Got the whole back end of the
truck loaded up with crap
to haul outta here.
Been working on hauling stuff
from the boys rooms to the basement.
Still gotta haul all this food
we found down to the pantry
in the basement.
Then I still have laundry to
wash, hang on the line and
put away.
My legs and left hip
still hurts so am doing
it in little spurts.
Well I lied. I tidied up the basement
some but didn't go through stuff.
Just arranged things and then worked
on my pantry area. I still have
a bookshelf in my living room
to haul to the basement also.
If I ain't crippled by the time
this is all said and done it
will be a miracle, lol.
Tony's doing his fair share around
here also. He got the kitchen cleaned
up and is working on getting the
Explorer cleaned out so we
can sell it.
So if anyone is
interested we want $1,000 for
it. It is a 96 4x4 Explorer XLT.
It runs and drives but will possibly
need a speed sensor in it as the
speedometer needle bounces
and it has a hard time guessing
when to shift gears. It's an
automatic. We've owned it about
5-6 years and have done most
of the work on it ourselves.
It has been one of my favorite
vehicles I have ever owned.
Has never put me on my feet
and does excellent in snow.
I have never got stuck even
in blizzard conditions on
unplowed streets!
I'm just wanting to get a newer
I still have sooo much more stuff
to do. Like we want to get rid
of the chair in the living room
and bring another one out of
Jonathan's bedroom to replace it.
It's starting to get tears and holes
in it. I'm glad I don't pay for some
things because they don't make things
like they used to. So why pay the money
for things when they don't last
very long.
Well the pager went off so
going to Tony's work
to do a call and unload the
Been running around like a chicken
with its head cut off!! I don't even
have time to breath let alone
talk and gab with someone.
While at Tony's work mom calls
saying my brother is over there
fixing lights, a tv and putting
up shutters. News to me.
She never mentioned any of that
earlier this morning when she called
to say he was coming over.
Anyway she is all like wound up
because my brother brought
over a dead drill and needed my step-
dad's drill which is at our house.
Was told I could keep it here
so we can use it to complete our
fence and that's why I had it.
We were not home due to being on
call which I have told mom for
the past week about.
So she's getting ancy wanting that
drill. So we finally get done at his
work and raced home to get the
drill for them. I didn't get out
of the truck but waved to my brother
who was out on the deck. I don't
have time to stop and gab!!
Mom waves for me to get out and
when I said we had to go that I had
tons to do and it was already 3:30PM,
I got the evil eye. I'm trying to get my
chores done along side of
Tony working. I can't hardly
walk through my house at the moment
with crap laying everywhere,
literally!! This was from cleaning
out Christopher's room.
I've got groceries, we found, all over
the kitchen floor, dishes that Tony
washed sitting on the counters
waiting for me to put them all
away. I like to put them away
or I'll never find them, lol.
I've got laundry piled up and Tony
needs work clothes by tomorrow morning.
I've got furniture to throw out,
furniture to move from one room
to another, find time to eat today,
an air mattress to deflate and fold
up and put away, MANY baskets
of clothes to hang up and put away
from last week because I couldn't
get to closets to hang anything-
that was the reason for wanting
to clean the kids rooms.
I want them all organized before
the start of school. I still have
3 hair cuts to give, we all need
showers, an Explorer to clean up
and clean out. Do y'all want me
to go on?????
Tony got called out again
so we hurried up and threw
the living room chair in the
truck to get rid of while
at his work. Mom calls again
while on the way to his work
wanting to know if we have
a saw zaw. I'm sure it's something
else David needed to work at their
house. BUT Tony has call and
we have to leave when the pager goes
off and I can't help it!! I and the kids
go along because he may need my help
with doing things or lifting
heavy appliances and such due
to no other maintenance men being
there on weekends.
I am so wound up at the moment
trying to get things done
I could just SCREAM!!!
I gotta go and hang 2 loads of
laundry and start another load.
It's 6:20PM and I'm running out of
time to complete everything that
needs done today.
Got a chair moved from Jonathan's
room into the living room.
Of course I had to run the sweeper
first to pick up all the crumbs
that was under the old chair
we moved out.
Then with Tony's help we moved
the dining room table and I moved
my circle rug to the kitchen
and put down the rug I found
the other day in it's place.
Tomorrow I will work on getting
Jonathan's room weeded out.
It shouldn't be half as bad
as Christopher's room was.
Went out and swept the driveway
and street from where kids like
to do burnouts with their bicycles
in the gravel parking area flipping
rocks and dirt everywhere.
Now I am getting ready at 9:05
to give haircuts and have the
kids get showers before bed.
Got only 2 haircuts done.
Tony just got paged out.
I then vacuumed the kitchen floor,
hallway and bathroom.
I guess I am afraid if I stop
moving around my body is going
to get stiff and start hurting.
I think I am finally done for the
evening! WHEW! I pretty much
got most everything done today
that I set out to do. Still
have more laundry to do tomorrow.
And there is still some that will
be left out on the line tonight.
When it's not as warm out it takes
longer to dry.
Hey maybe I'll go and read the
Sunday Dispatch which I have yet
to touch today! I still have a bunch
of coupons I want to get cut out
this week and put into my binder.
Really hoping for a clean house
by the time the kids go back
to school! Can it be done?
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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About Me

- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"