regular cookies and the
ordinary bar cookies.
I keep sneaking peeks in the oven.
So far it is looking good, and smelling
good :0)
Being a new recipe I have to keep watch
to see how long it cooks for because
I have no idea and have to keep checking.
It gets tricky, you can only use 7
ingredients and one of those 7 has
to be the packet of cookie mix.
I have managed to keep it at 6
and that didn't include a little
water, don't know if they count
water as an ingredient.
And here is the end result.
Some dusted with powdered sugar
and some without.
Just because I have nothing
else better to do at this time.
I have not had any internet or phone
since 11AM today.
My friend was supposed to of been
here around 1:00 to 1:30PM today
to start cementing our fence posts.
When he hadn't made it by 2:00PM
I knew something was up. He is a very
prompt person and sometimes even shows
up early to work. And I know if he
is running behind he would call me.
At 2PM I called his phone and he didn't
answer. I called his wife telling her
it wasn't like him to not be here.
She hung up and was going to try to
get hold of him. It wasn't 5 minutes
later that someone had called me back
saying he had been in a serious accident
about a mile from my house (was on the
way to my house) and was rushed to OSU.
It's not been a very fun day playing
phone tag with everyone to keep updated
of what his condition was. He was wearing
his seat belt but his S-10 pickup was so
totaled that they had to pull him out
through the back window. If I get this wrong
Kendra, please forgive me, as it's hard
to keep up with everything at the moment.
But here are his problems,
broken cheek bone, badly broken nose
with a nose bleed they cannot get stopped,
they actually found his eye glasses
embedded in the front windshield that
he was wearing, he has 8-9, maybe more
broken ribs, a concussion and something
about air pockets in his forehead, I didn't
understand that part completely. You know
how it is when people are very stressed
and talk fast. Now think about how I feel
considering he was on his way to my house
to do fence work for us when this happened!
So yeah I feel guilty at the moment.
Because if he wasn't doing this for us
he wouldn't be in the condition he is in.
He is a very nice guy and works his ass
off to help others. He didn't deserve this
today at all!!!!!! Now I hear he has to have
surgeries to repair his face and bones.
Kendra is supposed to sometime get pictures
of the truck and of him to show me as I cannot
get down to the hospital to see him.
And I am sure I would only be in the way.
Maybe when he starts to recover somewhat
and gets the attention he needs now.
This person, Dewaine, was the one I showed
the other day that was on Wall-To-Wall
sports on Sunday.
They say bad luck comes in three's
and I believe it.
First an uncle of mine recently
was admitted to the hospital for
blood clots and breathing difficulties,
next Tony's uncle has been in the
hospital for the last couple of
weeks in a coma, and now my friend was
admitted to the hospital from an accident.
On the good side of today, I guess you could
call it that after what everyone's been through,
but not as important, I did get my paperwork
sent Fed Ex today to Proctor and Gamble
for the contest. So I guess we will
be going to that when they set a date.
I had never dealt with Fed Ex before.
I called and they came out to my home
to pick up the envelope I had to send.
It should get to them by tomorrow morning
to one of their offices in Nebraska.
This evening we stopped in Big Lots.
Had to find Tony's dad a birthday present
for tomorrow. Found him some solar yard
lights. They were $15 but had a mark
down price of $11 on them.
Not sure why because I checked
the contents of the box and it all seemed
to be there. Then they had
their 30% off lawn and garden items,
so that made it about $7. So I ended
up getting them for half price of
what they originally were.
Also got him a set of moving men type
sliders you put under furniture to
be able to move it around easier,
for $4. Those things are great!
I have 2 sets!!
While there I got the kids
two 10 packs of glue sticks for
a $1.00 each and a double
package of 2 scissors for $1.25.
I splurged and got something.
Feel guilty sometimes getting myself
something but it was something the
whole family and neighbors could enjoy.
I got 2 packages of window flower
box brackets, each $2.50.
I think it would make the house
look nice with a couple window
flower boxes. I have some flower
boxes I am not currently using that
I could use for this project.
I could paint them white to match
the trim on the house.
That's all for now. It's been a loooong day!!