This is going to be a tiring day.
I woke up at 4am because
my belly was hurting.
Ya know there's not too much
going on, on tv at that hour which
sucked when you can't sleep.
Anyway I got some ibuprofen
and a couple Tums and it seemed
to take the edge off for me to fall asleep
a couple more hours.
I don't know what the belly ache
was all about but I sure hope it goes
away. I hadn't experienced one like this before.
This morning I need to go
with mom to Sprint to activate
one of our backup cell phones.
Tony lost his and we have searched
high and low for it with no luck.
So there's another added expense
to throw on top of everything else.
But I give him lots of credit for
holding onto it this long. We've never
lost any of our phones before.
You look back at the days before
cell phones and we got by just fine.
And now it seems like we
can't live without them.
It only costs $20 for both of ours
so I can't complain. I know some people
who are paying a hundred to two
a month for just one phone.
Downy will be giving away
700 t-shirts at 4pm today.
Be sure to "like" them on Facebook first.
FREE bag of New York Style snacks (9 oz or smaller – up to $3.99 value!)
You need to register first to
print your coupon.
Just returned from Sprint.
Good news, they didn't charge me
anything to switch the service
from one phone to the other!
I also won a new battery on Ebay
for mom's cell phone today.
Her phone seems to be having
a hard time keeping a charge.
So we'll see if that fixes it.
Was only $4.35 with free shipping.
Sure beats the price of another phone!
Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse
Free coupon for Yoplait yogurt
and another rebate from Pep Boys.
Today at noon
Suave is giving away a Suave Professionals.
"Like" them on Facebook first.
Also don't forget Clairol free hair
color at noon.
I still have two empty forms
for anyone if you want me to fill them
out for ya to get the freebie.
Olive Garden on Facebook.
Enter for your chance to win
one of 250 daily prizes.
.55 cents printable coupon ($1.10 double)
for Hillshire cocktail weenies.
I hate those days when you
have nothing planned for supper
and don't know what to fix.
I also need to work on getting
more cupcakes made so
I can get the creative juices flowing, lol.
Got 3 batches of different sized
cupcakes baking.
2 jumbo and 1 dozen each of regular and mini.
I know I've talked about some
ideas I've had with cupcakes
but I haven't had the time
to make any more up til now.
I also decided upon a simple supper:
Tomato Soup with
shredded cheddar cheese and
homemade wheat croutons on top.
Grilled cheese with
dill relish, Best Life Butter and wheat bread.
I thought this was funny.
Just saw it on Mad on Cartoon Network.
The Taylor Swiffer.
If you have the plastic egg covers
over those 2.5 dozen medium eggs
from Kroger
and don't need them I could use them.
They make great cups to use when
painting things and mixing colors.
Here's mine I put to use tonight.
Ok, so it's not paint and it's
food coloring I'm using.
That's why I need more than
one. Edible and non edible paints.

Well I'm gonna go chill for a little bit
then get ready to watch the movie
Mean Girls 2 on ABC Family at 9pm.
Let's hope I can stay awake long enough
to watch it, lol.
Well ain't this a cute idea for
cupcake wrappers.
This song was on Glee tonight :0)
It featured Carol Burnett.
This is going to be a tiring day.
I woke up at 4am because
my belly was hurting.
Ya know there's not too much
going on, on tv at that hour which
sucked when you can't sleep.
Anyway I got some ibuprofen
and a couple Tums and it seemed
to take the edge off for me to fall asleep
a couple more hours.
I don't know what the belly ache
was all about but I sure hope it goes
away. I hadn't experienced one like this before.
This morning I need to go
with mom to Sprint to activate
one of our backup cell phones.
Tony lost his and we have searched
high and low for it with no luck.
So there's another added expense
to throw on top of everything else.
But I give him lots of credit for
holding onto it this long. We've never
lost any of our phones before.
You look back at the days before
cell phones and we got by just fine.
And now it seems like we
can't live without them.
It only costs $20 for both of ours
so I can't complain. I know some people
who are paying a hundred to two
a month for just one phone.
Downy will be giving away
700 t-shirts at 4pm today.
Be sure to "like" them on Facebook first.
FREE bag of New York Style snacks (9 oz or smaller – up to $3.99 value!)
You need to register first to
print your coupon.
Just returned from Sprint.
Good news, they didn't charge me
anything to switch the service
from one phone to the other!
I also won a new battery on Ebay
for mom's cell phone today.
Her phone seems to be having
a hard time keeping a charge.
So we'll see if that fixes it.
Was only $4.35 with free shipping.
Sure beats the price of another phone!
Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse
Free coupon for Yoplait yogurt
and another rebate from Pep Boys.
Today at noon
Suave is giving away a Suave Professionals.
"Like" them on Facebook first.
Also don't forget Clairol free hair
color at noon.
I still have two empty forms
for anyone if you want me to fill them
out for ya to get the freebie.
Olive Garden on Facebook.
Enter for your chance to win
one of 250 daily prizes.
.55 cents printable coupon ($1.10 double)
for Hillshire cocktail weenies.
I hate those days when you
have nothing planned for supper
and don't know what to fix.
I also need to work on getting
more cupcakes made so
I can get the creative juices flowing, lol.
Got 3 batches of different sized
cupcakes baking.
2 jumbo and 1 dozen each of regular and mini.
I know I've talked about some
ideas I've had with cupcakes
but I haven't had the time
to make any more up til now.
I also decided upon a simple supper:
Tomato Soup with
shredded cheddar cheese and
homemade wheat croutons on top.
Grilled cheese with
dill relish, Best Life Butter and wheat bread.
I thought this was funny.
Just saw it on Mad on Cartoon Network.
The Taylor Swiffer.
If you have the plastic egg covers
over those 2.5 dozen medium eggs
from Kroger
and don't need them I could use them.
They make great cups to use when
painting things and mixing colors.
Here's mine I put to use tonight.
Ok, so it's not paint and it's
food coloring I'm using.
That's why I need more than
one. Edible and non edible paints.
Well I'm gonna go chill for a little bit
then get ready to watch the movie
Mean Girls 2 on ABC Family at 9pm.
Let's hope I can stay awake long enough
to watch it, lol.
Well ain't this a cute idea for
cupcake wrappers.
This song was on Glee tonight :0)
It featured Carol Burnett.