Housework and laundry day.
I redid my Lips cupcake and got it submitted.
I added an extra jelly bean tooth
and redid the bottom lip.
I already have an idea for
my next cupcake, lol.
Kissy Lips Cupcake
We decided against getting
the stove today.
Sounds like too much work
with moving and loading
especially with Tony's knee and
leg that's still in the healing process.
Was vacuuming and decided to
vacuum out some vents.
I removed the register cover
and decided to peek up under the
carpet the best I could.
We do have hardwood floors!!
You don't know how bad I want
to rip up this carpet. It shows all
the dirt and stains and I get so tired
of steam cleaning it.
And also there's the dust and dirt
that accumulates in carpet
that can't be good for people's health
and any breathing problems.
Now the next question is this.
Do you risk ripping out all the carpet
and finding out the floors are damaged?
Because having to sand, restain
and top coat wood floors might be expensive.
People wonder why I give up housecleaning
so easy. 5 minutes after I had the living
room spotless it looked like
a tornado went through it
because of kids & their friends
Thank goodness lunch was almost
done because I shooed them all outside.

Even the gerbils were getting in
on the action of messing the place up.
I no sooner vacuumed their
area from where they flipped
bedding out of their cage.
They have chewed through the
screen I put on the cage so
that idea no longer worked.
I went to return the cage to it's
spot only to see more bedding
all over the floor and table. Grrr.
I fixed that once and for all
and put them in a glass fish tank!
Had to rig the water bottle
and wheel to work in it.
I found suction cups and used
that on the wheel to hang from
the side.
Late lunch

Whole grain brown rice (.94 cents) topped
with sweet and sour popcorn chicken (.99 cents),
sauce was free (pineapple & red bell peppers)
So $1.93 for 4 lunches
@ .48 cents a serving.
Papa's been working on getting
his car put back together.
Got the same tires put back on
and new brakes put on.

Mama's been working on
getting the laundry finished.
I really don't have any plans to
go grocery shopping this week.
If I do it'll only be for
milk or pop and whatever
manager specials I find.
I'm so glad the sun decided
to make an appearance today.
Sure makes the day go by better
even though it is reflecting
off of snow.
Garlic Bread &
Stuffed mushrooms.
Double batch.
One for supper, one for freezer.
No recipe, just stuff I threw
together that I had on hand
or leftovers of.

Whole grain Spaghetti $1.00
I drained the juice, from
the large can of whole tomatoes
I put into the sauce, into
the water I boiled the spaghetti in.
6 large mushrooms $1.69
leftover smoked salmon cheese- free
4 ounces fat free cream cheese- .50 cents
leftover horseradish in jar- free
2 tablespoons olive oil may0- free
1/4 cup shredded sharp cheese- .20 cents
4 slices pre cooked bacon, chopped- .20 cents
Tops rolled in wheat bread crumbs
with paprika- Free
Spaghetti sauce
Can of 4 cheese spaghetti sauce- $1.00
1 large can tomatoes- .49 cents
1 large can crushed tomatoes- .49 cents
mushroom leftovers that were
scooped out to make stuffed mushrooms- free
leftover 1/2 onion, diced- free
1/4 cup diced green bell peppers- .10 cents
couple tablespoons splenda- .05 cents
Mrs. Dash seasoning
parmesaen cheese- .25 cents
Garlic Bread
1/2 loaf from bakery
with butter and garlic already on it.- .64 cents
Other half put in freezer
for the other freezer spaghetti meal.
Total Cost for 2 meals, 10 servings
(includes 2 packed lunches)
10 servings @ .59 cents a serving

