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Monday, January 31, 2011


Winter storm watches have been issued for the following counties from Monday evening through Tuesday afternoon:


Expect a mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain as a winter storm moves into central Ohio today.
Monday will be cloudy and cold, with daytime highs reaching 29 degrees.

A wintry mix will begin falling during the afternoon or evening. Precipitation will start out as snow and sleet before turning over to freezing rain.

Overnight temperatures will fall to 27 degrees.

Expect more sleet and freezing rain on Tuesday. Precipitation will eventually turn to rain as highs reach 36 degrees.

The storm could produce up to a inch of ice and up to an inch of snow and sleet. Totals could be different based on the path of the storm.

Windy conditions will develop on the backside of the storm on Wednesday.

Arctic air will return to the region behind this storm, with highs in the low 20s to wrap up the week.


I hope we don't get an ice storm!
Won't ever forget this ice storm we had!
It was 6 years ago.
Mom lost power for a week
and had to come stay with us.
You'll have to click the pictures
for a larger view of them.

Dec23...Steeplechase Village.  Trees sagged from being so top heavy.

Dec23...Some even hung over into roadways.

Dec26...Steeplechase...Spruce Dr. Down the hill.


McDonald's Valentine's coupon booklet is $1
and contains 12 coupons for FREE items
that can be used by kids ages 12 and under.
Below is a list of the coupons included…

* FREE Apple Dippers (3 of these)
* FREE Apple Juice or Milk Jug (3 of these)
* FREE Small Cone (3 of these)
* FREE Hamburger (3 of these)

** One FREE item per certificate.

Redeemable by children ages 12 or under.

Limit one certificate per person per visit.

Keep in mind that these coupon booklets

are only available at participating McDonald’s locations,

so you may want to contact your McDonald’s

ahead of time to see if they are participating.



Got supper in the crock pot.
This will make a double batch,
one for supper, one for the freezer.
Pork roast wrapped in bacon
served with sauerkraut & mashed potatoes.

2.09 pound pork loin roast- $3.53
leftover precooked bacon- .75 cents
cream of chicken soup -.50 cents
can of sauerkraut- free
2 boxes of mashed potatoes- $1.00
Mrs. Dash seasoning

Total cost for 10 servings (2 meals)
.57 cents a serving


I've been watching the weather
channel and it seems Columbus
will be in the direct path
of the sleet and freezing rain.
They said we could 1" or more
of freezing rain.

I may be overreacting but you should
always be prepared in any severe
weather or emergency situation.

Right now this storm is over 2,000
miles long. Over 100 million people
are without power from it.

Get together an emergency kit to
have on hand.
Flashlight with many batteries,
if you use candles please be sure
to monitor them closely,
battery operated radio,
wrench to turn off any utilities
such as water should a pipe burst,
food supply that doesn't require
any cooking and have a non electric
type can opener on hand.
Keep a first aid kit, medicines
and a fire extinguisher near you.
At least 3 days food supply and 1 gallon
water per person per day.

Here are some examples for food:
peanut butter sandwiches,
tuna fish,
canned fruit,
dry cereal.

Make sure to fill up your gas tank.
You may need to leave your home
and power may be out all over,
even to gas stations and stores.

Carry blankets, extra clothes and
food/water in your vehicle along with
a cell phone and car charger.

Have an emergency plan discussed with
the whole family.

One of our plans is that if we loose
power and Upper Arlington still has power,
is to temporarily stay in a vacated apartment
at my husbands work.

Carry cash. You don't know if you need
to move to a place like a hotel
if the credit, debit or ATMs machines will
be functioning!

I thought of this also.
If you have been through an
ice or wind storm you know those
large trees can topple at any given
moment sometimes coming down on your
home or car. Make sure to keep your family
and vehicles
at the farthest point of your home
away from those trees should one
fall over.

If you have solar lights, now's the time
to keep them within reach.
Charge with the sun outside during
the day and bring inside at night
for light.


$5.00 off 1 Zantac 24 count or larger.

I could really use these coupons!


Just released around 3:00pm

Severe Weather Alert
Franklin County

The national weather service has issued
a winter storm warning for Franklin county
from 7pm Monday until 7pm Wednesday.

.Click Here for more information..

Jym Ganahl
Light frozen mix to glaze things over in the morning, then an inch of rain at night Tuesday followed by a couple of inches of snow and 40 mph winds on Wednesday.


Right now the storm is nearing the
Muncie & Richmond, Indiana area.
Some rain and freezing sleet
is seen near Southern Ohio around


The snow, sleet & rain is just now
entering the Western Ohio border.

