who had assumed my garden took up our
entire back yard.
The yard is a decent size. It extends out past
the one shorter wooden fence, which I would love to have removed
and take the other fence down to the property line
by the chain link fence. It just makes
the yard look smaller. Plus the yard extends out
past the longer wooden fence out by the street
and is used as a place
where we park our vehicles. There is also a carport
and a cement driveway on the backside of the house.
I let nothing go to waste. I have managed to
recycle almost the entire wood from the gazebo.
They only thing I could not use was the brackets.
We sawed off some ends yesterday from the iron
panels. I even saved those little pieces.
I plan to cut one end into a point and
use them as stakes for the tomato trellis.
I noticed the other end already had a hole in it
from where it used to attached to the gazebo.
I plan to run twine from a top board to the
stake, driving the stake into the ground to
hold the twine straight for tomatoes to grow on.
I am trying to make do with what we have available
that is free to make this garden.
I know what the heck is a tomato trellis
and why not use a tomato cage?
A tomato cage is not tall enough or supportive
enough for tomato plants. Tomato stakes
are a little better. Just be careful
when using either to watch for the
roots of the tomato plants and try not
to disturb them.
A string trellis has a board across the top
in which you run string downwards into the
ground next to the tomato plant. As the tomato
plant grows you wind it around the string.
I don't have pictures of mine yet as I am still
in the process of getting it all put together.
But to give you an idea here is a picture I found
of one.

It's 7:35pm. We've spent the last 1 1/2 to 2 hours
making tomato and bean trellises.
I'm too tired after hammering, drilling, screwing
and sawing to start work on stringing the pea trellis
today. I might get to that tomorrow, we'll see how
the weather goes tomorrow evening.
During the day I have to get tags renewed on the
car trailer and tags transferred on the car.
Then I found a church sale on a Thursday.
That's hard to believe so will have to check that out.
Here's pictures from work we did tonight.
They probably aren't so good due to the
sun setting. Tomato trellises are in the back
and then I used the space in front of them
to run lines for the beans. All in all
it helps to support and hold the poles up
which are screwed in and planted in the ground.
I've read so many books dealing with companion
planting and gave up with trying to learn it all.
Some say there is no scientific proof that some
plants are better or worse with others.
It's just like a tradition passed down from
our ancestors and that is why we use it today.
So in my garden I just planted whatever, wherever!
Oh well it's my garden! I'll do it how I want to!
If it don't work out for me this year then I'll
plan something else for next year.
Let me tell ya setting up a garden is hard work!
I hope it gets easier next year since everything
will be in place.
This will be the pea trellis that I still have to string up.