Here's a couple more jelly bean cupcakes
I've done.
The Southern Belle I made this morning.
I go today to pick up a few reserved cupcake
books from the library. Need some ideas
because at the moment I'm kind of
at a stand still.

Tony is off work for the rest of the week.
Some of the redness on his knee/leg
area has went away.
I think all the doctor's are wrong
with their diagnosis!!
My gut feeling says it's CELLULITIS!!
I'd almost bet on it at the moment.
I don't think it's torn ligaments in
the knee or anything like that
like both doctors have told him.
If we go back to the doctors I'm gonna
tell them my diagnosis and see what they say!
Went to Kroger to pick
up a pain medication for Tony.
There's still some Christmas stuff
that keeps getting marked down more and more.
Tonight I got:

2 Large pkg Tic Tacks .25 cents each
Christmas colored & shaped bags of marshmallows
.25 cents each
I bought all they had, 8 bags.
And I also found 2 displays of books
that were marked down to $1.00 each!!
And to think I was just in the library tonight
and their hard back used books were $2 each!

Christopher got: Ships, regular price of $6.49
Jonathan got: 2 Speed Racer novels
regular price $2.99 each
I got:
2 brownie cookbooks regular $6.49 each.
and an
Oprah Winfrey Magazine Cookbook
regular price of $8.99
(will make a nice birthday gift for mom next month!)
Without using any coupons on this trip to
Kroger and buying marked down items
my receipt said I saved $41.00!!
I looked at Kroger for some Tootsie Rolls.
Could not find them anywhere!
Where oh where have the Tootsie Rolls gone,
oh where oh where can they be???
Tony asked the pharmacist to take
a look at his leg, so he came out to
the waiting area.
And guess what the pharmacist
thought was wrong with it?????
See I told ya I thought that's what
it was as well. But do you think a
damn doctor can see it, hell no!
The redness has gone down a bit.
Imagine his entire calf being just as red!
Now it seems to be lingering
around the knee area.
This is not a scuff or cut!
It's a bacteria infection that gets into
the skin.
And if I don't see any more improvement
in the near future from the oral antibiotics pills
then I will take him to the ER where
he can be administered antibiotics
through an IV.

Working on another jelly belly cupcake.
It's been one I've been wanting to create
for awhile but didn't know how til now.
Kinda glad Kroger didn't have the
tootsie rolls because I went with
candy circus peanuts instead
which seem to be working better!
So stayed tuned to see the newest one!
Dinosaur Cupcake
Ain't he cute!
This one took me awhile to
figure out how to do.
Well I'm gonna go enter it now
then maybe take a hot bath.
Got a bad headache at the moment
and am waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in!
Guess my mind has been thinking too much!
I think tomorrow morning once the kids
get on the bus I'm gonna take Tony
to the ER. This has been going on
since last Saturday.
He has the on call pager next week
and at the rate he's going I don't
know how he'll do it!!
Here's a couple more jelly bean cupcakes
I've done.
The Southern Belle I made this morning.
I go today to pick up a few reserved cupcake
books from the library. Need some ideas
because at the moment I'm kind of
at a stand still.
Tony is off work for the rest of the week.
Some of the redness on his knee/leg
area has went away.
I think all the doctor's are wrong
with their diagnosis!!
My gut feeling says it's CELLULITIS!!
I'd almost bet on it at the moment.
I don't think it's torn ligaments in
the knee or anything like that
like both doctors have told him.
If we go back to the doctors I'm gonna
tell them my diagnosis and see what they say!
Went to Kroger to pick
up a pain medication for Tony.
There's still some Christmas stuff
that keeps getting marked down more and more.
Tonight I got:
2 Large pkg Tic Tacks .25 cents each
Christmas colored & shaped bags of marshmallows
.25 cents each
I bought all they had, 8 bags.
And I also found 2 displays of books
that were marked down to $1.00 each!!
And to think I was just in the library tonight
and their hard back used books were $2 each!
Christopher got: Ships, regular price of $6.49
Jonathan got: 2 Speed Racer novels
regular price $2.99 each
I got:
2 brownie cookbooks regular $6.49 each.
and an
Oprah Winfrey Magazine Cookbook
regular price of $8.99
(will make a nice birthday gift for mom next month!)
Without using any coupons on this trip to
Kroger and buying marked down items
my receipt said I saved $41.00!!
I looked at Kroger for some Tootsie Rolls.
Could not find them anywhere!
Where oh where have the Tootsie Rolls gone,
oh where oh where can they be???
Tony asked the pharmacist to take
a look at his leg, so he came out to
the waiting area.
And guess what the pharmacist
thought was wrong with it?????
See I told ya I thought that's what
it was as well. But do you think a
damn doctor can see it, hell no!
The redness has gone down a bit.
Imagine his entire calf being just as red!
Now it seems to be lingering
around the knee area.
This is not a scuff or cut!
It's a bacteria infection that gets into
the skin.
And if I don't see any more improvement
in the near future from the oral antibiotics pills
then I will take him to the ER where
he can be administered antibiotics
through an IV.
Working on another jelly belly cupcake.
It's been one I've been wanting to create
for awhile but didn't know how til now.
Kinda glad Kroger didn't have the
tootsie rolls because I went with
candy circus peanuts instead
which seem to be working better!
So stayed tuned to see the newest one!
Dinosaur Cupcake
Ain't he cute!
This one took me awhile to
figure out how to do.
then maybe take a hot bath.
Got a bad headache at the moment
and am waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in!
Guess my mind has been thinking too much!
I think tomorrow morning once the kids
get on the bus I'm gonna take Tony
to the ER. This has been going on
since last Saturday.
He has the on call pager next week
and at the rate he's going I don't
know how he'll do it!!