My poor honey has on call this week.
He went to bed around 6:15-6:30pm
just in case there may be any
calls in the middle of the night.


Got all the candles rounded up
and sitting on the coffee table along
with a lighter in case we need it.
Told the kids to make sure
to wear tops and bottoms to bed.
Sometimes they like to sleep
in just undies or a t-shirt.
That way if we loose heat
they are covered somewhat until
we realize it.
I also laid out clothing like
thermal tops & bottoms,
heavy pants and tops along
with a couple pairs socks and undies.
If the power goes out I sure
as heck don't want to be running
around in the dark finding everything!
Got extra gas in the tank of
the truck and are stocked up
on ciggies :0)



Storms almost here.

Time to get a acid reflux pill.
It's gonna be a long night if I can't
get the burn to go away now.
Trying to lay down and go to sleep
with it is impossible.
I've awoken many a night with it,
gagging and coughing and ending
up having to get sick.
NOT the thing you want with
acid reflux! Horrible!

Sunday, January 30, 2011



Housework and laundry day.

I redid my Lips cupcake and got it submitted.
I added an extra jelly bean tooth
and redid the bottom lip.

I already have an idea for
my next cupcake, lol.

Kissy Lips Cupcake

We decided against getting
the stove today.
Sounds like too much work
with moving and loading
especially with Tony's knee and
leg that's still in the healing process.

Was vacuuming and decided to
vacuum out some vents.
I removed the register cover
and decided to peek up under the
carpet the best I could.
We do have hardwood floors!!
You don't know how bad I want
to rip up this carpet. It shows all
the dirt and stains and I get so tired
of steam cleaning it.
And also there's the dust and dirt
that accumulates in carpet
that can't be good for people's health
and any breathing problems.

Now the next question is this.
Do you risk ripping out all the carpet
and finding out the floors are damaged?
Because having to sand, restain
and top coat wood floors might be expensive.



People wonder why I give up housecleaning
so easy. 5 minutes after I had the living
room spotless it looked like
a tornado went through it
because of kids & their friends
Thank goodness lunch was almost
done because I shooed them all outside.

Even the gerbils were getting in
on the action of messing the place up.
I no sooner vacuumed their
area from where they flipped
bedding out of their cage.
They have chewed through the
screen I put on the cage so
that idea no longer worked.
I went to return the cage to it's
spot only to see more bedding
all over the floor and table. Grrr.
I fixed that once and for all
and put them in a glass fish tank!
Had to rig the water bottle
and wheel to work in it.
I found suction cups and used
that on the wheel to hang from
the side.

Late lunch

Whole grain brown rice (.94 cents) topped
with sweet and sour popcorn chicken (.99 cents),
sauce was free (pineapple & red bell peppers)

So $1.93 for 4 lunches
@ .48 cents a serving.



Papa's been working on getting
his car put back together.
Got the same tires put back on
and new brakes put on.

Mama's been working on
getting the laundry finished.

I really don't have any plans to
go grocery shopping this week.
If I do it'll only be for
milk or pop and whatever
manager specials I find.

I'm so glad the sun decided
to make an appearance today.
Sure makes the day go by better
even though it is reflecting
off of snow.



Garlic Bread &
Stuffed mushrooms.
Double batch.
One for supper, one for freezer.
No recipe, just stuff I threw
together that I had on hand
or leftovers of.

Whole grain Spaghetti $1.00
I drained the juice, from
the large can of whole tomatoes
I put into the sauce, into
the water I boiled the spaghetti in.
6 large mushrooms $1.69
leftover smoked salmon cheese- free
4 ounces fat free cream cheese- .50 cents
leftover horseradish in jar- free
2 tablespoons olive oil may0- free
1/4 cup shredded sharp cheese- .20 cents
4 slices pre cooked bacon, chopped- .20 cents
Tops rolled in wheat bread crumbs
with paprika- Free

Spaghetti sauce

Can of 4 cheese spaghetti sauce- $1.00
1 large can tomatoes- .49 cents
1 large can crushed tomatoes- .49 cents
mushroom leftovers that were
scooped out to make stuffed mushrooms- free
leftover 1/2 onion, diced- free
1/4 cup diced green bell peppers- .10 cents
couple tablespoons splenda- .05 cents
Mrs. Dash seasoning

parmesaen cheese- .25 cents

Garlic Bread

1/2 loaf from bakery
with butter and garlic already on it.- .64 cents
Other half put in freezer
for the other freezer spaghetti meal.

