WALGREENS Week of July 18th
.09 cents each
wooden 12 inch ruler
2 pocket folder
large highlighter
.29 cents each
1 subject notebook 60-70 sheets
10 pack sheet protectors
2 pack erasers
.49 cents
3 pack jumbo glue sticks
5 pack bic bright liner highlighters
school box
400 sheet printer paper
limit 2 w/ Walgreens coupon
.19 cents each
Pilot G2 2 pack pens
after instant coupon in store
.99 cents
Kleenex 78 or 110 pack
limit 6
.99 cents
Dawn 10.3 ounce Dawn dish soap
limit 3 w/ Walgreens coupon
.39 cents
car eraser
5 tab dividers
15 pack cap erasers
3 ring binder
.59 cents
liquid paper (like white out)
clip-on sharpener & eraser
dual pencil sharpener
limit 6 w/ Walgreens coupon

-Put one in your pocket to repel mosquitoes
-Put one in car for fresh smell
-rub on clothes to reduce static cling
-use old dryer sheets to dust with
-place a sheet in vent to freshen home
and filter dust from air.
-dissolve soap scum from shower doors
by cleaning with a dryer sheet.
-baked on food? place a sheet in pan,
add water and soak.
-place in bottom of stinky trash can.
-put in stinky shoes.
-clean pet hair from furniture.

-Use 1/4 cup vinegar in your laundry’s rinse cycle keeps clothes soft.
-In a pail mix 1 gallon of water and 1 cup concentrated liquid fabric softener. Dip a sponge or washcloth in the liquid, squeeze out excess and toss in the dryer with your laundry. Seal pail when not in use.
-Pour liquid fabric softener and hot water in a spray bottle (50/50 mix) and lightly mist wet laundry before starting the dryer. Two or three good shots should do it. You could also just spritz a clean washcloth and toss that in the dryer.
-Cut dryer sheets in quarters, thirds or halves, use one strip per dryer load.
-Mix equal parts hair conditioner and water and store in spray bottle. Mist a washcloth or sponge and toss in dryer with wet load.
-Use about 1/4 to 1/2 of the liquid fabric softener that they recommend on the bottle.
-Use a Downy ball if you have one–just use vinegar instead.
-Homemade Fabric Softener Recipe
1 part Vinegar
1 part Baking Soda
2 parts Hot Water
* Place a pail large enough to hold double the amount of ingredients in the kitchen sink or bathtub. Mix the baking soda and water in the pail, stir till the powder is dissolved. Then add the vinegar.
* Remember that baking soda and vinegar reacts with fizzing, so use a big pail to account for this. Once it’s stopped fizzing, pour into clean bottles, cap, then use 1/4 cup per rinse cycle.
* Updated Info: The baking soda won’t be completely dissolved, just shake the bottle to mix the batch up before adding to the rinse cycle.
-Reusable Homemade Dryer Sheets
Flannel pieces
4 TBS liquid softener
10 TBS water
* Cut fabric sheets from old flannel pajamas or leftover flannel fabric from sewing and cut into 3″ x 5″ strips (approximately).
* Stack flannel strips in a cleaned margarine tub (large size) or plastic container (cleaned baby wipes container works well too). Mix the liquid softener and water together, then pour evenly over top of stacked flannel strips.
* Seal container and shake well.
You can use several dozen strips with this mixture. Leave sealed for 2 or 3 days, then use one flannel strip per load–squeeze out excess if necessary (it should be just damp). Keep container sealed at all times. Wash strips after use, then use again to make another batch when needed.
Hi-ho, hi-ho off to yard sales we go!
Just returned from yard sales.
Boy is it getting humid out there!
So here goes the goodies I found today at sales:
lady gave it to me FREE because
she said she didn't know if it worked
or not. I put batteries in it and
IT DOES!! This is great because
the games for this and Nintendo DS
will fit one another, yeah!
16 SPICE RACK $2.00
Tint $1.00
(scooter is for comparison)
I swear I just saw pillows
similar to this on HSN that
were expensive.
HSN Price: $39.95 EACH!
Retail Value: $49.95
Shipping & Handling: $6.21
-Garden Problem Solver
-Western Garden
-Best Home Plans
2 JEFF GORDON CARS $1.00 each
Decided to paint the shelf I bought today.
It had either been primed or painted to
look like a white wash. I painted a couple
coats of a bisque color on it to match
the cupboards and trim in the house.
Also put my spice rack on the back
of the stove. I needed more room
for spices and this double decker
spice rack did the trick in the
little space I had.
Ever price the cost of spices?
They can be expensive! I needed
mustard and celery seed for canning
and other things and that was on this
spice rack. Those would probably run
at least $3 each at the store!
This should dry in no time.
Now time to take down my ugly
shelf with pegs in the hallway
and put this one up.
Since this new shelf had big
gaps between the pegs I
took the hooks off the old
shelf and put them on the new one.
Now we will have a place to hang
bookbags along with jackets and
a place to store umbrellas, hats
and gloves.
I know I have a coat closet, but
it is used as a storage closet.
Plus it is much easier to get
the kids to hang coats on
pegs than on hangers.
Remember I only have about 930 sq. feet
in this house so I look to every
nook and cranny for storage!

For a kids birthday party make cupcakes.
Then make up a table with all the fixins
from frosting to all kinds of toppings.
Allow the kids to frost and decorate their own

I can mix pizza dough in a bread machine.
Or you could also buy the mix or premade
pizza dough to make these even quicker.
Been brainstorming again. I've told ya I haven't
had much luck with finding shelves
or a cabinet for the kitchen wall because
everything is too deep for the space I need it in.
So I got to thinking about all these wire racks
I got today and where I was gonna put them.
They are the perfect depth I have been looking
for to hang on the wall where I wanted
to hang shelves or a cabinet.
They are large enough to hold 2 liter bottles
of pop.
Wonder if we could take some scrap
wood and put a frame around the
shelves and add doors to the front?
Could find some wood, hinges and
knobs at Habitat for cheap.
Just a thought.
Plus I found another wire shelf in the basement
that would fit perfectly beside the fridge
in that little nook.
These wire shelves run about $20 new but
I have been liking the .75 to .90 cents
price of finding them in the thrift stores
and at yard sales!
Just showing you it would fit between fridge
and wall. Would mount further in.
My idea with building a frame
around the wire shelves.
There would be solid wood
door fronts but I made it
clear to show how it would
look inside. About like a
medicine cabinet but a bit larger
but for food storage.

In all reality if I had time, money and
lots of patience this is what I would love
to do to my kitchen...
Knock out the upper corner wall
to make a more open floor plan.
Add an angled counter like this instead
Just for the heck of it I decided to
look up Proctor and Gamble headquarters.
It's HUGE!! Kinda scary looking for little
ole me & Tony that has to visit this place!
Check it out below!
Or take a small
P&G Headquarters Tour.

If I could have chosen a career I would have
chosen advertising. Tony says it's never too
late to go back to school and he would be all for
it. I don't know. I just can't see that happening.
Some people accidentally happen into situations
that get them started. If it was meant to be
then this would happen to me is how I see it.
Guess I'll just keep entering contests when I can.