If ever you need a new battery for your vehicle you
might want to give Walmart a try! They take in cores
so be sure to bring your old battery with you or you
will be expected to pay an additional $9.00
extra on top of the price of a new battery.
Cores are turned in at the service counter
once you purchased your new battery.
Advance Automotive wanted $104.99
for a battery with 3 year warranty
and only 850 cold cranking amps.
Walmarts battery is $77.00
with 3 year warranty and
1,000 cold cranking amps.
If you live on Ohio with all the cold
weather during the Winter months
the more cranking amps the better!

If anyone still has those $1.50 Oscar Mayer printable
coupons here's a deal for you!
This week at Walgreens they have Oscar Mayer Bacon
2 for $6.00
use two $1.50 coupons
then you get back $1.00 in register rewards.
So it's like getting 2 packages of bacon
for $2.00. ($1.00 each!)
Compare to:
Kroger has Oscar Mayer Bacon for $2.99
- $1.50 coupon
makes them $1.50 each
Meijers is most expensive at $3.64
-$1.50 is $2.14

While I am not a big fan of "As Seen on TV"
products because I think they are junk that don't work,
I would like to recommend one item that does work
and has been soooo helpful!!
It's called Moving Men. They are little slider
discs you put under furniture to help you
move large heavy items across the floor. There has
been things that have been so heavy that I could
not move by myself before. It got so frustrating
because I am the only one home during the day
and couldn't move furniture around by myself.
Put under sofas, large entertainment stand WITH a TV,
large beds and so on. Works like a breeze!
Today I am using them to move beds around.
Combining the kids into one room and putting
bunk beds together.

I have been asked where to find a cheap printer.
I found my HP printer at MicroCenter
for $35. Walmart also has the same printer
for $32 but good luck finding them in stock.
I am able to refill my ink cartridges with
this type of printer.
No matter how cheap it may sound, do not go
with an all in one printer! Those type of
printers do not allow you to refill the ink
cartridges!! Even though it is possible to refill
them, the computer chip in them will not register
as full and will not allow you to print until
you buy a new cartridge.

Here's a little tip to get the most for your money
when stopping by a fast food joint or convenience
store. When purchasing a soft drink tell the cashier
you want little or no ice. You will get lots more
to drink if you do this! The other day at McDonalds
I got a soft drink and could not even get my straw
in the cup due to it being so full of ice!!! Due to
all that ice I was lucky to have even gotten a half cup
of pop.
I have been in the mood to start my Spring cleaning.
Oh what a tedious task that is! It's not just
a matter of cleaning up and dusting. I clean top
to bottom wiping down anything and everything!
Then I try to go through everything and weed
out what we don't need. You have to be in your
right mind to do this let me tell ya. I have
been working my way up to this moment to
get psyched up for it. It's a lot of work for
one person to do. I could ask for help from the
family but feel I am better off doing it myself
so it gets done the right way and I don't have
to backtrack or figure out where something went.
Trying to be organized along the way.
Oh my gosh! I'm sitting here typing away when I
glanced out the window because I heard a loud car
exhaust. This poor conversion van! I would have
loved to of had a picture of it. All side windows
were MISSING and the curtains were flapping in
the breeze outside it! I thought he was gonna stop and
check out the Expedition for sale because he
did a complete turn around in the road. Scared me!!
I'm thinking if you can't afford windows for your van
or pissed someone off so bad they busted your windows
out then I definately don't want them stopping here!
Ok well I need to get back to sorting through
stuff and hauling trash out. What fun!
The less you have the less stuff will get
messed up is my theory. Ohhh this is gonna
take forever to do, ahhhhhh!