Total Cost for 2 meals, 10 servings
(includes 2 packed lunches)

10 servings @ .59 cents a serving


.WM Barr FG50T Damp Rid 64Oz Moisture Absorber
Household Tip

For those of you who may use
Damp Rid in your basements to
remove moisture or for those
who can't afford to constantly
run a dehumidifier:

Damp Rid is calcium chloride, the same stuff that's used to melt ice in the winter. Save yourself some money. Buy a bag of calcium choride packaged for melting ice, and use your own plastic bucket.

If I remember correctly, the 4 or 5 pound bucket of Damp rid is around 10 dollars. Whereas, you can by a 50 pound back of calcium cloride for $25.00

I priced DampRid at Lowes
and it costs $5.75 for 2.
Total weight was a little over 2.5 pounds.
Says it lasts up to 45 days.
To buy an equivalent of 50 pounds
worth of this stuff would
cost $115 so I would
use the calcium chloride for sure!

I'm gonna have to remember this
idea because that's what we use
on our driveway and walks
and what my honey uses at work.
It would be much cheaper than
running a dehumidifier.


Saturday, January 29, 2011




I plan on making ice cream cupcakes
sprinkled with crumbled up Butterfingers.
Birthday dinner:
Take out Long John Silvers fish fillets,
hush puppies, coleslaw and
homemade mac n cheese.


Fun Stuff

Easter Egg Tree

Good egg

Here we have a photo, taken by Jens Meyer, of Volker Kraft decorating a tree with 9,200 Easter eggs in his garden in the ancient town of Saalfeld in Germany. Will and Guy can tell you that the Kraft family have decorated their tree with Easter eggs for over 40 years.


Have a cupcake and a smile.
My newest jelly bean cupcake.



My ice cream cupcakes.
I placed a tablespoon of cake mix
into each cupcake wrapper
baked 325 degrees for 10 minutes.
Allowed to cool down some.
Spoon ice cream, that has been
softened by sitting on the counter for a bit,
into the remaining space in the cupcake
wrapper. Wrappers will start to pull apart from sides
of cupcakes because of the ice cream so when
putting in freezer on a cookie sheet make sure
they are snugged up against one another.
Put into freezer until hardened.
Remove from freezer and put frosting
on top. Smack one regular Butterfinger candy
bar on the counter a few times to
crumble into pieces. Open and pour into a
small bowl. Sprinkle over tops
of cupcakes.

These cupcakes are made from
sugar free cake mix and frosting.
Be careful not to eat too much
candy or confections that are sugar free
as they can have a laxative affect!!


Today I got 8 packages FREE of
Butterfinger Snackerz at Kroger
with the coupons I mentioned yesterday!!


Tony found a black smooth top
stove for sale for only $35 obo.
I like obo's because you
know ahead of time they will take less
so don't offer full price when wheelin
and dealin!
It's about 5 years old.
Supposed to go tomorrow
to look at it. We thought maybe
something was wrong with it for that price
but when we asked, they said no,
the only reason they are getting rid
of it is because the house they just
bought had gas and this is electric.
The guy said they paid $700
for it when new.
Will be going over it with
a fine tooth comb at that price!
But it looks nice anyway
and you really can't beat that price.
I told Tony if we get this stove
then consider it his birthday
present, lol. I didn't get him
anything for his birthday
other than the cupcakes.
I had told him to pick something
out that he wanted within reason.
So we will see tomorrow
and I will get back to ya to let
you know.
image 2186828847-0


Why do credit card companies
have to be soooooooo annoying??!!
We have a card that we don't use anymore,
haven't used in many years,
and have been trying to pay off
the small amount owed on it.
I have been paying it every
month, on time, for a long time now.
I got a couple days, literally, behind
with getting that bill sent out
because Tony was in the hospital.
And I'll be damned if they
called 11 TIMES in 3 1/2 days!!

From the 27th of this month
to the 29 it was 9 TIMES!!
And ya wanna know the kicker
to this story?
I just checked my bank account
and the check cleared on the 27th,
three days after I sent it!!


Just got home from the birthday
dinner at mom's. No sooner
got through the door and
the phone was ringing again.
It was the credit card company
calling yet again!!
I had Tony answer it. It's always
a foreign person who you can
barely understand.
She was going on and on
and Tony tried to tell her
to stop talking to explain himself.
She wouldn't so he finally got pissed
and said in a loud voice, "I don't
know why you keep calling and
harassing us, we checked our checking
account today and your payment
cleared the bank on the 27th.
and then he hung up on her.
So I wonder if they will call more tomorrow.
I've about had enough of them!



I just submitted another
Jelly Belly Bean creation of mine.

Easter Egg Tree

Friday, January 28, 2011



Just got done throwing some
beef stew in the crock pot.
I did a triple batch, one for supper
and two for the freezer.

