Last night we watched Heavy
on A&E.
If you need some inspiration
to eat healthier and want
to loose weight, that's the show to watch.
Seriously thinking about
getting a stationary bicycle, maybe even 2.
I'm sure I could find one on Freecycle.
Put one in the living room
and kids bedroom.
If anyone wants to play a game
system or watch tv, then they will
have to do it while riding the bicycle.
Trying to rethink our priorities
between our wants and needs.
With a lessened income tax refund
we are now rethinking that new fridge
we wanted. May have to wait longer
for that and just dust off the older
one we've been using.
Now instead have been looking
at used power chairs for Tony
to get around better at events or shows
we go to. Just an idea though
to help him better get around
with nerve damage in his feet
and arthritis in his hips.
I would like to downsize a few
vehicles we have and put that
money in the bank.
Use some of that money for
any repairs needed for our
daily drivers. Since Tony's trip to
the hospital we have a Lexus sitting
on jack stands that hasn't been repaired completely.
Kind of at a stand still at the moment
since his trip to St. Anns.
Still needs tires, brakes, lug nuts
and whatever else to put it back together.
We were talking about enclosing the
car port that way he could do things
outside in any kind of weather.
BUT that would depend upon costs
to put sides and windows in it.
I want it to look like a sunroom/
garage. I need those sunroom
windows in it to be able to view the
backyard and kids.
To keep costs down we would have to
find the supplies cheap, free, or used so
it will take some time to search
for those materials at something
we could afford.
Like on Craigslist or Habitat.
If it's something that you want
and that can wait to be done, use that time
while waiting to buy supplies here
and there when you find
them for cheap instead of
having a financial burden of
buying the materials all at once.
I know everyone can dream up stuff.
So here is a visual of what I would like done.
I found a picture of a carport turned into
a sun room. I took that photo
and rearranged everything to look
like the garage area I want.
This shows 5 windows on the side
while ours would only have 3 and the door.
And I would like the added door
next to the garage door.
This is the original photo I tinkered with.
And my tinkering I did.

Went to a couple thrift stores
in search of a stationary bike.
No luck with that but I did
find the boys some long
sleeve shirts. Something I didn't
get the other day when at the thrift store.
I got 5 shirts at .99 cents each
so $4.95 for all.
Plus $8.92 for 8 pairs of pants
from the other day.
Total cost for a new Winter wardrobe
for 2 kids $13.97.
Not too shabby!!
Believe me they needed some "new"
clothes between growth spurts,
stains and tears.

I also found a couple books
at the thrift store.
Mayo Clinic
The Essential Diabetes Guide
from 2008. To buy from a bookstore
would have cost $12 according to the
sticker on it. I paid .90 cents.
Better Homes & Gardens
Double sided book.
Christmas Treats &
Anytime Treats.
I paid .50 cents
I know, what am I doing buying
a cookbook on things that are not healthy.
Hey, I still have those contest
to think about with cookies!
Need to get inspired somewhere.
After the thrift store we stopped in UDF.
Tony wanted a beer and kids wanted
something to drink.
And yes, that was a light beer
and those were diet pops.
Anyways that's not where I'm going
with this ridiculous story.
All four of us take our stuff up
to the counter to pay for it.
The cashier says, "sir, I'm gonna need
to see your ID" (for the beer),
then she says, "actually I'm gonna need
to see all of your IDs since you are buying
a beer and there are 4 of you purchasing
things in this transaction."
I'm thinking come on now, really,
do you think younger kids have IDs
and you really need to verify their ages!!
Tony says to the boys jokingly,
"maybe you should all go out to the
truck since you don't have ID's
so I can buy a beer."
And the cashier then says,
"I would prefer if you did because
I am not supposed to sell anyone
beer who has kids with them and I'm on camera."
I'm thinking to myself, that is crazy to say
that. Now I'm supposed to leave
my kids in the car by themselves,
she's lost her mind!
That's when I twerpt up and said,
"this is crazy, so I'm not supposed to
have kids with me to purchase beer.
Even in Kroger, do you think if you were
grocery shopping and purchased
some beer and groceries and had kids
in tow they would tell you they couldn't
sell you beer?!"
"Speedway sells beer all the time to
us with kids beside us."
"What about dining out at a restaurant
and you decided to have a glass of wine
or beer along side your meal and with your
kids, do you think they are gonna tell you,
you can't buy any alcohol because you
have your children with you."
She didn't say much after that.
Me and the kids went to the truck
while Tony purchase our things.
This was the most ridiculous
and crazy crap that I've heard in a long
Today's lunch
1 leftover tilapia fillet with veggies,
chef salad and spaghettios for the kids.
I got 2 books from the library the
other day. They both were called,
This or That.
The books were about what foods you
should chose over others.
