Today: Partly sunny, hot and humid
with scattered showers and
High 90 (Heat Index to 100-degrees)
Tonight: Mostly cloudy, warm and muggy
with showers and thunderstorms. Low 73

Through a RAK (Random Act of Kindness)
on one of my Yahoo groups I saw a
person giving away free hearing aid
batteries. Said they got a good
deal at Walgreens and had stocked up
on them as a Christmas gift for their
grandfather. Well I guess her grandfather
passed way recently and she wanted to
pass along the batteries onto someone
else that could use them. I responded
and got chosen for them, yeah! They are
the exact size batteries I have been getting
for my step dad either at Walgreens or Ebay.
They usually run about $10 to $15 a pack!!
But of course I try to use coupons
combined with sales to get a better deal.
Yesterday I got 2 free samples of
Bullseye BBQ Sauce. I sent one with
Tony's lunch today with his chicken.
Also forgot to mention that I got
another FREE $25 gift card from Kroger.
Woo Hoo!
We received a total of $50 free in gift
cards for Kroger for signing up for
some kind of prescription survey.
I need 27.25 more points to get $100
in FREE gift cards from one of my
survey sites! It will have taken
me almost a year to do it but sure will
come in handy at Christmas time for
the boys at GameStop!
I also have 8 checks to deposit
from another survey site.
It's only $24 ($3 a survey).
But hey I'll take any free money I can get!
It all begins to add up over time.

Hey maybe tonight I'll be able to
see the Northern Lights over
Northern Lights Shopping Center,
about less than 5 minutes from here.
Northern Lights may make rare appearance across America
By Jeff Martin, USA TODAY
Solar storms could give Americans from Montana to Maine a rare chance to view the Northern Lights tonight and Wednesday night.
Is cereal still a breakfast food
if it is mixed with butter and
I went to fix the kids breakfast this
morning and realized we were out of
milk and eggs. So I decided to use
up some regular Cheerios that the kids
don't like (they like the Honey Nut kind)
and make Cheerio bars like Rice Krispy
Years ago when we had W.I.C. and got
all those non sugared cereals that no
one would eat I would turn them into
breakfast bars like above. You could
add nuts, raisins, dried fruit and
what not to them to jazz them up.
Lucky for me this morning I was
able to find a stash of marshmallows
in the freezer. If you have opened
marshmallow you can freeze them to
help preserve their freshness.
Just thaw before using.
If not they will turn rock hard
if left out.
The Top 10 Worst As Seen On TV Products

Since the Suburban seem to be running
well again it's time for me to head
back down to the basement and weed out
some more. Time to fill the back
end of the 'Burban up with crap and
haul it outta here!
What better place to be on a hot day
like today, the basement!
Plus with the 'Burban we will now be
able to do some DDn. I couldn't imagine
doing that with the tracker!
But it's been a half way decent lil
bugger with gas savings.
Still need to get the windows tinted.
But can't exactly do that when Tony
is driving it to work.
Drove by UV last night and all is
still quiet. Will check back this
weekend though. Let the rush begin!!
Feels Like: 106°
Severe storms are close to your location
I am in the basement and are wearing
a sweat jacket, lol.
Got 1 large box and 2 medium
sized boxes ready to go out
along with a fake palm tree.
Not done for today.
Taking a break to have a
late lunch.
Waiting to see if this storm
is gonna roll through our area.
Looks like it could stay North.
Got 2 large boxes and 4 medium boxes,
a palm tree, mirror and pillow to
lug out of basement. This is out of
my freezer storage room. Once I get
this room done I can move my other
storage boxes like crafts and what
not into this room and get it out
of the larger rec room area.
Gotta be in the right frame of
mind to start tossing stuff!
The more pissed off you get because
of cleaning crap around the house
the better!
Hey Kendra!
If possible can you print these
coupons for me? 2 if possible.
Thanks whole bunches if ya do :0)
$2.00 coupon for any STP product
Got my fingers crossed at the moment.
I saw an ad on Freecycle for
four 80 pound bags of quickrete.
This would be perfect for the fence
posts. And it would save some money.
Gonna sit back and keep hoping
they pick me for it!!!
If I got chosen the all I would
need is one more 40 pound bag
to do the back/side fence.

I go pick up the free quickrete
bags tomorrow. They are only about
5 minutes from UV!!
Can you believe this?
FREE hearing aid batteries
and FREE concrete for the fence
all in one day!!
I'm loving it!!!!
Mom always said it seems if I need
something it falls straight in my
lap for free. I'm starting to
believe it.
Thank you God for helping us out
when needed!!
My favorite cleaning solutions consist
of Dollar Store OxiClean, MR. Clean
pourable cleaner and sometimes I like
to add a little fabric softener to
soften the carpet and give it a fresh