2 pounds stew meat $3.11
1 small onion .10 cents
2 boxes green giant frozen carrots slices $1.00
3 potatoes diced .25 cents
2 jars beef gravy $1.78
couple tablespoons steak sauce .10 cents
Mrs. Dash seasoning

Then will make mushroom rice
to serve beef stew over to stretch it out
even more.
2 pkgs mushroom rice $2.00

Total cost: $8.34
3 meals, about 12 servings
@ .69 cents per serving.



Well I finally got around to making
some more laundry soap.
I still have about 2 gallons left of
the last batch.
So I will let you know when I run
out of that before using the newer
detergent that I just made.

If you recall, I made the last batch
October 20th and it only
costs $1.25 per bucket to make!!
I'm gonna guess and say, with the
remaining detergent I have, that
this bucket of laundry soap will
have lasted me 4 months.
I think I have another 3 weeks left
with the remaining detergent,
maybe more but I am only guessing.

It is so easy to make your own detergent
and doesn't take long to do!

This is especially good for those
who have sensitive skin and can't
deal with store bought detergents
with all the colorings and scents added in.

People ask me how this ends up being
so cheap to make when the boxes
of Arm & Hammer washing soda
and Borax can be a little costly
at $3-$5 a box,
Zote costs about $1.00 to $1.20 a bar
and lasts for 3 batches,
and I use Dollar Store brand
Oxy Clean for another $1.00.

For each batch you are only using
1 cup of Arm & Hammer
1/2 cup Borax
1/3 bar Zote
and about 1/2 cup Oxy Clean

I still have almost full boxes
of everything after making
an 8 month supply of detergent!!
Other than buying more Zote
and Oxy Clean, the most expensive
items should make me MANY
batches of laundry detergent
and last me at least a couple years!!

I recycle old detergent bottles
and refill them with my homemade.
Much easier to move around
than a 5 gallon bucket.

NOTE: No toes were harmed in the making of this detergent, LOL.

For those of you who missed it,
I dropped a laundry bucket on my toe
while making my last batch.
It got infected really bad to the
point of having to have my toe nail
removed. And while dealing with
that severe infection (staph & impetigo)
I caught the
stomach virus. When combining
the two, it wasn't good and I ended
up in the ER.
So of course I had all this on my
mind while making my newest
batch and was a little nervous.
Who knew making laundry detergent
could be hazardous to your health, LOL!



Beef stew over mushroom rice.

Butterfinger Snackerz
$1.00 off 2 coupon

use zip code 23462
to find two coupons,
be sure to print 2 of each
for a total of 8 Snackerz.
I can usually find these on sale
at Kroger for .50 cents
so it would make these
FREE with coupons.

I plan to crush up butterfingers
and sprinkle them over top
of Tony's birthday cake tomorrow.
It's a sugar free cake and icing.
I don't think it would hurt
to have a little sweet on it.
It wouldn't be like eating a whole
or even a half of a candy bar
per slice.
Tomorrow I need to get some
no sugar added ice cream
or one that's made with Splenda.
Want to make an ice cream cake.


Money saving tip

Pants too tight around the waist?
Cut the outside seam of the legs open
all the way up to the waist and add wide
ribbon or fabric strips to the sides
and sew back up.
I think this would be pretty
if you added lace.

I like to think of ways I could change
my wardrobe. Here's a cute thing
I found to do with a box of pants
I have from a move out at
my honey's work.
So it wouldn't hurt to tinker
with freebies.
I've even seen shorts
made like this as well.
Something different.

CUSTOM Love Hippie Bell Bottom Jeans Bloomers Pants

Thursday, January 27, 2011



Took mom and myself to the dentist
and we both got adjustments done
on our teeth.
It was an almost 2 hour wait in the
dentist office. They said they had a
situation come up and that's the
reason for the wait.

After leaving mom wanted to stop
in Kroger.
I grabbed a couple frozen pizzas
for tonight's supper since the delay
at the dentist office has put me behind today.
I also got some beef gravy to make
beef stew with carrot medallions
(don't have any potatoes)
over mushroom rice Friday,
some fat free cream cheese
to make smoked salmon stuffed mushrooms
to go with a
2 pound pork roast for this weekend which
cost $3.50 which I thought
was pretty reasonable.

I kept watching my watch at Kroger
because kids were due home soon.
I no sooner got home, come in
through the back door, went out
the front door to check the mail
and the bus was pulling up.
I couldn't have timed that any better!

