In today's Columbus Dispatch you will find a Macy's sales ad. In that flyer is about 8 paper perfume samples! I love paper perfume samples! Collect these type samples from papers or magazines and store in a ziploc baggie.
I have many uses for them!
-Put in undergarment/pajama drawers.
-poke hole and insert a hanger through one and hang in closet.
-put in between blankets stored in a closet.
-Freshen up an old book by putting one in between some pages. Use as a bookmark.
-Put in car and use as an air freshener.
-If you store clothes add one in a zipped up plastic bag with the clothes.
-Scent a letter with perfume by rubbing it on your paper.
-Put one in your linen closet.
-Rub on your pillow or clothes or put the whole thing in your pillow case.
-Insert one inside a toilet paper roll when putting on a new roll.
-Put in suitcases, book bags, totes or purses.
-Stick a few in a pair of stinky shoes.
-Use on trips. Sometimes airports will not allow certain liquids.
-Insert in gift bags.
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"