Still not having a good day and it looks
like another early bedtime for me.
So since I have a piss poor attitude
I decided I'd write my gripes down
to maybe feel a little better,
yeah right.
My one leg still hurts and I about
fell at the store (was getting some pop)
when my knee gave out. Tony caught my
arm before falling.
You ever have one of those weeks? Well
this week is one of those for me.
So you will probably hear me just bitch
about life and what not.
Tony put the for sale signs in the 99 Cadi
this evening. For the price of the Cadi,
if it were to sell, is lower than the vet bill.
Is that sad or what???!!!
Not even sure if we are going to get the
Suburban repaired from where the snow plow
hit it. We deposited the money from it
and now wonder if we should keep it in the
account to help build it back up.
I made curtains today and they look like
crap. Neither I nor Tony liked them.
So I have to hunt for something to hang
up in the living room since I threw out
the nasty blinds. They are hanging
temporarily to keep peeping Tom's from
looking in at night. What the heck kind
of curtains do you hang in a bay window
that looks right?
My cell phone took a crap. So now I have
to hunt for another one of those.
I looked on Ebay for something cheap
and my eyes started crossing.
Who knew there was so many
phones to choose from. So being confused,
I abandoned that search til another day.
I'm still trying to get used to the yellow
walls around here. They turned out a little
more yellow than what I would have liked.
I hope when I start adding our new couch
and pictures on the walls it helps tone
it down some and not be the total focal point.
Tony has the pager this week. And as I type
away it decides to go off. Now, if you have
on call and get more than 10 hours over time
they send you home instead of wanting to
pay that over time. IT SUCKS taking away
much needed money like that.
Does that lady who made the emergency call
really need to be let back in her apartment
after locking herself out on a balcony patio?
You know what is funny? This happens a lot
with residents! I think they need to
include emergency rope ladders out there
so they can climb down when they do this, lol.
Maintenance men have much better things to
Why are we out there, in the dark at 9pm
to begin with???
Well the cat's meowing and it's getting
annoying. It jumped up in the window sill
and started clawing at the curtains!
It's gonna spend some time out in the
basement so I can get some sleep tonight.
Some days I just feel like choking the
crap out of the meower in that thing!
No I really wouldn't do that!
Tony said he wondered if there
was such a thing as shaken cat syndrome,
It wants outside soooo bad. We are in
the process of seeing about getting it
fixed so it would hopefully lose that desire.
Earlier this morning one of my sweet
children decided to let the dog out of
the kitchen. We have to keep her barricaded
in there for the time being until she heals
per vet orders.
Anyway about that sweet child. He lets the dog
out into the living room. Wasn't in there
for more than 5 seconds and left a big pee
spot on my carpet I just cleaned this past
weekend!! So I had to haul back out the
carpet cleaner tonight.
Today I stopped in the thrift store in hopes
of finding a baby gate to put in my kitchen
for the dog. I knew it wasn't gonna be a good
trip when the parking lot was totally packed!
It was a complete madhouse because it was
50% off entire store day. No carts, people
running everywhere losing their minds! You would
have thought they were giving away everything
for free. I wasn't about ready to stand in line
for anything when people had shopping carts
overflowing with clothes!
Well I am off to bed but FIRST I have to
escort this cat off to the basement.
Solitary confinement for her meowin' fuzz butt!!
While down there I'll throw the clothes
in the dryer as I am trying to make up
for not getting the laundry done this
weekend. I have felt like crap and not
moving too swiftly. When my mom can do
laps around me in the store and I can't
catch up, that's sad. It's not fair
older people get the good stuff to take
the pain away!
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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About Me

- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"