before the sun set in the sky.
I might do one of the trellises for
some cucumbers and the rest for
a couple different type beans.
Yesterday I got as far as planting
scallions in the trays. I wanted
to get the chives done also but the
neighbor and his 2 kids, not in school
yet, came over. I didn't think it would
be a good idea to have tiny seeds out
with two little ones running around
being curious and wanting to touch
Tonight we're going to Ci Ci's pizza buffet.
The grandparents are taking Jonathan there
for his birthday, which is tomorrow, but
we felt by going a day earlier we'd beat
the Friday rush.
I gotta start his ice cream cake today so I can
allow some time for it to set in the freezer.
This morning I have to get the tags done
for the car trailer and Tracker.
I'll have one of those $20 fees tacked onto
the car trailer since I am late getting
the tags renewed. Those new tag fees really
suck let me tell ya. Always something they
do to get more of your hard earned money!
Just like the curb side yard waste pick up.
It used to be free then they wanted you
to pay for the services. Now out of the blue
they are going back to being free. What is
up that crap?
I have a church sale I want to take
mom to this morning also.
So it's not looking like a day to spend in
the garden. And I see on the news it's looking
like more possible rain this weekend.
Back from all the running I had to do this morning.
Also stopped by Arby's and Dollar Tree while out.
Wanted some headbands for my hair. I can't
stand it being in my face!
While there I found some hot patches
like Thermal Care for Tony's back.
And found some sugar free packets
(Wyler's & Hawaiian Punch)
for water bottles when we travel about.
They come in a box of 8-10 for a buck.
Also picked up a couple helium
birthday balloons for Jonathan.
Looks like I might go out in the garden and start
stringing the pea trellis.
Just finished my web, I mean the pea trellis.
I'm starting to call this my garden web with
all the twine and rope I have weaved and
put up!
I hope I am done with the construction
and now can get to work with planting
Busy, busy, busy.
Never seems like a dull moment around here.
Thursday- Ci Ci's for Jonathan's Birthday.
Start ice cream cake this evening.
Friday- Yard sales. Finish ice cream cake.
Jonathan's birthday party at home.
Pick up Trans Am in Blacklick.(blue one)
(either Friday or Saturday eve)
Saturday- Drywall repair work on South end.
Sunday- going to Indian Lake for Mother's Day.
Ok about the Trans Am situation. Yes we will
be trading Tony's motorcycle for our old Trans Am
as we got the ok on that after going back and forth
with the wheeling and dealing.
The kids are tickled pink to be getting back
our car. Do you know these two have already discussed
which one gets which car when they are older, LMAO!
These two cars will remain with the family for
years to come and the boys know they will be
passed down to them one day. And at 9 & 10 years
old are deciding who will get each one!! Geesh!!
Well it's 3:30pm time to get the kiddos off the bus.
I managed to get 8 tomato plants planted in the
garden today and I dug out the irrigation
stakes. I really need to replace the 2 liter
plastic bottles on them with ones that aren't
cut off so they do a better job.
These irrigation bottles will help if I forget
to water or go away for the weekend.
They slowly drip water into the ground
next to the tomato plant.
I use rain water from the rain barrels which
is better for plants than tap water.
Tap water contains chlorine and other
chemicals which may stunt the growth of
the plants.
Back from the bus stop and mom's
and a haul of 26 (7oz) bags of Combos
that I got for FREE!!
Where my step-dad works they have
a few snack items for sale. Once
they go out of date they were throwing
all these items out!! WELL, I told
him to haul it home whether he wants
it or not, we'll eat it! He's not
one to eat expired foods even if
it's a day past it's expiration date!
But me, I say bring it on!
Most stores have to sell by the expiration
date but that does NOT mean the items
have gone bad. Now I won't buy pop
that has gone it's expiration date
as I have bought ones that were bad or flat.
But items that are dry goods such
as chips, nuts, boxed things, have
a much longer shelf life.
These combos expired 2 months ago.
I opened them up and they are as fresh
and tasty as can be.
What do these buggers go for?
Probably $3 to $4 a bag.
So I got $78 to $104 worth of Combos for FREEEEEEE!!!
These will come in handy for Tony's lunches
and kids snack time after school that's for sure.
Well going to get me and the kids ready to head
out as soon as Tony gets home. I'm taking the camera
along to Ci Ci's.
It's always a part of me, if you haven't noticed.
Got home about 9:30pm.
Did the Ci Ci's thing.
I gotta tell ya this story as I'd never
ever see it again in a million years.
As we are driving down Morse Rd
to go to Stoneridge Plaza I noticed
a bunch of what looked like trash in the
road. Some of it was but upon further inspection,
since traffic was slowing and I was the passenger,
I see money floating in our lane
and on the side of the road!
I'm not shitting you either!
I don't know how much but I know we probably
ran over a few green bills. A guy walking
on the sidewalk was dodging the traffic
trying to pick some of it up! Don't know what
that was about but it REALLY, REALLY sucked that
traffic was heavy and moving at a steady pace
because I would have had Tony stop the car
so I could get out and snatch a few up.
Knowing my luck it would be reported stolen
from an earlier bank robbery.
The story of my life!
Here's Morse Rd. returning home.
All trash and any money had been cleaned up.
Object in mirror is bummed for not
being able to snatch up the money
blowing around in the middle of the road.
After Ci Ci's we headed off to the grandparents for
gifts and goodies. From there
went to Kroger to get a prescription
for Tony.
Never, never, never, enough hours in
a day to get things done!!!
9:30 to 11:00pm
I'm up making sandwich cookies for
Jonathan's class tomorrow for his
birthday. Just a quick throw together
made from a cake mix. Then I didn't
have enough frosting to go round in
one tub so I mixed in 4 ounces of cream
cheese to stretch it further.
Not going to get to Jonathan's birthday
cake until tomorrow. That will be fun
as I cannot find the ice cream cake
pan anywhere!! I am stressed out.
Where in the heck would it have gone.
Time for plan B I guess because I have no
other choice. Gonna make two round
cakes. Freeze a round cake pan of
ice cream and make it like a layer cake
except with ice cream in the middle.
It's 11:15pm and I am tired after
making all these cookie sandwiches.
Time to get to bed while I still can
so I can have a fresh start tomorrow
when me and mom go yard saling.
Jonathan's birthday with the grandparents: