too swift. And of course it's raining.
Before the rain moved in we had a yard
full of birds feeding in the grass.
We saw this pretty Goldfinch.
We also get an occassional Hummingbird.
Last year we had a white Finch.
Got laundry to do and put away.
I hate when we are in between seasons
as that usually means we have Winter clothing
out along with Summer clothing.
You just never know what the weather will
be this time of year.
I have to rotate clothes according to season.
Summer clothing is stored in totes
under the beds in Winter.
Then when Summer rolls around
I put the Winter clothing in the totes
and hang all the Summer clothes in the closet.
But this time of year I have too many clothes
for the closet with both seasons out.
I think I'm just going to put the Winter
stuff away and if they get chilled with
short sleeved shirts they can throw a light
jacket on.
I'm getting ready to move the kids bedrooms
around yet again. It didn't work out
having them in one room when they each
have different sleeping habits. AHHHH!
Oh well I know not to do this again anytime
soon, putting the bunk beds together.
We've been trying on the clothes I got
yesterday at the church sale. And so far
the ONLY thing that won't fit is that
pullover towel for the bath. Won't fit
over the kids heads! Everything else fits
perfectly. That usually doesn't happen when
I buy clothes without them around!
Been busy this morning. Got the bunk beds tore apart
and put the other bed in the bedroom.
I didn't move my desk or shelf and don't know
if I will. Might leave in there for Christopher
to use the computer on and just store my
coupon and other items in the drawers and shelves.
I rounded up all my under bed totes to get them
ready to store Winter things like clothing,
coats and maybe hats, gloves and things like that.
I managed to get 4 totes under Christopher's bed.
Throw a blanket or dust ruffle over and you
won't be able to see where I made extra storage.
While I was moving beds around, Tony was out in the
garden area tearing apart the gazebo. I went
out and moved all the iron side pieces and sat
them along the driveway fence. We plan to cut
off the top posts of the panels to be even with
the fence then screw them into the fence.
Tony had the same idea as I did when he saw the fabric
I got from the church sale. Maybe recover the almost
white chair pads on the dining room chairs.
Here's a photo of the fabric sitting on a chair
to give you an idea of what it would look like.
It would go with the yellow walls and red couch.
And hopefully one day I'll get the wall below
the chair rail painted a red color.
Well the day is finally winding down. Just
got back from getting pizza.
We got the garden area tilled today.
Still have to throw down the horse manure.
We found a way to recycle the gazebo.
I already told ya what I was doing with
the side panels. Then we was wondering
what to do with all the other pieces of wood.
Tony had a good idea to use them as stakes
for a fence to put around the garden.
This should give you an idea of how big the garden will be.
It runs from the shed to the fence just
on the other side of the pine tree.
I had to dig up some lilies I had in the
garden area. I transplanted them into
the front yard. Eventually we'll get some
mulch for the flower beds.
After tilling I drug
out the walk-in greenhouse. I got a couple
pieces put together on it but put it away
for another day as we were all getting hungry.
Let's just say the directions suck. I'm sure
I'll figure it out sooner or later.
When your tummy is growling that is not a
good time to try and concentrate on something,
especially a greenhouse with many pieces.
At least all the parts were marked so there
should be no problem there.
I'm gonna spend the rest of the evening
trying to figure out the surround sound.
I got the stereo part of it working. Now
it would be nice if I can get the sound
through the tv!