to get some of their one day sales.
12 cans Campbells Tomato Soup 3 for $1.00
12 cans $4.00
2 pounds of Strawberries @ $1.00 a pound
2 packages of Bacon $1.67 each
I am STILL struggling to find a yellow paint color.
Stopped in Sears and grabbed a few samples
then headed over to Walmart. I checked their
mistinted marked down area and thought I found
a yellow paint I liked. But the more and more
I walked around the store with it in my cart
the more I didn't like the color and ended up
putting it back.

We put the Expedition up for sale so for anyone
in the Columbus, Ohio area that might be interested
you can check it out HERE on Craigslist.
Hubby is one who likes to have a collection of cars.
It drives me crazy but I deal with it.
At the moment we have 6 vehicles, including a motorcycle.
And not including a car trailer taking up much
needed space.
Kelly Blue Book Value
Excellent Condition $8,000
Good Condition $7,600
Fair Condition $6,000 to a little over $7,000
I am asking $4,000. Why so cheap compared to Blue Book?
All I want is what I paid for it. I am still
at a loss of $1,000 on it for what work we put
into it!!! So this is a heck of a deal!!!
I would love to be able to park my vehicle
in the drive way and not have to park in the mud
out along the road so it needs to go!!