Will report back with any goodies I might find!
It's supposed to rain this afternoon so will
see if I can find other sales before it does.
Here lately it seems like when Friday
and Saturday rolls around it likes to rain.
I hope it stays away a little bit this weekend.
Would like to get the garden tilled
and get the horse manure worked in the soil.
OK y'all I'm back from the church sale
and we hit a neighborhood sale in Westerville also.
Grab a drink and sit a spell while I show
off my cheap goodies! I love garage sales!
People are nuts to pay new prices for things
in the store!!
Got all these clothes below for $1.25 (.25 cents a bag!)
I counted 34 items I crammed in these
plastic Kroger bags!
It averaged out to be .03 to .04 cents for each item!!!!!
If ya can't tell what this is, it's a
kids towel pullover with a monkey hood.
2 kids footed flannel pajamas
Sweat jacket for Jonathan
Tops and sweaters for myself.
I really wanted to get the boys
some clothes but those tables had been raided!
A top and shorts for myself
5 pairs of pants.
Some of which the boys might be able to wear.
A couple shirts for the boys
and a sweater for myself.
Ok that's all for the clothes that
was part of the .25 cents a bag deal ($1.25 for ALL!!)
I found this jacket below that was .50 cents.
I have a similar jacket like this but the
zipper finally broke last Winter.
Sure as heck can't beat a jacket for .50 cents!!
It has horses on it.
A woven runner for $2.00.
It goes the whole length of my kitchen.
That sure will help with dirty shoes
that make my tiled floor look a mess!
A couple yards of red and yellow upholstery fabric.
Will go perfect with living and dining room colors!
Not sure what I will use it for just yet.
I thought about reupholstering the chairs.
Oh yeah, .25 cents for this fabric!!
We've been needing more silverware. I found this
box of a complete set for $5.00. Sounds like a lot
but if you have priced silverware it isn't exactly cheap.
Not sure where some of my silverware went to, probably
buried in the backyard somewhere thanks to kids.
Thrift stores want 3 for $1.00 for silverware
and you'd be lucky after rummaging around in bins
to find a complete set. So I am happy to
have spent $5.00 on this set.
This is a valance. Paid .25 cents for it.
Liked the colors.
4 tab top curtain panels $5.00.
I still need curtains for our bow window
so will customize these to fit those windows.
They are a thicker fabric, which I need,
for more privacy. Right now I have a couple
light weight panels in the windows but
they a too sheer for me, sure can't run through
the house naked if I wanted to without worry
that the neighbors are getting a free show!
Things dissapear from this house and who
knows where it goes to. For example last
year during baseball season we had a crap
load of plastic cups with lids. Do you
think I could find just one this year, NO.
So I bought these for .10 cents each for
our travels.
We love the sounds of windchimes. A couple
weeks ago Tony bought me my first wind chime
for a buck. I found two today at the church
sale. One was $1.00 and the other .50 cents.
I would like to hang them along the car port
where I had hanging baskets last year.
The kids are weather fanatics.
I got them this barometer, thermometer and humidity
thing for $1.00.
Got a digital 70 pint Kenmore Dehumidifier for $10.
Plugged it in an buttons seemed to work
and the compressor kicked on.
Check this out, I saw it online for
$250-$300 for a new one!!!!
That was it for the church sale.
I got the rest below at one garage sale.
I found this cute sign for .50 cents.
I will hang it in my hallway with
all my other similar signs.
This stuff was in a box marked free.
Not shown in this photo was a pack
of notebook paper, another car air freshener
and a new in package glow necklace like
you see at fairs.
I was worn to a frazzle after the church sale
and still managed to take mom to a few more
garage sales. I am tired and am going
to take a nap before the weekend starts!!
I got this in my email today.
As cheap as I am this sounds like something
I would do LMAO!!

No nursing home for us. We are checking into the Holiday Inn!
With the average cost for a nursing home care costing $188.00 per day, there is a better way when we get old and feeble.
We have already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn. For a combined long term stay discount and senior discount, it's $49..23 per night. That leaves $138.77 a day for: Breakfast, lunch and dinner in any restaurant we want, or room service, laundry, gratuities and special TV movies. Plus, they provide a spa,swimming pool, a workout room, a lounge and washer-dryer, etc ... Most have free toothpaste and razors, and all have free shampoo and soap.

$5 worth of tips a day will have the entire staff scrambling to help you. They treat you like a customer, not a patient. There is a city bus stop out front, and seniors ride free. The handicap bus will also pick you up (if you fake a decent limp).

To meet other nice people, call a church bus on Sundays or a synagogue ride on Saturdays.

For a change of scenery, take the airport shuttle bus and eat at one of the nice restaurants there. While you're at the airport, fly somewhere. Otherwise, the cash keeps building up.

It takes months to get into decent nursing homes. Holiday Inn will take your reservation today.. And you are not stuck in one place forever, you can move from Inn to Inn , or even from city to city. Want to see Hawaii ? They have a Holiday Inn there too.
T V broken? Light bulbs need changing? Need a mattress replaced? No problem. They fix everything, and apologize for the inconvenience.

The Inn has a night security person and daily room service... The maid checks to see if you are ok. If not, they will call the undertaker or an ambulance. If you fall and break a hip, Medicare will pay for the hip, and Holiday Inn will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.

And no worries about visits from family. They will always be glad to find you, and probably check in for a few days mini-vacation.

The grand kids can use the pool.
What more can you ask for?

So, when we reach that golden age,
we'll face it with a grin.
Just forward all our email to:

Here's Jonathan sporting his new jammies
I got him today. I searched high and low
for some of these at Christmas time and couldn't
find any for older kids. They fit really good
on him!
Hubby looks at too much stuff on Craigslist, LOL!
Tonight guess what he found on there that he thinks
that we should do?
A private ghost hunt at the
Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield,
The place where they filmed Shawshank Redemption
(had a friend in that movie!)
and a place where my favorite show
Ghost Hunters AKA Taps has investigated.
I'm not quite sure of going on
a ghost hunting tour but will give it
some thought. It runs from 8pm to 5am
July 11th.
Here are some clips from TAPS- Ghost Hunters
from the Ohio State Reformatory.
I get nervous just watching them
as I remember that show!
I've been reading more about this private ghost hunt.
It says for the beginning they read to you the rules
and regulations and give a speech.
Each ghost hunt consists of 100 people.
BUT after the speech everyone is on their
own explore the place without guidance.
You have to bring your own flashlights.