Household Tip
For those of you who may use
Damp Rid in your basements to
remove moisture or for those
who can't afford to constantly
run a dehumidifier:
Damp Rid is calcium chloride, the same stuff that's used to melt ice in the winter. Save yourself some money. Buy a bag of calcium choride packaged for melting ice, and use your own plastic bucket.
If I remember correctly, the 4 or 5 pound bucket of Damp rid is around 10 dollars. Whereas, you can by a 50 pound back of calcium cloride for $25.00
I priced DampRid at Lowes
and it costs $5.75 for 2.
Total weight was a little over 2.5 pounds.
Says it lasts up to 45 days.
To buy an equivalent of 50 pounds
worth of this stuff would
cost $115 so I would
use the calcium chloride for sure!
I'm gonna have to remember this
idea because that's what we use
on our driveway and walks
and what my honey uses at work.
It would be much cheaper than
running a dehumidifier.
Housework and laundry day.
I redid my Lips cupcake and got it submitted.
I added an extra jelly bean tooth
and redid the bottom lip.
I already have an idea for
my next cupcake, lol.
Kissy Lips Cupcake
We decided against getting
the stove today.
Sounds like too much work
with moving and loading
especially with Tony's knee and
leg that's still in the healing process.
Was vacuuming and decided to
vacuum out some vents.
I removed the register cover
and decided to peek up under the
carpet the best I could.
We do have hardwood floors!!
You don't know how bad I want
to rip up this carpet. It shows all
the dirt and stains and I get so tired
of steam cleaning it.
And also there's the dust and dirt
that accumulates in carpet
that can't be good for people's health
and any breathing problems.
Now the next question is this.
Do you risk ripping out all the carpet
and finding out the floors are damaged?
Because having to sand, restain
and top coat wood floors might be expensive.
People wonder why I give up housecleaning
so easy. 5 minutes after I had the living
room spotless it looked like
a tornado went through it
because of kids & their friends
Thank goodness lunch was almost
done because I shooed them all outside.
Even the gerbils were getting in
on the action of messing the place up.
I no sooner vacuumed their
area from where they flipped
bedding out of their cage.
They have chewed through the
screen I put on the cage so
that idea no longer worked.
I went to return the cage to it's
spot only to see more bedding
all over the floor and table. Grrr.
I fixed that once and for all
and put them in a glass fish tank!
Had to rig the water bottle
and wheel to work in it.
I found suction cups and used
that on the wheel to hang from
the side.
Late lunch
Whole grain brown rice (.94 cents) topped
with sweet and sour popcorn chicken (.99 cents),
sauce was free (pineapple & red bell peppers)
So $1.93 for 4 lunches
@ .48 cents a serving.
Papa's been working on getting
his car put back together.
Got the same tires put back on
and new brakes put on.
Mama's been working on
getting the laundry finished.
I really don't have any plans to
go grocery shopping this week.
If I do it'll only be for
milk or pop and whatever
manager specials I find.
I'm so glad the sun decided
to make an appearance today.
Sure makes the day go by better
even though it is reflecting
off of snow.
Garlic Bread &
Stuffed mushrooms.
Double batch.
One for supper, one for freezer.
No recipe, just stuff I threw
together that I had on hand
or leftovers of.
Whole grain Spaghetti $1.00
I drained the juice, from
the large can of whole tomatoes
I put into the sauce, into
the water I boiled the spaghetti in.
6 large mushrooms $1.69
leftover smoked salmon cheese- free
4 ounces fat free cream cheese- .50 cents
leftover horseradish in jar- free
2 tablespoons olive oil may0- free
1/4 cup shredded sharp cheese- .20 cents
4 slices pre cooked bacon, chopped- .20 cents
Tops rolled in wheat bread crumbs
with paprika- Free
Spaghetti sauce
Can of 4 cheese spaghetti sauce- $1.00
1 large can tomatoes- .49 cents
1 large can crushed tomatoes- .49 cents
mushroom leftovers that were
scooped out to make stuffed mushrooms- free
leftover 1/2 onion, diced- free
1/4 cup diced green bell peppers- .10 cents
couple tablespoons splenda- .05 cents
Mrs. Dash seasoning
parmesaen cheese- .25 cents
Garlic Bread
1/2 loaf from bakery
with butter and garlic already on it.- .64 cents
Other half put in freezer
for the other freezer spaghetti meal.
Total Cost for 2 meals, 10 servings
(includes 2 packed lunches)
10 servings @ .59 cents a serving
Household Tip
For those of you who may use
Damp Rid in your basements to
remove moisture or for those
who can't afford to constantly
run a dehumidifier:
Damp Rid is calcium chloride, the same stuff that's used to melt ice in the winter. Save yourself some money. Buy a bag of calcium choride packaged for melting ice, and use your own plastic bucket.
If I remember correctly, the 4 or 5 pound bucket of Damp rid is around 10 dollars. Whereas, you can by a 50 pound back of calcium cloride for $25.00
I priced DampRid at Lowes
and it costs $5.75 for 2.
Total weight was a little over 2.5 pounds.
Says it lasts up to 45 days.
To buy an equivalent of 50 pounds
worth of this stuff would
cost $115 so I would
use the calcium chloride for sure!
I'm gonna have to remember this
idea because that's what we use
on our driveway and walks
and what my honey uses at work.
It would be much cheaper than
running a dehumidifier.