I just now got home from the hospital.
We left for the hospital after the kids
got on the bus at 8:25am.
I was correct with MY diagnosis of him.
He does have cellulitis.
They will be keeping him for the next day
or two at St. Anns. He has an IV
which they are giving him antibiotics in
along with saline.
I just talked to Tony on the phone and he
said two doctors came in and said they
might go in and drain his knee of any
fluids. At the moment I am home
waiting for the kids to get off the bus
then will be fixing them some supper.
Then back to the hospital this evening
to see him with the kids.
The hospital does have WiFi so will
be taking him his computer so he
has something to do.

I just checked and Jelly Belly has
posted my Dinosaur Cupcake if
you would like to check it out.
I realize the contest isn't over til July
but the $10,000 prize is sounding good
right about now with so many doctor bills
adding up left and right and that's with insurance!
Don't want to see how much this visit
to the ER and a couple days stay in the
hospital will cost!
But I don't care as long as he's
getting the medical attention he needs
at the moment. At least some of these
doctor's know what they are doing!
2 visits to the family doctor, 1 to urgent care
and now to the hospital since Monday!!
Exactly 2 months since I went
to St. Anns in the ambulance!
I just checked my mail.
Can you believe Pep Boys sent me one of
my rebates in the form of a post card!!
Now picture a post card (no envelope)
that looks like a check on the front
and the endorsement area on the back.
Ya know there's a reason most
companies put their checks in a safety
envelope, to keep criminals from
knowing what's inside! This is ridiculous
that any Tom, Dick or Harry can see my
check and know how much it is for!!
And we wonder why we have identity
theft and people stealing money
from our accounts!
I got Tony some personal items and
his computer packed up for the hospital.
It's nice to have things from home
when you are away from home to
make you feel more comfortable.
Wanna know another crazy thing since
I've been surrounded by stupid people lately?
I brought all of Tony's meds to the hospital
in a gallon zip bag. You should either
bring them with you or write down all your
meds you take when going to the doctor or hospital.
I told him I would
put them in the dresser drawer in his room
so he would have his diabetic medicine to take.
The nurse says, that's ok, you can take those
home, we'll send up diabetic medicine from
the hospital pharmacy for him.
I told her, that's ok, these meds are cheaper!!
The medicine from your pharmacy will
probably cost $10 a pill!!
Heck I'm pretty sure they charge you
about $5.00 for a dose of Tylenol!!
This is absolutely crazy if you ask me.
Why when you have your medicine with you
would they want you to get some from their
pharmacy and charge you outrageous
prices!! This is so freaking stupid!!
I may be stressed, I may be tired
and I may be crazy, but I sure as
heck ain't dumb!
The meds are still there in his drawer!
And another thing.
When I found out they we're keeping him
for a couple days I told him I was going to
the truck to have a cigarette (or two since
it had been 4 hours since my last one!)
and to call mom and let her know
what was going on.
Well the nurse heard me say that and said
there is no smoking on the hospital property.
I said even in my own vehicle!?
She said again, no smoking on the property
That's when I turned to Tony and said
once again, I'm GOING to go have a smoke
and call mom!
I can understand not smoking by entrance ways
and such but my vehicle was parked way far
away from the door and in the middle
of a big parking lot. I wasn't hurting
anyone! What did they really expect me to do,
get in my truck and drive over to Sharon
Woods and smoke a cigarette, come on now!
Then I guess after I left the nurse asked Tony
if he smoked and he said no.
Then she said now would be a good time
for your wife to quit!
Yeah, sure, right!
My husbands admitted to a freaking
hospital with an infection in his leg,
they're searching for possible blood clots
and possibly inserting tools
to drain fluid from his leg
I told you I've been surrounded by
stupid people!
I just now got home from the hospital.
We left for the hospital after the kids
got on the bus at 8:25am.
I was correct with MY diagnosis of him.
He does have cellulitis.
They will be keeping him for the next day
or two at St. Anns. He has an IV
which they are giving him antibiotics in
along with saline.
I just talked to Tony on the phone and he
said two doctors came in and said they
might go in and drain his knee of any
fluids. At the moment I am home
waiting for the kids to get off the bus
then will be fixing them some supper.
Then back to the hospital this evening
to see him with the kids.
The hospital does have WiFi so will
be taking him his computer so he
has something to do.
I just checked and Jelly Belly has
posted my Dinosaur Cupcake if
you would like to check it out.
I realize the contest isn't over til July
but the $10,000 prize is sounding good
right about now with so many doctor bills
adding up left and right and that's with insurance!
Don't want to see how much this visit
to the ER and a couple days stay in the
hospital will cost!
But I don't care as long as he's
getting the medical attention he needs
at the moment. At least some of these
doctor's know what they are doing!
2 visits to the family doctor, 1 to urgent care
and now to the hospital since Monday!!
Exactly 2 months since I went
to St. Anns in the ambulance!
I just checked my mail.
Can you believe Pep Boys sent me one of
my rebates in the form of a post card!!
Now picture a post card (no envelope)
that looks like a check on the front
and the endorsement area on the back.
Ya know there's a reason most
companies put their checks in a safety
envelope, to keep criminals from
knowing what's inside! This is ridiculous
that any Tom, Dick or Harry can see my
check and know how much it is for!!
And we wonder why we have identity
theft and people stealing money
from our accounts!
I got Tony some personal items and
his computer packed up for the hospital.
It's nice to have things from home
when you are away from home to
make you feel more comfortable.
Wanna know another crazy thing since
I've been surrounded by stupid people lately?
I brought all of Tony's meds to the hospital
in a gallon zip bag. You should either
bring them with you or write down all your
meds you take when going to the doctor or hospital.
I told him I would
put them in the dresser drawer in his room
so he would have his diabetic medicine to take.
The nurse says, that's ok, you can take those
home, we'll send up diabetic medicine from
the hospital pharmacy for him.
I told her, that's ok, these meds are cheaper!!
The medicine from your pharmacy will
probably cost $10 a pill!!
Heck I'm pretty sure they charge you
about $5.00 for a dose of Tylenol!!
This is absolutely crazy if you ask me.
Why when you have your medicine with you
would they want you to get some from their
pharmacy and charge you outrageous
prices!! This is so freaking stupid!!
I may be stressed, I may be tired
and I may be crazy, but I sure as
heck ain't dumb!
The meds are still there in his drawer!
And another thing.
When I found out they we're keeping him
for a couple days I told him I was going to
the truck to have a cigarette (or two since
it had been 4 hours since my last one!)
and to call mom and let her know
what was going on.
Well the nurse heard me say that and said
there is no smoking on the hospital property.
I said even in my own vehicle!?
She said again, no smoking on the property
That's when I turned to Tony and said
once again, I'm GOING to go have a smoke
and call mom!
I can understand not smoking by entrance ways
and such but my vehicle was parked way far
away from the door and in the middle
of a big parking lot. I wasn't hurting
anyone! What did they really expect me to do,
get in my truck and drive over to Sharon
Woods and smoke a cigarette, come on now!
Then I guess after I left the nurse asked Tony
if he smoked and he said no.
Then she said now would be a good time
for your wife to quit!
Yeah, sure, right!
My husbands admitted to a freaking
hospital with an infection in his leg,
they're searching for possible blood clots
and possibly inserting tools
to drain fluid from his leg
I told you I've been surrounded by
stupid people!