Didn't sleep too well last night.
Got up this morning and took a couple
ibuprofen. My legs are feeling the
affect of running up and down the
basement steps.
I had a friend/neighbor from high school IM
me this morning. He apologized for how
he treated me back then, well back about
26 years ago. Must be feeling guilty with
old age setting in. But that was nice of him
to do. He's been trying to come home to visit
with friends and family. He's been living
in Germany for about the past 15 or so years.
That would be so cool to get everyone
together from the old neighborhood
for a little reunion.
This was me and him on graduation day
22 years ago.

Here's a couple pics.
My freebie rug and freebie bookshelf.
Here's a recipe I found for

1 lb. cubed cheddar cheese
2 C evaporated milk
1 tsp dry mustard
2 beaten eggs
Melt cheese; add milk & spices. Add egg and
cook slightly. Cool & cover tightly. Store in
Yupper I am still down in the dungeon.
Starting on washing blankets today providing
the neighbor doesn't want to water them!
Just think when I get the downstairs done
I want to do the whole upstairs.
Who needs to buy stair steppers for exercise.
I just run up and down my stairs to the basement
about 20+ times a day! No wonder I couldn't
sleep last night, I think I had restless
leg syndrome. I probably looked like a
dog trying to run in my sleep, lol.
Filled up Tony's truck this morning with crap.
And today I've got about 3 boxes and a bag
full of stuff.
For lunch we will have tuna salad sandwiches
on leftover rolls from yesterday.
I was able to make 24 rolls with the recipe
I had.
Been watching the weather for tomorrow.
Supposed to have scattered thunderstorms
so don't know if we will be going to
yard sales or out cruising tomorrow evening.
One night we are taking my step-dad with
us to check out all the Good Guy cars.
This will be interesting!
Well time to get blankets out on the line.
They should dry in no time today.
At 11:15am its 88 but feels like 91.
Supposed to be around 93 degrees today.
Ever seen those paintings of quilts
hanging on a clothesline?
Well here is my version with kids comforters, lol.
Do you pay more thinking you are buying natural
Just so you don't think I'm pulling
anyone's leg about how much crap I am
weeding out, here is a photo of boxes/bags
that I brought up since this morning.
7 boxes and 1 bag and the day ain't
over with!
And don't anyone say they want that
comforter on top! Unless you want
some kind of bodily function from
a cat with it! I wasn't even gonna
attempt to wash that!!
Right now it's 91 but feels like 94 degrees.
It seems like I no sooner put blankets
on the line and they are dried within
a half hour.
Well I just put a bid in for a dozen
diabetic socks for Tony. I keep forgetting
to get them for him. Cost $16.10
or $1.34 each.
Oh yeah I got the 2 cell phones I won
on Ebay the other day. They work perfect!

Now I am working on getting some coupons
for dr scholls shoe insoles. Found
some that is supposed to relieve backaches
and pressure in the joints.
$2.00 printable Dr. Scholls coupons
-massaging gel insoles
-freeze away wart remover
There is a guarantee that if you don't feel
some kind of pain relief you can
get your money back!

Depending on the kind of insoles they
run from about $10 to $15. A little
expensive but willing to give anything
a try to help hubby relieve some pain.
And any money off is good also!
I have yet to find any bad reviews about them!
Here's some reviews I found.
Also says it helps heel spurs which Tony has.
Cortisone shots are very painful!
***Use in all close-in shoes. Works instantly. Takes pressure off sore spots on heels. Good for heel spurs/plantar faciitis.
***These insoles are great. I had very bad heel spurs/fasciitis. I thought I was going to miss the fair and disappoint my kids. Dr. Scholl's Arthritis Pain Relief Insoles saved the day. At the end of the fair my feet felt better than the kids' feet. I do not like the hard plastic orthotics that are often recommended for heel pain.
***I have these in all my shoes. They relieve my plantar fasciitis heel pain. Don't think I can walk properly without them.
I called it quits earlier with the basement.
I figured I did enough for one day.
I did continue with washing blankets.
I managed to get to get 10 blankets
washed and dried on the line today.
This evening I decided to go out and
pick my green beans and wax beans.
Also found 4 grape tomatoes ready to
be picked. Only 3 made it in the house
as Tony had to give one a try.
Gave it thumbs up.
Here is how to blanch and freeze beans.
This is from Grow Your Own web site.
Green beans will last 9 months in a ziploc bag in an ordinary freezer,
and 14 months in a deep freeze in a vacuum packed bag.
This year by planting a variety of veggies
will allow us to decide what we would like
for next year. This is like a trial an
error garden being my first garden I've
ever had. I can see what grows better.
I know tomatoes, peppers, beans
and cucumbers are a for sure thing.
Well y'all it's been a hot day and I feel
like getting some pizza tonight having
someone else do the cooking for me :0)
Just returned home from getting pizza and
touring some of the hotels on Morse Rd
and 161. The old cars are starting to come
in and they sure do look purdy. Everyone's
out polishing and washing cars. What they don't
know is we have rain coming.
Been searching for days on end for a shelf/
cupboard for my one kitchen wall.
I ran across something of interest tonight,
the top of a hutch, the only one I have
found so far. It's $10. But before I go
see it in Newark I asked the seller to send dimensions
to see if it would work.
Watchya think. Can't beat $10 for it!
As much as I wouldn't want to paint real
wood I would possibly paint it white
to match my other cabinets then put
the light pine contact paper on the
back walls to blend in with the rest
of the kitchen.
Or I could keep it unpainted since it
would match the dining room table
and the front door is of the same
wood color also.

As y'all know I have been working in the
basement. Jonathan found a wig down there
this evening and put it on, LOL.
He's something else!