Looks like an earlier bedtime for
me tonight, couldn't fall asleep
for some reason last night and
no nappie time today.
So tired!
Don't have any plans for tomorrow
other than throwing some
beef stew in the crock pot.
I like simple days!
Next week Tony has the pager
so that will be fun.
This past weekend the one guy
on call had 20 water freeze ups, ahhh!
So let's hope for some decent temps.


Anyone need any crafting
inspiration check out Etsy.
All kinds of hand crafted items
and clothing for sale.
I just like to look to get ideas.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Starting around 2pm
Tide will be giving away 5,000
Tide washing machine cleaner packets.
"like" them on Facebook.


  • Login to Speedy Rewards Card

  • If you sign up your Speedy Rewards card
    on Speedway's web site
    they sometimes send printable
    coupons for freebies in their store.
    This month it's a free
    Enon Springs Sharp Water.


    Broken Egg
    Helpful Hint
    from Farmer's Almanac

    If you drop an egg on the floor
    cover it with salt so there will
    be no slimy mess!



    I am currently working on my
    newest jelly bean cupcake.
    Trying to get a couple things
    done up ahead of time before
    taking mom to the library
    that way I can come home and
    hopefully put it all together.



    Just got home.
    Took mom to the library then
    we went to Kroger after that.
    Here's my deals I found:

    2 pkgs diced onion $1.00 each
    (will freeze)

    1 pkg stir fry fresh veggies $1.49

    1 pkg cauliflower $1.00

    Sante Fe Chicken style salad $1.49

    Large stuff style mushroom $1.69

    3 pkgs pop corn chicken .99 cents
    (not the healthiest choice
    but if eaten in small portions
    or mixed in with a meal won't be so bad)

    6 boxes of organic macaroni & cheese
    -these suckers were normally
    $3.00 a box for your average sized box
    of mac n cheese. I paid .50 cents each.
    I couldn't of even imagined paying
    $18 for 6 boxes of mac n cheese!!!


    Oh dear God I found out my
    ex is wanting/trying to get a job where
    me and my honey used to work, UV.
    Let's see how well they remember
    him and the chaos he caused when
    I worked there.

    Anything else want to go wrong for me?!
    Just send it my way now so
    I can get it all out of the way at once!

    I think it's nap time!

    Christmas Candle Cupcake I made.



    I made up another cupcake
    and left off the coconut.
    This is the one I submitted
    to Jelly Belly.
    If anyone is wondering what I used
    for the wreath ring around the "candle",
    it is almond slivers that I died green
    with food coloring to look like leaves.


    My honey got in his email
    a printable coupon for a free dinner at Captain D's
    for his birthday.
    Can choose fish, chicken, shrimp or tilapia.

    Be sure to sign up at all those restaurants
    to get some freebies on your birthday.

    This will be the third free dinner
    from Captain D's in the last 2 weeks.
    The other two freebie dinners
    were from signing up at their website.



    I can't wait for Spring to get here.
    I'm starting to get cabin fever.
    Sure do miss those warm days
    with the sun shining and windows open
    with a warm breeze blowing through the house.

    I've been sitting here thinking
    about ways to make improvements to the house.
    I found a quart of paint I had
    that I got free from Glidden.
    I got the paint awhile back to
    do the bathroom with and found
    a color that would go with the floor
    that was in there.
    I like it better than the recent sample
    I got. Plus the recent sample I got
    wasn't even a quart of paint or enough
    paint to do the bathroom with.
    So maybe in the near future I can
    try to get motivated and paint the bathroom.
    I've just been so tired here lately
    and feel like I could sleep all day.
    I'm so ready for a little sunshine.

    Anyway here is the paint from
    Glidden I picked out.
    It's called Cyprus Grass.
    I did a paint sample on a piece
    of cardboard to see what it would look like.
    I didn't like the color by the looks
    in the can but once it dried it looked
    pretty nice.

    When choosing the free paint from
    the internet I actually took my computer
    into the bathroom and put it on
    the floor next to the floor colors
    to try and pick one of the many

    colors they had to choose from that went with it, lol.

    Here someone used this color in their laundry room.

    And here is my bathroom floor along
    with the Cyprus Grass wall color paint sample I did.
    I don't know, I just need a project
    to get me motivated and make
    it more cheerful around here.
    How hard could painting a bathroom
    be being a small space, lol.


    Christmas Candle Cupcake
    can now be viewed on Jelly Belly

    along with the directions to make it.
    Somehow the photo came
    out a little distorted.

