I was reading a post on Walgreen Facebook
site about who was getting a flu shot this
year and do you know that about 95% of all
the comments said NO! There was about 439
comments! I am so glad I am not the only
one that thinks flu shots can be unhealthy for
you. That's about like getting the H1N1 shot.
They freaked everyone out about that then it
dropped off the face of the earth and you
heard nothing more. They gave out free
shots for the kids at school. I DID NOT
have my kids get them. How fast did they
make these potions to inject people with
that they did not have very many
guinea pigs lined up to see if they did
work or even prevented the H1N1 virus???
AND do you actually know what kind of
contaminents they are injecting you with???
There was one company that was giving
away $10,000 to someone who could actually
prove that they did work. No one won
that money!!!
Maybe for some the flu shot works. But I
got a flu shot 13 years ago at work
and still ended up with the flu. They say the
flu shot cannot give you the flu.
But they can only guess as to what kind
of flu will be going around that year.
And if they guess wrong you can still
pick up another strain of flu!
I never got another flu shot again
and took my chances. Knock of wood,
I have yet to have the flu for the past
14.5 years!
Just take the ordinary precautions of hand
washing, taking vitamins and things of the
Well today I woke up and started
cleaning. I clean everyday so it's
nothing new. With kids you could
still clean 24-7 and never get ahead.
Anyway got the living and dining
room tidied up, kitchen cleaned, dishes
washed up and carpet cleaned. Not the
greatest but it looks better than it
Getting ready to head to the store
and to a parts store to get
the suburban on the scanner to
see if we can figure out what it's
problem is.
Back from getting the scanner put on
the truck. It said it was misfiring.
We'll no duh, we knew that it wasn't
running on all 8 cylinders at times.
So what is causing the misfire?
Does that little machine of theirs
say that, heck no!
Have you ever had them put one of
their scanners on your car?
How many times have they told
you oxygen sensors are at fault.
I think about every time we've done
it, it's said that. We know
it's not those sensors because
they are newer.
Wonder how many oxygen sensors
these stores sell in a year's time???
FRUGAL LIVING IN COLUMBUS,OHIO Frugal living is a lifestyle that involves careful planning and spending as well as avoiding waste. It's not about being cheap; it's really about being practical and making the most of available resources through various methods of saving money, reusing existing items instead of buying new ones, and finding bargains and good deals. The premise is that a person shouldn't pay more for something if he or she doesn't have to.
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- Fast81TA
- My name is Sherry, 39yrs old, from Columbus, Ohio. I am married, a SAHM, and have 3 children ages 9, 10 and 20. I have been frugal/thrifty all my life. I would like to share on this blog how we get by day to day on one income with a family of 5 with a dog and a cat. You will also hear about my everyday gripes about daily life and the cost of living. Hubby says my favorite saying is, "and that is another thing that pisses me off!"