and tell you about some experiences
with places that serve breakfast.
Today me, mom and my step-dad went out for breakfast at Cucos.
Never been there before but wanted to try someplace
different and had a coupon from the
Entertainment Book.
For starters we walked and and stood there.
A person was behind the counter as you
entered the door. They ignored us for about 5 minutes
then finally told us we could seat ourselves so we did.
We looked around and realized we were the only
customers in the whole place.
So we sat there what seemed like 10 minutes with
no service, no menus. Finally a waiter comes
over and brings menus and asks what we would
like to drink. It seemed to take awhile for
him to return with drinks and take our order.
I didn't think what we chose off the menu would
have been difficult to make, eggs, potatoes,
bacon, tortillas with sour cream and salsa.
We waited about 45 minutes to get our food!
There was still no other customers in this place.
Mom gave him the coupon when paying and realized
they didn't take off another $2.00 which she
did not fight it as we were ready to leave!!
No tip was left for how we were treated in this
place. There was no excuse for it!!
Kind of makes sense there was no one else
eating there with that slow of service!!
It states on their web site that they are an
award winning place. Of what????
I nor my parents were impressed at all
and will not be returning for a second trip.
If a food place can't impress their customers
on their first visit there then it's not
a place I want to eat at.
Breakfast places I recommend in order of recommendation:
Tee-Jays (barnyard buster)- High Street
Bob Evans (pot roast hash)- Cleveland Ave/270
Fitzy's- (pork tenderloin) Shrock Road
Nutcracker- Pataskala
Wildflower Cafe- (sausage & biscuits) Indianola Ave.
Scramblers- Cleveland Ave/270
And the award for worst breakfast goes to...
Kountry Kitchen on Morse Road which is no
longer there thank goodness.
I got a sausage gravy and biscuits.
The biscuits were rectangular and cut from
a pan like corn bread. Not even sure
if they were considered biscuits.
The sausage gravy was horrible and could
have passed as book paste with no
flavor. It was like flour gravy!
And when I got a diet cola it was flat!!
I love freebies and getting them
in the mail. At least I have something
to look forward to other than bills.
Here's the result of today's mail,
no bills all free stuff!
1. 10--$1.25 coupons for Yoplait Smoothie
and another coupon for a FREE Yoplait Smoothie.
I got these from PSST!
2. A booklet from Kroger with all kinds
of coupons in it.
3. $5.00 in cash surprisingly for completing
a survey from AC NEILSON.
4. Free Atkins starter kit with 3 fiber bars,
quick start guide & carb counter.
I know this is a blog about Columbus, OH.
So this will be a challenge for you and
a chance to win a t-shirt.
Take the trivia challenge and if you
are good enough you can win, or be
entered to win a t-shirt.
Think You Know Kansas
I know Kansas as that's where I was born, but not raised.
I have relatives from there including my mom
and aunt who reside here in Ohio.
So it's hard for me not to know this stuff, lol.
Working at an apartment complex has it's benefits.
So many people are wasteful, throw out good things,
and leave behind things in their apartments
when they move. I have actually seen people up
and leave a full apartment behind! And it makes
you wonder why! Then it makes me think how
lucky we are. We have furnished almost
all of our home and then some with things
from these wasteful residents. These residents
being most college students.
You will probably hear me talk on here
a lot about the things we get or find.
Tony brought the boys home some goodies tonight
seen below.
About 25-30 matchbox cars and some figurines.
There was also a guitar with case.
Believe me after hearing that thing this
evening I threatened Tony if he found
drums to NOT bring them home!
Jonathan is holding the guitar. He has the
rock star image tonight doesn't he, LOL.
I was thinking about this while taking my hot
bath this evening. All the while having a dog
poking it's nose at the shower curtain like
something from the movie Shining. And a kid
who came in later to sit by the tub while
I helped him do homework. Told you taking
a bath is a luxury for mom's!
Anyway I know many that have small homes
and not enough storage areas. I have one of them
and thought I would jot down a few things I do.
-Rotate seasonal clothes in your closet.
Store clothes in plastic bins that slide
underneath a bed.

-Over the door shoe racks are not just for shoes.
In the kids bedrooms I don't have room for dressers.
Instead I have a shoe holder hanging on the back
of their door. I put their shoes, socks and
underwear in them.
You could also use one in your bathroom for
extra space to store toiletries, brushes, combs,
hair dryers and so on.

-Store extra blankets between the mattress
and box spring.
-Bookshelves. I store things on bookshelves.
Then to keep them looking tidy and not an eye
sore I bought a tension curtain rod and hung
a curtain from the top of them.
-My cupboards in the kitchen only have one
shelf in them. There seemed to be so much
wasted space I could be using in there.
I trucked on over to the thrift store
and found wire racks to put in them to
double the space. They probably cost
all of .90 cents each.

-Door wire racks. Hang these on basement doors
or in coat closet to expand your pantry if
you have little storage in the kitchen.
Use to put cans, bottles or small boxes in.

I'm off here for the evening to listen
to all these squeaky, screaming and annoying
singers on American Idol.