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011



    This is going to be a tiring day.
    I woke up at 4am because
    my belly was hurting.
    Ya know there's not too much
    going on, on tv at that hour which
    sucked when you can't sleep.
    Anyway I got some ibuprofen
    and a couple Tums and it seemed
    to take the edge off for me to fall asleep
    a couple more hours.
    I don't know what the belly ache
    was all about but I sure hope it goes
    away. I hadn't experienced one like this before.


    This morning I need to go
    with mom to Sprint to activate
    one of our backup cell phones.
    Tony lost his and we have searched
    high and low for it with no luck.
    So there's another added expense
    to throw on top of everything else.
    But I give him lots of credit for
    holding onto it this long. We've never
    lost any of our phones before.
    You look back at the days before
    cell phones and we got by just fine.
    And now it seems like we
    can't live without them.
    It only costs $20 for both of ours
    so I can't complain. I know some people
    who are paying a hundred to two
    a month for just one phone.


    Downy will be giving away
    700 t-shirts at 4pm today.
    Be sure to "like" them on Facebook first.


    FREE bag of New York Style snacks (9 oz or smaller – up to $3.99 value!)

    You need to register first to
    print your coupon.



    Just returned from Sprint.
    Good news, they didn't charge me
    anything to switch the service
    from one phone to the other!

    I also won a new battery on Ebay
    for mom's cell phone today.
    Her phone seems to be having
    a hard time keeping a charge.
    So we'll see if that fixes it.
    Was only $4.35 with free shipping.
    Sure beats the price of another phone!



    Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse

    Free coupon for Yoplait yogurt

    and another rebate from Pep Boys.


    Today at noon
    Suave is giving away a Suave Professionals.
    "Like" them on Facebook first.

    Also don't forget Clairol free hair
    color at noon.

    I still have two empty forms
    for anyone if you want me to fill them
    out for ya to get the freebie.

    Olive Garden on Facebook.
    Enter for your chance to win
    one of 250 daily prizes.


    .55 cents printable coupon ($1.10 double)
    for Hillshire cocktail weenies.



    I hate those days when you
    have nothing planned for supper
    and don't know what to fix.

    I also need to work on getting
    more cupcakes made so
    I can get the creative juices flowing, lol.



    Got 3 batches of different sized
    cupcakes baking.
    2 jumbo and 1 dozen each of regular and mini.
    I know I've talked about some
    ideas I've had with cupcakes
    but I haven't had the time
    to make any more up til now.

    I also decided upon a simple supper:
    Tomato Soup with
    shredded cheddar cheese and
    homemade wheat croutons on top.
    Grilled cheese with
    dill relish, Best Life Butter and wheat bread.


    I thought this was funny.
    Just saw it on Mad on Cartoon Network.
    The Taylor Swiffer.



    If you have the plastic egg covers
    over those 2.5 dozen medium eggs
    from Kroger
    and don't need them I could use them.
    They make great cups to use when
    painting things and mixing colors.
    Here's mine I put to use tonight.
    Ok, so it's not paint and it's
    food coloring I'm using.
    That's why I need more than
    one. Edible and non edible paints.

    Well I'm gonna go chill for a little bit
    then get ready to watch the movie
    Mean Girls 2 on ABC Family at 9pm.
    Let's hope I can stay awake long enough
    to watch it, lol.


    Well ain't this a cute idea for
    cupcake wrappers.


    This song was on Glee tonight :0)
    It featured Carol Burnett.

    Monday, January 24, 2011



    The house seems so quiet
    with everyone gone off to school and work.
    My honey just called.
    It'll probably take him a bit to
    get back into the swing of things at work.
    Then he proceeds to tell me as
    he was walking out of the office he
    fell down on the sidewalk, twisting his
    bad knee/leg underneath him
    and then says he bumped his head as well.
    At least another coworker saw him
    and made sure he was ok.
    So now I sit here and worry he
    didn't injure himself any further.
    He says he has a bit of a headache.
    You would have thought someone
    would have thrown some salt
    down on the walks especially at the office!!



    Woo Hoo I just snagged a couple
    free hair colors from Clairol!
    Got one for me and mom.
    Go here before they run out
    Clairol on Facebook.
    I have a couple empty forms pulled
    up for the offer if y'all want one let me know!



    Breakfast: was cereal & gluten free bagel
    with Best Life butter spread & jelly.

    Lunch: Leftovers from yesterday.

    Supper: Tuna & Noodles
    -Box of mini penne pasta .50 cents

    -2 pouches of tuna- Free
    -can of cream of mushroom soup .39 cents

    -Great Giant steamed brocolli .60 cents

    Total cost: $1.49
    served 8 @ .18 cents a serving


    .75 cents ($1.50 double) printable coupon
    for any 15 stick pack of Wrigley Extra Gum.