And in it, it said that while Spaghetios
did have a little higher sugar content
it had a full serving of vegetables,
1/3 less sodium, 1 gram of fat
and 7 essential nutrients.
baked pork chops
-Thinly sliced pork chops
6 chops for $2.68
-dipped in fat free ranch dressing .25 cents
-Then lightly breaded with
homemade wheat bread crumbs. - Free
frozen green giant corn .50 cents
I can't believe it's not butter with olive oil-Free
and Morton's lite salt .05 cents
and I'm not sure what else
at this moment
Well I need to start my laundry.
We all need to start getting back
to a normal week around here.
The kids had Monday off last week
for Martin Luther Kind day,
then had Friday off for a snow day.
Tony's been off work for the past 2 weeks.
So everything has been out of whack.
Anyone need lots of fabric?
The thrift store on Indianola
has HUGE bolts of fabric
for about $12.
And I don't mean one bolt of fabric
in this offer. They have about 5-7
HUGE bolts taped together for this price.
I don't mean like something you see
at JoAnn fabrics either.
These things stand as tall as myself!
And many to offer in a bin
in the furniture/bedding section.
Anyone doing Ebay would benefit from
selling this fabric as there are MANY
yards of fabric for this price.
Not cheap fabric either.
Most were a medium to heavy weight.
Tonight at 8PM
Downy on facebook said they
were giving away free bedsheets!!
Clairol is giving away 100,000 coupons for their Nice ‘N Easy Color Blend Foam. (This should be a coupon for a free box). This promo will be for Clairol’s Facebook Fans. This will run 1/24-1/27. Each day they will be giving away 25,000 coupons!
I don't have an exact time, only the days.
Dollar General is having a
.25 cents Christmas clearance sale
til January 31st.
See details HERE.
Tomorrow at 2pm
Downy will be giving away
free t-shirts.
I try to access Jelly Belly's
cupcake contest page and it's coming
up as a blank page.
Just wondering if it's my computer
or if it's the website.
Been trying for two days now.
Someone let me know please :0)
Has anyone tried a Tony Little's
We were thinking about an
exercise bike but that only exercises
your legs or bottom area.
We was thinking of a simple, small machine that
worked the upper body as well.
I'm also wondering about
the impact it has in the knee area
when exercising.
on A&E.
If you need some inspiration
to eat healthier and want
to loose weight, that's the show to watch.
Seriously thinking about
getting a stationary bicycle, maybe even 2.
I'm sure I could find one on Freecycle.
Put one in the living room
and kids bedroom.
If anyone wants to play a game
system or watch tv, then they will
have to do it while riding the bicycle.
Trying to rethink our priorities
between our wants and needs.
With a lessened income tax refund
we are now rethinking that new fridge
we wanted. May have to wait longer
for that and just dust off the older
one we've been using.
Now instead have been looking
at used power chairs for Tony
to get around better at events or shows
we go to. Just an idea though
to help him better get around
with nerve damage in his feet
and arthritis in his hips.
I would like to downsize a few
vehicles we have and put that
money in the bank.
Use some of that money for
any repairs needed for our
daily drivers. Since Tony's trip to
the hospital we have a Lexus sitting
on jack stands that hasn't been repaired completely.
Kind of at a stand still at the moment
since his trip to St. Anns.
Still needs tires, brakes, lug nuts
and whatever else to put it back together.
We were talking about enclosing the
car port that way he could do things
outside in any kind of weather.
BUT that would depend upon costs
to put sides and windows in it.
I want it to look like a sunroom/
garage. I need those sunroom
windows in it to be able to view the
backyard and kids.
To keep costs down we would have to
find the supplies cheap, free, or used so
it will take some time to search
for those materials at something
we could afford.
Like on Craigslist or Habitat.
If it's something that you want
and that can wait to be done, use that time
while waiting to buy supplies here
and there when you find
them for cheap instead of
having a financial burden of
buying the materials all at once.
I know everyone can dream up stuff.
So here is a visual of what I would like done.
I found a picture of a carport turned into
a sun room. I took that photo
and rearranged everything to look
like the garage area I want.
This shows 5 windows on the side
while ours would only have 3 and the door.
And I would like the added door
next to the garage door.
This is the original photo I tinkered with.

Went to a couple thrift stores
in search of a stationary bike.
No luck with that but I did
find the boys some long
sleeve shirts. Something I didn't
get the other day when at the thrift store.
I got 5 shirts at .99 cents each
so $4.95 for all.
Plus $8.92 for 8 pairs of pants
from the other day.
Total cost for a new Winter wardrobe
for 2 kids $13.97.
Not too shabby!!
Believe me they needed some "new"
clothes between growth spurts,
stains and tears.
I also found a couple books
at the thrift store.
Mayo Clinic
The Essential Diabetes Guide
from 2008. To buy from a bookstore
would have cost $12 according to the
sticker on it. I paid .90 cents.
