This big bubba came from a
friend's garden. I wanna
know what she's feeding these things!
Moving a lil slow this morning til
I can get all the kinks worked out
of my back.
Today we need to stop by Kroger
and get stuff packed up for the
racetrack later on today.
Last night we shopped around
for one of those pop up shade tents
to take to the track.
We had one a couple years ago but
due to down force winds in a storm
in got crushed. Kind of like
when you stomp on a pop can.
It pays to shop around and be able
to save money. We originally got
our one tent from Marcs years ago.
We stopped in there. They wanted
$100. Stopped in Big Lots and their
cheapest was $150. Last stop was
Walmart where we found one for $49.
So we saved $50 to $100.

So I am sitting here trying to fill out
all this paperwork from the contest.
I probably shouldn't do it this early
as I am screwing up a few areas.
Tony also has to fill out a paper
since he will be traveling with me.
Then I have to find a photo to send
with everything.
One part I don't understand is that
they give you transportation from
the airport to the hotel. Ok then
how to you get from the hotel to
their office building???
We will be responsible for meals
and any baggage costs.
Then I have to figure out how
to have Fed Ex come here and pick
this envelope up to express air mail it.
I have never done
this before so am clueless.
When I did the Betty Crocker contest
all we did was fax everything to them.
I am still sooo nervous about everything.
It's probably a once in a lifetime thing
to do so don't want to back out now.
I have panic and anxiety attacks so
this whole ordeal will be very interesting
if I get through it all.
And that is the main reason I won't
enter the Pillsbury contest as everyone
encourages me to do. I wouldn't be able
to handle the traveling and tv publicity.
It would be soooo nice if they would just
let us drive down to Cincinatti since it's
not too far away! Because the thought
of getting on any airplane makes me sick
to my stomach!! I know it wouldn't
be a very long flight from Columbus
to Cinci

I know I am a sucker to buy all sorts
of cream soups in a can to keep in the pantry
for all sorts of meals.
These soups can run .50 cents
to over a $1.00 a can depending upon
manufacture. Here is a dry mix that
you can store and keep on your shelf
til needed.
Cream of Whatever Soup Mix
Make this mix up in advance and use in casseroles and other recipes calling for canned cream of whatever soup. This makes the equivalent of 9 cans of soups.
2 cups powdered nonfat milk
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup instant chicken bouillon
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. dried thyme leaves
1/8 tsp. sage
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. paprika
Mix all ingredients together well and store in an airtight container.
To use
To make the equivalent of one can of cream of something soup:
Mix 1/3 cup of soup mix with 1 1/4 cups of water. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for a few minutes until thickened. Watch carefully and stir constantly to prevent sticking.
You can add celery flakes, mushroom pieces, small shredded bits of chicken, for what ever kind of soup you are using. This has no fat like purchased soups. The sodium content is much less than the canned soup also.
This can also be used in casseroles by just mixing the soup and the liquid and not cooking it before hand.
When mushrooms are on sale or marked down get them slice them thin and dry them for use in soups like this.
This is a heart conscious recipe.

Here is another fabric softener tip of mine.
Instead of buying a bottle of Wrinkle Release,
I put a tablespoon or two of fabric softener
in a small spray bottle filled with water.
I mist it on clothes and gently pull the
fabric. I do this while wearing the clothing.
Then stand in front of a fan for about
30 seconds to dry.
Double duty purpose, I also use this
same bottle to spray in my hair
as a detangler.
It costs about $3.00 for a bottle
of wrinkle release and $3.00
for a bottle of detangler.
Now imagine how many homemade spray
bottles you can make with some of
those cheapie fabric softeners on sale.
Like the Suavitel, Walgreens sometimes
sells for buy 1 get 1 free.
That one bottle would last you for
years to make these 2 things!
Just back from Kroger and grabbing a bite
to eat before heading out in a lil bit.
It sure is warming up there!
For those of you who like the Topsy Turvy
planters they are in the clearance section
at Henderson Rd. Kroger.
$2.99 and they have peppers, strawberries
and tomatoes. I didn't get any
as I don't like the upside down method.
I made up 8 ham and cheese tortilla
roll ups to take for our supper
tonight at the race track.
Kids love these things! I usually
put softened cream cheese mixed
with ranch powdered dressing on them.
This time around I used ranch chip
dip to save some time (and money).
Used about half for the roll ups
and the rest can be used for our chips.
Here's another handy tip I do.
When visiting these fast food joints
we usually pick up too many napkins.
Instead of throwing them out I
tuck them in my purse for car rides.
You just never know when kids will
have messy hands, faces,
a runny nose, or in my case recently,
decide to pick a scab off and bleed
Here they are inside a zippered
makeup pouch in my purse.
You can see a bunch of papers below
my pouch. A lady at Kroger was giving
out free Excederine samples, Fiber One
samples and a bunch of coupons, yeah me!
To save even more money when traveling
we also carry a cooler in the truck
full of drinks. Much cheaper than buying
drinks at a gas station or fast food.
We buy Kroger's (store brand) pop in cans
and water to save even
more money. Then get Kroger chips and snacks
so there is no one hungry on the car ride
and no unnecessary stops along the way.
And as for little kids having to go to the
bathroom constantly I carry empty pop bottles
with lids! Of course this may not work for
little girls with different equipment.
So we wouldn't have to buy ear plugs at
the track (because jet cars get extremely
loud) we borrowed some head phones from
Tony's work and from my step dad.
So there's another savings.
In the past we've bought these foam ear
plugs at the track for ridiculous money.
To keep cool we purchased a portable
shade tent with carrying case.
I will take along hand towels to wet
down in the cooler and put around
our necks. I also will be taking along
a milk jug of tap water and a spray bottle
to mist off if need be. So there's more
savings because we won't have to sit
in the truck with the air conditioner on
guzzling gas.
Talking about gas. I've been seeing it
for $2.70 to $2.75 a gallon.
Happened upon a Kroger gas station last
night on Olentangy which still had gas for
$2.44. Used my Kroger card and got
an extra .20 cents of making
it $2.24 a gallon.
So be sure to use to fuel savings
from grocery stores!
I saved .55 cents a gallon by keeping
my eyes out for cheaper gas and using
my Kroger Plus card!
So there you have it, my thrifty
savings for today.
Tomorrow I will have a run down
from all the sales adds I received today.
There seems to be good deals at both
Meijers and Kroger this week!
Well it's 3:30PM so should be getting
things in gear to head out within the
next hour.