    Buy 1 Diet Coke 20 ounce get 1 free.

    They may have a CVS logo on them
    but they are manufacture coupons
    and you should be able to use them
    anywhere as it does not state
    you must use the coupon at CVS.



    Today I received in the mail
    a sample box of Aveda
    Smooth Fusion shampoo, conditioner
    and Style Prep smoother.

    Kroger coupon book.
    Has a coupon for free Kroger
    diaper wipes.



    Along side of supper I worked on
    a creation for the chocolate covered raisin
    contest. I made a mini version of my recipe
    for everyone to sample.
    For starters, I am the only one
    around here that likes raisins whether
    chocolate covered or not.
    While I cannot share the recipe
    until I write it up and enter it,
    I can say that all the samples where gone
    within minutes! My family
    gobbled them up, raisins and all!!
    I can give you a hint, I love
    chocolate combined with fruit flavors.


    Buy 1 get 1 Nesquick printable coupon.
    You have to "like" them on Facebook first
    to get the coupon.

    Sunday, January 23, 2011


    Last night we watched Heavy
    on A&E.
    If you need some inspiration
    to eat healthier and want
    to loose weight, that's the show to watch.

    Seriously thinking about
    getting a stationary bicycle, maybe even 2.
    I'm sure I could find one on Freecycle.

    Put one in the living room
    and kids bedroom.
    If anyone wants to play a game
    system or watch tv, then they will
    have to do it while riding the bicycle.



    Trying to rethink our priorities
    between our wants and needs.
    With a lessened income tax refund
    we are now rethinking that new fridge
    we wanted. May have to wait longer
    for that and just dust off the older
    one we've been using.
    Now instead have been looking
    at used power chairs for Tony
    to get around better at events or shows
    we go to. Just an idea though
    to help him better get around
    with nerve damage in his feet
    and arthritis in his hips.

    I would like to downsize a few
    vehicles we have and put that
    money in the bank.
    Use some of that money for
    any repairs needed for our
    daily drivers. Since Tony's trip to
    the hospital we have a Lexus sitting
    on jack stands that hasn't been repaired completely.
    Kind of at a stand still at the moment
    since his trip to St. Anns.
    Still needs tires, brakes, lug nuts
    and whatever else to put it back together.

    We were talking about enclosing the
    car port that way he could do things
    outside in any kind of weather.
    BUT that would depend upon costs
    to put sides and windows in it.
    I want it to look like a sunroom/
    garage. I need those sunroom
    windows in it to be able to view the
    backyard and kids.
    To keep costs down we would have to
    find the supplies cheap, free, or used so
    it will take some time to search
    for those materials at something
    we could afford.
    Like on Craigslist or Habitat.

    If it's something that you want
    and that can wait to be done, use that time
    while waiting to buy supplies here
    and there when you find
    them for cheap instead of
    having a financial burden of
    buying the materials all at once.

    I know everyone can dream up stuff.
    So here is a visual of what I would like done.
    I found a picture of a carport turned into
    a sun room. I took that photo
    and rearranged everything to look
    like the garage area I want.
    This shows 5 windows on the side
    while ours would only have 3 and the door.
    And I would like the added door
    next to the garage door.
    This is the original photo I tinkered with.

    And my tinkering I did.



    Went to a couple thrift stores
    in search of a stationary bike.
    No luck with that but I did
    find the boys some long
    sleeve shirts. Something I didn't
    get the other day when at the thrift store.
    I got 5 shirts at .99 cents each
    so $4.95 for all.
    Plus $8.92 for 8 pairs of pants
    from the other day.
    Total cost for a new Winter wardrobe
    for 2 kids $13.97.
    Not too shabby!!
    Believe me they needed some "new"
    clothes between growth spurts,
    stains and tears.

    I also found a couple books
    at the thrift store.

    Mayo Clinic
    The Essential Diabetes Guide
    from 2008. To buy from a bookstore
    would have cost $12 according to the
    sticker on it. I paid .90 cents.

    Better Homes & Gardens
    Double sided book.
    Christmas Treats &
    Anytime Treats.
    I paid .50 cents

    I know, what am I doing buying
    a cookbook on things that are not healthy.
    Hey, I still have those contest
    to think about with cookies!
    Need to get inspired somewhere.


    After the thrift store we stopped in UDF.
    Tony wanted a beer and kids wanted
    something to drink.
    And yes, that was a light beer
    and those were diet pops.

    Anyways that's not where I'm going
    with this ridiculous story.