Better Homes & Gardens
Double sided book.
Christmas Treats &
Anytime Treats.
I paid .50 cents
I know, what am I doing buying
a cookbook on things that are not healthy.
Hey, I still have those contest
to think about with cookies!
Need to get inspired somewhere.
After the thrift store we stopped in UDF.
Tony wanted a beer and kids wanted
something to drink.
And yes, that was a light beer
and those were diet pops.
Anyways that's not where I'm going
with this ridiculous story.
All four of us take our stuff up
to the counter to pay for it.
The cashier says, "sir, I'm gonna need
to see your ID" (for the beer),
then she says, "actually I'm gonna need
to see all of your IDs since you are buying
a beer and there are 4 of you purchasing
things in this transaction."
I'm thinking come on now, really,
do you think younger kids have IDs
and you really need to verify their ages!!
Tony says to the boys jokingly,
"maybe you should all go out to the
truck since you don't have ID's
so I can buy a beer."
And the cashier then says,
"I would prefer if you did because
I am not supposed to sell anyone
beer who has kids with them and I'm on camera."
I'm thinking to myself, that is crazy to say
that. Now I'm supposed to leave
my kids in the car by themselves,
she's lost her mind!
That's when I twerpt up and said,
"this is crazy, so I'm not supposed to
have kids with me to purchase beer.
Even in Kroger, do you think if you were
grocery shopping and purchased
some beer and groceries and had kids
in tow they would tell you they couldn't
sell you beer?!"
"Speedway sells beer all the time to
us with kids beside us."
"What about dining out at a restaurant
and you decided to have a glass of wine
or beer along side your meal and with your
kids, do you think they are gonna tell you,
you can't buy any alcohol because you
have your children with you."
She didn't say much after that.
Me and the kids went to the truck
while Tony purchase our things.
This was the most ridiculous
and crazy crap that I've heard in a long
Today's lunch
1 leftover tilapia fillet with veggies,
chef salad and spaghettios for the kids.
I got 2 books from the library the
other day. They both were called,
This or That.
The books were about what foods you
should chose over others.
And in it, it said that while Spaghetios
did have a little higher sugar content
it had a full serving of vegetables,
1/3 less sodium, 1 gram of fat
and 7 essential nutrients.
baked pork chops
-Thinly sliced pork chops
6 chops for $2.68
-dipped in fat free ranch dressing .25 cents
-Then lightly breaded with
homemade wheat bread crumbs. - Free
frozen green giant corn .50 cents
I can't believe it's not butter with olive oil-Free
and Morton's lite salt .05 cents
and I'm not sure what else
at this moment
Well I need to start my laundry.
We all need to start getting back
to a normal week around here.
The kids had Monday off last week
for Martin Luther Kind day,
then had Friday off for a snow day.
Tony's been off work for the past 2 weeks.
So everything has been out of whack.
Anyone need lots of fabric?
The thrift store on Indianola
has HUGE bolts of fabric
for about $12.
And I don't mean one bolt of fabric
in this offer. They have about 5-7
HUGE bolts taped together for this price.
I don't mean like something you see
at JoAnn fabrics either.
These things stand as tall as myself!
And many to offer in a bin
in the furniture/bedding section.
Anyone doing Ebay would benefit from
selling this fabric as there are MANY
yards of fabric for this price.
Not cheap fabric either.
Most were a medium to heavy weight.
If you are unemployed you can get an additional 20% off over 1,500 regular-priced grocery and drugstore items for up to six months
Eligibility:Kmart customers who present state-issued identification (driver’s license or identification card) and a state-issued unemployment benefits enrollment confirmation are eligible to participate in the program (“Eligible Participants”). At checkout, cardholders will be required to show their valid discount card, their state-issued identification card for signature verification and their state-issued unemployment benefits enrollment verification. Valid signature verification is required to use the card.
Tonight at 8PM
Downy on facebook said they
were giving away free bedsheets!!
Clairol is giving away 100,000 coupons for their Nice ‘N Easy Color Blend Foam. (This should be a coupon for a free box). This promo will be for Clairol’s Facebook Fans. This will run 1/24-1/27. Each day they will be giving away 25,000 coupons!
I don't have an exact time, only the days.
Dollar General is having a
.25 cents Christmas clearance sale
til January 31st.
See details HERE.
Tomorrow at 2pm
Downy will be giving away
free t-shirts.
I try to access Jelly Belly's
cupcake contest page and it's coming
up as a blank page.
Just wondering if it's my computer
or if it's the website.
Been trying for two days now.
Someone let me know please :0)
Has anyone tried a Tony Little's
We were thinking about an
exercise bike but that only exercises
your legs or bottom area.
We was thinking of a simple, small machine that
worked the upper body as well.
I'm also wondering about
the impact it has in the knee area
when exercising.