no fun task at all. Along with crap
that is laying around shed.
We've been putting metal stuff
out along the road. One scrapper
has been by twice now to pick
up the stuff. Makes our job easier
when they haul the crap away for
us for free, lol. That would
have probably been 2 loads to the
trash bin for us.
This morning I got the rest of
the shelves hung up in the bedroom.
In no time Tony had his car stuff
on them, lol.
Got a couple loads of laundry done
and hung out to dry. Had a problem
with my line falling, GRRRRR!
I think it had something to do
with neighbor kids pulling on it
as it NEVER fell last year.
This time around I used nylon
instead of rope so it won't bust!
Well lunch is almost done, then need
to run down to Speedway for some
cigs, hang another load of laundry
and help Tony more with getting
the shed weeded out and organized.
Kendra and Dewaine are supposed to
be out sometime today so I am
trying to hurry ourselves along
to make time for them.
Supposed to get cement in the
post holes today for the fence.
That would be good because I worry
about rain and kids bothering
the fence posts and being level
at the moment.
Done with cleaning shed.
Got a Tracker full of crap to go out.
The later this week will borrow
mom's truck to haul out another
load of stuff from around the shed.
I got about 4-5 loads of laundry
done, hung on line to dry. Still
need to put away. Probably tomorrow
as I'm too pooped to pop at the moment.
Might do something easy for supper.
Thinking about a breakfast.
Maybe some potato cakes, sausage, bacon,
eggs, toast and fresh tomato slices.
Too much on the To Do list around
here and trying to accomplish
it all is rough. Slow and easy and
little by little.
Kendra and Dewaine couldn't make it
over today so we're looking at maybe
Tuesday eve to do it. Gonna try
to start on the panels Sunday.
Hoping to have the fence complete in the
next couple of weeks, that's including
the gate over the driveway.
Then next Spring put in 2 more gates,
2 parking pads and put in another garden.
Doesn't it sound like fun?
Never ending around here.
Tomorrow mom's taking us out to dinner
at Texas Roadhouse for our anniversary
which was 2 weeks ago. The reason being
is Tony was on call and has had to work
mandatory overtime a few times.
It gets hard finding time to do things.
Last night we took an evening drive
since it was nice out. Drove over to
UV and saw they had the big rental dumpster
out. That means move out time for college
students should be happening soon, in
the next couple of weeks.
That place will have at least 400 move
outs if not more by the end of August!
I look forward to this event all year
because it's like one big free for all!
The college students throw out so much
stuff it's crazy! And I'll be sure
to be there to swoop up on some goodies!
Thinking Inside the Motor Inside Columbus
Becoming one with the motor to see
what the problem may be.
Hmmmm, could be a broken distributor
wire or spark plug wire, might change those.
May be the distributor button.
Might change that also.
Hoping to start out with small
stuff to see if that works
before going to major or more
expensive things!
Took the kids out this evening to
McDonalds to get a free smoothie
and me a free caramel frape.
Went to McDonalds on Bethel Rd.
because they have an outside playground.
Just returned home.
Got laundry down off the line and
hung up another load to dry throughout
the night.
Gonna chill for the evening.
More laundry to do tomorrow
and more cleaning of our bedroom and putting
laundry away.