I was really hoping to sleep in
this morning but that didn't work out.
Our neighbor loves to mow grass
around 8AM on Saturday mornings
and it sound like that mower
is coming through our bedroom!
Then the phone rings.
For 2 year now this 1-800 number
bill collector, for someone
else, calls constantly! It is
a computer recording that says
this persons name they are looking
for which is NOT US! It does not
give an option on the recording
to let them know this is the wrong
number and it does not give
out a business number to stop
this nonsense. So for 2 years +
now I have had to deal with
this number calling here on a daily
basis. I just let it ring
and don't answer.
Oh gosh, the thought of unloading
the truck today makes me tired.
And I've got so much housework to
do. Kids back to school next Wednesday
should mean less housework right?
Here's one item the kids found
and brought in this morning.
It's mini speakers in the shape
of a soccer ball. They've already
got it hooked up to their MP3
player blaring it! AHHH
It's still too early for me.
Got all the bedding items out of the
truck. This is all for Kendra.
There is a total of 5 comforters.
One set had what I believe is 2
matching reversible full comforters.
It also has a matching sham,
fitted sheet, top sheet,
2 matching decorative pillows
and a third pillow that might match
that was with the set.
I found bedding bags with zippers
to put all them in. Some go
with the bedding sets and some not.
Misc food items.
Also some earrings/jewelry
Megan can have.
And here are two stacking bowls
I found for Tommy with lids.
Got the air mattress blown up
to see if it held air.
So far so good!
Garden Goodies.
These are veggies & herbs
I pulled from the garden today.
Tomatoes, Hungarian & Banana Peppers,
Basil, Parsley & Stevia.
Who says clotheslines are just for
hanging clothes? I took my herbs
and hung them upside down on the line
to dry.
Took a load of stuff including wood
and weeds from the backyard to Tony's
work to dump. He got a couple pages
while there. I did find a pole
fan, a pizza bag like deliver drivers
use and a bag of girlie things.
Don't know what it is I haven't
been through it yet. Then we headed to UV
which seemed deserted. Nothing was happening.
Will keep checking back between now and
the end of the month.
Jonathan found a cute lion stuffed
animal that when you press it's paw
it shakes and purrs.
He is regularly $25 from Hallmark
if purchased by himself.

From there we went to Kroger to pick
up a few things. I stocked up on some
Rediserve chicken while it was on sale
for $1.00 each, about 1/2 price.
To save me time, I plan to cut up the
breaded chicken strips
and use in meals like Chicken Helper,
LaChoy Creations and Macaroni Grill.
Need to start using those box
mixes out of the pantry.

Ate supper then went through
a few more things outside that
we found yesterday along with
the items from today.
-warm air mist vaporizer
-tennis shoes
Gonna go lay down and try out
the air mattress. Just took
some ibuprofen. My legs are hurting
really bad from yesterday.
Ibuprofen helped the pain
in my legs a lot.
I got up and started in on
Christopher's room.
I'm getting really tired of
cleaning kids rooms so am
gonna do something different
this school year. They are gonna
have their bed, closet with clothes
& shoes, tv & stand and maybe
a desk or table with chair
and their computer, NOTHING ELSE!
All toys and everything else
are being packed up
in totes and heading to basement.
What do I have to pick up if I keep
it this basic...nothing but maybe
dirty clothes. So by doing this
it makes it easier on myself with
The basement will not
get done this year but has a heck of
a dent put in it!! I'm wore out
at the moment from doing it.
So who knows when I will get back to it.
I will put up a shelf for their
school supplies down there and
have my pantry down there.
I feel like when it comes to cleaning
house I take 1 step forward and
10 steps back. So by clearing all
the crap out or to storage, nothing
can be gotten out to make a mess!
Ok I need to get back to Christopher's
room before his bedtime
and get stuff hauled outta there like
trash and totes of toys.
I started going back to 9:00
bedtime last week to get
them on schedule for school.
Not sure what we are doing tomorrow.
I know hair cuts are in store for
all the boys.
I'm not a drinker but tonight
decided to have that Mike's Hard
Lemonade we found the other day.
I got a pretty good buzz off just
one! But I'm sure it's because
I don't drink but once in a blue moon.
Well I am heading off to bed
because I have a severe pain
in my hip area. Feels like two
bones rubbing against one another.