return it immediately!!!
Columbus and surrounding areas got around
1 inch to 4 inches. YUCK YUCK YUCK.
I thought we were done with this stuff!
But that's Ohio for ya. We've been known
to have snow in April.

Last night I saw on the news the Titanic Exhibit
is at COSI. I thought cool, the kids would
be interested in that and maybe it's something
we could go see, NOT. It's so unfair that
they can't make things affordable for everyone
to see a piece of history. Guess only the rich
can experience this.
Adult (13-59) $23.75
Seniors (60+) $21.75
Youth (2-12) $16.75
It would cost our family $81 plus tax
plus parking if they charge for that.
I'm not going to an amusement park,
all I want to do is walk around and
LOOK at some artifacts. This is soo sad.
Regular COSI admission
Adult (13-59) $13.75
Senior (60+) $12.75
Youth (2-12) $8.75
COSI Member Free

Now I am considering taking them to the
Ohio Historical Center. I haven't been there
since a field trip in elementary school many
moons ago. Now a days kids go to theaters
and Pepsi plants for field trips.
The museum is only open Saturdays
from 9am to 5pm.
Museum Admission:
OHS Members FREE
Adults $8.00
Children 6 - 12 $4.00
Children 5 & under FREE
School Groups $3.00 per student
While it's still not cheap it's a lot better
than $81 PLUS!!
It would cost a family of 4 about
$29 to go and that includes $5 parking.
I saw this cute idea of cake roll washcloths
yesterday while in Big Lots.
Think I might makes some for Christmas.
Washcloths can be inexpensive so this
could be a cheap gift that looks so cute
to make.
Roll up washcloths to look like a cake or
jelly roll by using 2 different colors.
One to resemble the cake and one to
resemble the filling. Wrap ribbon
around outside of it to secure it.
Attach a fake piece of fruit to top.

You could also do hand towels rolled
up to look like Swiss Rolls.
Or brown washcloths rolled up to
resemble cupcakes. Wrap with
scalloped paper to be the cupcake
wrapper. You could use those
scalloped borders teachers use
to decorate their bulletin boards with.

I just thought it was a cute,cheap and easy
idea to pass along :o)
Retailers Gearing Up For Start Of Appliance Rebate Program

From WBNS 10TV
The rebate program aimed at encouraging people to buy new, energy efficient appliances in exchange for a rebate begins in Ohio on Friday.
Experts say buyers will likely have to act quickly if they want to take advantage of the program, 10TV's Karina Nova reported Thursday.
Like cash for clunkers, the government rebate program gives customers incentives to buy energy efficient appliances, with rebates up to $250 available.
Stores are opening up between 6 and 8am!
Us poor folks can't afford even a picture from
the store. I found a couple pictures I really
like and think that would coordinate with our
new color schemes quite well BUT they are a little
more than I would like to ever pay for one picture.
I was brain storming this morning on what to do
for pictures. And this is what I came up with.
I copied a couple pictures that I found online
then went into Paint and enlarged it to the max
of 500 times. For this one picture below it
took 18 pages to print!
I put my printer on Best print to get more
coloring. I would like something
like this on my dining room wall to go with
the Tuscan theme so this is the only way I can
afford to do it. They sell decoupage paste in
the craft stores if you would want to use that
over top your printed photos on the wall to protect
it from dirt and hand prints.
Here it is. You can see the size by the black
pen I placed on it or from the end of my coffee