our bedroom. I temporarily put it in
the living room before taking it
to the basement. The animals have
taken it over!! This is what I found
this morning, LOL!
Lookie my new bunk bed for critters.
FYI, the bookshelf and both
tower fans were college move out
finds. One fan this year, one fan
last year and the shelf from a
couple years ago.
I think all our fans around here
were found. And I also found
one of those Ionic Breeze towers
last year.
Getting psyched for this year!
Garden goodies from yesterday.
Just got done giving the dog another
bath. She pretty much got a
flea and tick bath being Summer time
with more outdoor exposure and more
romps and rolls in the grass.
So much for our bedroom. I completely
transformed it into a man room for Tony.
It was either this or he was wanting
a curio to display all his NASCAR stuff
in our living room. So I opted for
a bedroom tucked away that can be
behind closed doors if need be.
Now I just stand back and think,
"what the hell have I done!"
Looks like a kids room, lol.
The boys are jealous and now
Jonathan wants to do away with
his baseball themed room and
go to a car room with old cars,
muscle cars and racing.
AHHHH! Not this year!!
I do have this wallpaper border
if Jonathan wanted it. BUT I ain't
doing it right now or this year!!

Just a heads up!!
Was in kitchen getting my chicken
prepped for the crock pot when Jonathan
said someone was out front tinkering
with our mailbox and looking in it.
I washed my hands
and went to have a look see.
It was a lady delivering the Yellow
Book Phone Book. She was down the street
by then. I had already gotten mail out
earlier when the mailman came so that
was good. I had my camera and was trying
to take a picture of her and the van
but the damn thing ended up with a
blurred picture trying to zoom in on it
and she was driving away.
Actually I did not see a plate on the
back of this dark blue conversion van.
But anyway I contacted Yellow Book
to make them aware of this situation
and am hoping to hear back from them.
Gonna go take another look at neighbor's
mail boxes to see if they were messed
with and left open. Didn't see
anything out of the ordinary.
When working at an apartment
complex they always tell you
to keep an eye out for suspicious
activity. To me this was suspicious.
There's too many people getting scammed,
having identity theft and checks
in the mail stolen.
Got the chickie in the crock.
Skinned 4- chicken breasts.
Coated with olive oil then
put a seasoned rub on it.
I greased some aluminum
sheets with butter
and placed chicken breasts in
center. Folded up the foil.
In the crock I placed a half
can of flat beer into the bottom.
Then, because I ran out of
aluminum foil, I crushed a few
beer cans and placed on the bottom
for the chicken to rest on.
Time for supper.
Chicken is so juicy!
Topped chicken with Habanero
shredded cheese and tomato slices.
Served with a side of corn
and spicy pasta.
Of course there was a kids
version to this, lol.
They had cheesy broccoli
rice, corn and chicken
was topped with sharp cheddar

This evening after supper Tony went and
took a cat nap. I went out and put the
new rotor button, distributor cap and wires
on the truck along with hooking back up the air
hoses. He had no clue.
Truck runs like a champ
again, thank goodness, no more rough idle.
Went and put some more gas in the tank
and poured a half bottle of Sea Foam
Treatment in the tank.
Tony was so proud of me! Says he's
going back to work tomorrow to tell
the guys I fixed his truck, LOL!
This was easy stuff, bring on something
harder to do, lol.
I had a 75 Chevy pickup years ago with
a 350 motor also. I taught myself to work on it
through repair manuals. This Suburban
is pretty much the same thing with a few
add ons like anti-lock brakes and computers.
As you know I am not one who takes
very many OTC drugs or prescription
drugs unless absolutely necessary.
I'd rather try natural home remedies
Everyone says I read too much!
How do you read too much? I thought
reading and becoming knowledgeable
about things was good for the brain.
Reading makes you aware of what
is going on around you that you
wouldn't normally have known
otherwise about. Those secrets
they keep from the public and don't
want you to know about.
How many doctors do you know of
offer holistic healing (home remedies
with herbs and other natural products)
instead of getting you to pop more
pills?? NONE! And do you know why?
They can actually get in trouble
for doing so.
You have to look for other places
outside any doctor's office or
I can literally say that one of
our doctors was even against taking
vitamins!! It was a question I asked
when we discovered Tony had diabetes.
