I'm up late. It's 12:39am in the morning. I have 5 days before Christmas to do things. I did sleep in a little late yesterday morning and took a nap, something I haven't done in awhile. So it explains the reason for not being as tired as I should.
I have been working on making a Snuggie. Well I did make one from the directions online but found I did not like it and the way the back bunched up and was open. Plus Snuggies don't stay on you too well.
So for about the past week I have been trying to come up with ideas to make my own. Tonight I sat down and drew up some patterns. I used taped together newspaper and cardboard boxes from pop. I don't have money to waste on patterns from the store as they cost too much. I got the fabric cut out and sewn together. The fabric was a large flannel sheet I purchased at the thrift store for $2.99. I am hoping to get two of my "Snuggies" made from it. I was so amazed at myself that it came together with no problems! I have tried to make clothes before without much luck and that was with a pattern off Ebay. So something is working in my favor and I can't believe it! So here is my idea. I haven't a name for it yet but am trying to think of one. It's part Snuggie, meaning it has room unlike a typical robe, where you are able to lounge around without being bound up. It's part poncho that has a rounded bottom. And I want to incorporate some sleeves into it. I haven't got that part done as kids are in bed and I can't measure the length of the arms for it til later on.
Well I am off to bed. Will get pictures posted when it's all done.
It's now 8pm Sunday evening. Been busy most of the day. I didn't get back to making my robe til this evening. I didn't want it to look too girlie so I added more fabric (light blue and white stripes) to the bottom then added a binding down the front and hood of the same fabric. I made the sleeves but am working on getting them attached. Those also have the same striped fabric around the cuffs.
The blue and white fabric was about .99 cents and I only used half of it so total cost of that fabric in this project would be .50 cents. This fabric was a bed dust ruffle I had in my fabric stash.
1/2 flat flannel sheet $1.50
1/2 a dust ruffle .50 cents
so my homemade snuggie robe cost me $2.00 to make!!