the temps are supposed to go back down
into the 80's. They are calling for
82 degrees Friday with storms.
Still working on laundry today which
includes towels, sheets, rags, and blankets.
It seems never ending.
I can say this...NO towels or blankets
as gifts. I have soooo many as it is!
We rarely use paper towels around here.
Instead I have a basket of rags to use
around the house. By being able
to recycle towels to use over and over
again it saves us a bundle each year.
From "The Frugal Girl"
let’s assume that you use two rolls a week. Even if you get paper towels for $1 a roll(which is what the cheapie-cheap-cheap ones cost here), that’s $110 a year that you’re spending on something that you just throw away. If you have $2/roll paper towels, that’s $220 a year.
Later on if I find time I might take
some of our old towels with holes in them
and cut them down for rags. I cut each
towel into 4-8 squares then zig zag stitch
the outsides. And I can make some more
swiffer pads with some of those old towels.
I'm thinking about hanging a towel bar
on the basement stairwell wall. That way once
we use those rags we can hang them up to
dry before going into the laundry.
And remember to get more life out of your
kitchen sponges, put them in the dishwasher
to clean and sterilize them.
Managed to clear a spot for my new bookshelf
that will go in the basement. I removed
the plastic 3 tier shelf down there and took
it out by the shed. This will now go in the
shed since it's more weather proof than
a wooden shelf. Tony can use it for
car parts and tools. I still have another
plastic shelf down there that I can use
for toy totes. I find totes, plastic
bins and what not at Tony's work all the time
so organizing everything for free shouldn't
be a problem.
I once found a little tikes plastic toy box.
This is great to keep outdoors because
it's weather resistant. I keep the boys
outdoor toys in it. So next time you find
a cheap one or see one sitting along the
road in the trash keep this in mind before
buying one of those outdoor ones from Lowes
that cost big bucks. You can buy outdoor spray
paint and paint it to match your deck if you
are really picky about appearance.
This one is $129 from Lowes

Or you can have a much cheaper outdoor
storage box like this for cheap or free!

First load of clothes drying on line.
Second load awaits in the washer.
I get more and more pissed each day
with cleaning. It works to my advantage
as that's the kind of attitude needed to
weed out crap. You tend to get rid of
LOTS more stuff!!
I have quit impulse buying at yard sales
and thrift stores and only buy stuff that
we need or as gifts.
When it comes to finding stuff at Tony's work,
I've been getting better at that also.
Just the other day someone threw out a nice
bookshelf cd stereo with speakers and as much
as I wanted to take it, I left it!
So proud of myself! This is how clutter starts
if you don't get a grip on it!
I gotta quit trying to rescue all these things
people throw out unless a family or friend
has a request for it.
The kids keep saying I should have a yard sale.
If I really needed money at the moment I would.
But I don't and I don't want stuff sitting around
taking up space so out it goes!
So far I've gotten 3 large totes full
and ready to be hauled out of basement.
This is so time consuming. I go through
each and every box, each and every item.
No pushing boxes aside!
Somewhere down in this dungeon is a
fooseball table and an air hockey table.
Hoping to get those set up when finished.
We found the fooseball table next to
a dumpster and acquired the air hockey
table free from someone. We've had it for
a little over 2 years now and have never
been able to set it up.
I keep having visions of sugar plums
dancing in my head of a nice basement
in the end!
Ok, back out to the yard to get the dried
laundry and hang up the next batch.
Then haul up 2 chairs out of the basement
and load into the car.
These go with the chairs I already
gave mom. Got the bookshelf lugged
in the house by myself. Now will
attempt to get it down to the basement
by myself.
WHEW! I need some more energy to
accomplish everything!
Got hamburger thawing out for supper.
Just put the ingredients in the
bread machine to make rolls.
Gonna try to make sliders (white castle
burgers) for supper)
Been hauling crap outta basement.
Wore out so reloaded with a bowl of soup
for lunch. Now I'm stuffed, lol.
But gotta keep going. Back down
to the dungeon to put another load
of laundry in and go through some
more stuff.
When the kids make a comment saying
they can see a difference in the basement
that's when I know I am making progress!
Sounds pretty good on a day like today!
Don't see why you couldn't replace some
of the milk with cold coffee. Yummy!
Rolls are in the oven baking.
Don't know what it is about fresh baked
bread but it makes the whole house smell good!
Next will be working on making the hamburger
for the sliders. I can put some of those
dried onions to use that I got from Walgreens
yesterday for .50 cents.
I heard Christopher saying something about a
sprinkler in the neighbor's yard.
I didn't think nothing of it.
I went out to take down laundry and hang
more up. That's when I discovered the neighbor
had a sprinkler going and it was coming
into our yard and possibly getting on my clothes I
had hanging from our step ladder, GRRRR.
Don't understand why he was watering
anyway as his grass still looked green.
I can't win!
Why does it seem if I am in one area of
the house doing something, other areas
of the house go to hell????
Sometimes I feel as though I take one
step forward and three steps back!!
Supper- Sliders, pasta salad and
peaches n cream pie.
You know I can move around ok throughout
the day. But sit down and chill for about
an hour and it seems like all muscles tighten
up and I get stiff. I thought exercising
was supposed to make your body feel better
and toned, yeah right.