I thought he should start taking
a vitamin supplement and the doctor
said they don't do any good!
I went with my better judgment
and started him on vitamins anyway!
I do have a strong belief that a lot
of these pharmaceutical companies
do more harm than good.
How many law firm commercials are you
seeing on tv about recent drugs that
have hit the market and have caused
death, disabilities or birth defects?
How many commercials are you seeing
now that advertise prescription
We didn't see this years ago on tv!
It's because drug companies
are getting away with way too much now!
Back then they were monitored more
closely! Now they have multi billion
dollar companies and pretty much
do what they want.
This is exactly what I am talking about!
Keep from being the next victim of
being a guinea pig for these
pharmaceutical companies.
Straight from Mercola, and I feel the same way!!
Another Reason to Take Control of Your Health
Drug companies are not looking out for you; they are looking out for their profits and they are now in full collusion and cooperation with the government. The government has long ago abandoned its role to protect you and your family from these pernicious forces, now they are partners in crime to pillage as much as they can from you and your family.
You need to understand that any corporation's primary and essential responsibility is to their shareholders -- NOT to you -- and the sooner you realize this, the better.
Drug companies have accumulated so much wealth, power and government influence that so far they have been able to largely escape any serious consequences that would prevent them from changing their ways.
So until real systemic change takes place, your best health strategy is quite simply to employ and maintain a naturally healthy lifestyle that will optimize your body’s innate healing abilities and minimize your need for the drug companies’ latest concoctions.
And here are some top drug stories for
Studies Prove that These Drugs Make Your Brain Stop Working…
They include such common over-the-counter brands as Benadryl, Dramamine, Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Tylenol PM, and Unisom.
Other anticholinergic drugs, such as Paxil, Detrol, Demerol and Elavil are available only by prescription.
And here is a remedy for the upcoming
cold and flu season.
It's pretty much a known fact
that all those OTC for colds
and flu do nothing for you!!
So here is an easy remedy to
PREVENT it this year.
Vitamin D is growing in popularity as a way to prevent flu. Current medical research has identified a correlation between seasonal Vitamin D levels and influenza. The more sun, the less illness. The less sun, the more flu. Research has also shown that vitamin D prevents respiratory infections in adults and children.
Lots of flu remedies provide flu relief, but Vitamin D actually prevents flu. It is especially effective at preventing respiratory illness making it a perfect flu medicine. Here's how to use vitamin D safely and effectively.
Difficulty: Moderate
Step 1
Buy the D3 form of vitamin D. According to the US National Institutes of Health, the D3 form of Vitamin D is much more effective than other types. In addition the Vitamin D council reports that other forms of vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia, very high levels of calcium in the blood, which can be dangerous. D3, however, is a safe flu remedies and does not cause hypercalcemia. D3 is available in 1,000 iu increments, over-the-counter, at pharmacies and other retailers. Larger increments of Vitamin D are more easily found online
Step 2
Take 5,000 iu of D3 per day, for adults, when healthy to boost the immune system and prevent flu. The Vitamin D Council recommends 1,000 iu for children under the age of 1 and 2,000 iu for children between the ages of 2-4 years. From the ages of 4 through 9 the suggested dose is 3000 iu. At the age of 10, children may take the adult dose of Vitamin D.
Step 3
Increase the D3 dose at the first sign of illness to 10,000 iu for adults. Higher doses have been used in human during medical studies without ill effects, but 10,000 iu is currently the highest recommended dose. However, if flu relief does not result after a few days, you may want to consider increasing the vitamin D dose. Consult a pediatrician for the correct dose for children. An alternative to taking a supplement would be to expose skin to the sun at midday for 15-20 minutes.
Step 4
Drink water while taking D3. While unconfirmed, there have been rare reports of kidney stones as a result of vitamin D supplementation. This can be avoided with adequate fluid intake to maintain proper hydration.
Step 5
Combine Vitamin D with other vitamin supplements known to boost the immune system. In particular, take zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E.
I have reserved 2 books at the library
about Vitamin D.
They are:
The vitamin D cure /
James Dowd, Diane Stafford.
The vitamin D solution :
a 3-step strategy to cure our most common
health problem
Michael F. Holick ;
foreword by Andrew Weil.