    All four of us take our stuff up
    to the counter to pay for it.
    The cashier says, "sir, I'm gonna need
    to see your ID" (for the beer),
    then she says, "actually I'm gonna need
    to see all of your IDs since you are buying
    a beer and there are 4 of you purchasing
    things in this transaction."
    I'm thinking come on now, really,
    do you think younger kids have IDs
    and you really need to verify their ages!!
    Tony says to the boys jokingly,
    "maybe you should all go out to the
    truck since you don't have ID's
    so I can buy a beer."
    And the cashier then says,
    "I would prefer if you did because
    I am not supposed to sell anyone
    beer who has kids with them and I'm on camera."
    I'm thinking to myself, that is crazy to say
    that. Now I'm supposed to leave
    my kids in the car by themselves,
    she's lost her mind!
    That's when I twerpt up and said,
    "this is crazy, so I'm not supposed to
    have kids with me to purchase beer.
    Even in Kroger, do you think if you were
    grocery shopping and purchased
    some beer and groceries and had kids
    in tow they would tell you they couldn't
    sell you beer?!"
    "Speedway sells beer all the time to
    us with kids beside us."
    "What about dining out at a restaurant
    and you decided to have a glass of wine
    or beer along side your meal and with your
    kids, do you think they are gonna tell you,
    you can't buy any alcohol because you
    have your children with you."
    She didn't say much after that.
    Me and the kids went to the truck
    while Tony purchase our things.
    This was the most ridiculous
    and crazy crap that I've heard in a long


    Today's lunch

    1 leftover tilapia fillet with veggies,
    chef salad and spaghettios for the kids.

    I got 2 books from the library the
    other day. They both were called,
    This or That.
    The books were about what foods you
    should chose over others.
    And in it, it said that while Spaghetios
    did have a little higher sugar content
    it had a full serving of vegetables,
    1/3 less sodium, 1 gram of fat
    and 7 essential nutrients.


    baked pork chops

    -Thinly sliced pork chops
    6 chops for $2.68
    -dipped in fat free ranch dressing .25 cents
    -Then lightly breaded with
    homemade wheat bread crumbs. - Free

    frozen green giant corn .50 cents
    I can't believe it's not butter with olive oil-Free
    and Morton's lite salt .05 cents

    and I'm not sure what else
    at this moment


    Well I need to start my laundry.
    We all need to start getting back
    to a normal week around here.
    The kids had Monday off last week
    for Martin Luther Kind day,
    then had Friday off for a snow day.
    Tony's been off work for the past 2 weeks.
    So everything has been out of whack.


    Anyone need lots of fabric?
    The thrift store on Indianola
    has HUGE bolts of fabric
    for about $12.
    And I don't mean one bolt of fabric
    in this offer. They have about 5-7
    HUGE bolts taped together for this price.
    I don't mean like something you see
    at JoAnn fabrics either.
    These things stand as tall as myself!
    And many to offer in a bin
    in the furniture/bedding section.
    Anyone doing Ebay would benefit from
    selling this fabric as there are MANY
    yards of fabric for this price.
    Not cheap fabric either.
    Most were a medium to heavy weight.


    If you are unemployed you can get an additional 20% off over 1,500 regular-priced grocery and drugstore items for up to six months
    Eligibility:Kmart customers who present state-issued identification (driver’s license or identification card) and a state-issued unemployment benefits enrollment confirmation are eligible to participate in the program (“Eligible Participants”). At checkout, cardholders will be required to show their valid discount card, their state-issued identification card for signature verification and their state-issued unemployment benefits enrollment verification. Valid signature verification is required to use the card.


    Tonight at 8PM
    Downy on facebook said they
    were giving away free bedsheets!!


    Clairol is giving away 100,000 coupons for their Nice ‘N Easy Color Blend Foam. (This should be a coupon for a free box). This promo will be for Clairol’s Facebook Fans. This will run 1/24-1/27. Each day they will be giving away 25,000 coupons!

    I don't have an exact time, only the days.


    Dollar General is having a
    .25 cents Christmas clearance sale
    til January 31st.
    See details HERE.


    Tomorrow at 2pm
    Downy will be giving away
    free t-shirts.


    I try to access Jelly Belly's
    cupcake contest page and it's coming
    up as a blank page.
    Just wondering if it's my computer
    or if it's the website.
    Been trying for two days now.
    Someone let me know please :0)


    Gazelle Edge

    Has anyone tried a Tony Little's
    We were thinking about an
    exercise bike but that only exercises
    your legs or bottom area.
    We was thinking of a simple, small machine that
    worked the upper body as well.
    I'm also wondering about
    the impact it has in the knee area
    when exercising.

    About Me

    My photo
    My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"

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