I needed some fabric softener as I
only have about 2 loads left.
I saved $5.58 by using a
Walgreens coupon on Suavitel
fabric softener,
buy 1 get 1 free.
Limit 4.
I bought a total of 4.
Walgreens still has Christmas items
50% off.
BUT their Christmas candy is now 75% off.
I picked up 2 story book boxes of
regular life savers candy.
And 2 story book boxes of
gummy life savers candy.
Regular $2.00 each now .50 cents each.
I remember getting these as a kid!
I saved $6.00!! Hope they will last
a long while til next Christmas.
I could have opted for some chocolate
candy but didn't think it would last
that long.
While at Walgreens I also used another one
of their coupons from the paper and picked
up 2 Peak windshield washer fluid.
Regular $2.49 each but with coupon
it was $1.29 limit 2.
You can hardly find windshield washer
fluid for around $1.00 anymore!!
I saved $2.40 on those.
My total bill was: $24.14
minus the walgreens coupons and 75% off items.
I paid: $10.16
Saving $13.98
Mom found a large box of candy, kind of like an
Anthony Thomas candy box with assorted chocolates.
Originally $10 marked down to $2.50.
I can't wait til after Valentine's Day sales!
Last year mom found $10 boxes of assorted chocolates
at Factory Card Outlet for .10 cents a box,
90% off!!!!
Was trying a pair of sweat pants on
Jonathan this morning for school.
I noticed some holes forming in the knees.
I made him wear something else.
I don't throw something like this away!
I can't let something go to waste if
I can reuse it for another purpose.
Now these holey sweat pants will be used
for pj bottoms OR
If I see pants getting holes in the knees
and they still fit well around the waist
then they will go into a pile, I start
during the Winter months, to become
shorts for the Summer.
I will cut them off and hem them up.
I would love to be able to have my
Christmas shopping or gifts made way before
Christmas gets here this year!
I hate shopping the month of December with
the crowds! Plus you are tempted into
buying so much crap just to be buying a gift
whether the recipient really needs, wants
or will like it!
Take time throughout the year to really think
things over without the pressure.
Make lists if need be when others mention
something they would like to have.
Keep those lists in your purse when shopping
those thrift stores or yard sales.
I also have another list I keep in my
purse of the sizes of everyone from shoes,
pants, shirts and so on.
Throughout the year I like to keep a folder in my
bookmarks of projects I would like to make as gifts.
I run across so many cute and sometimes practical
items I could make.
Here's one I found today of a tea mouse.
They want $2.00 for directions to make it
but I think I could figure it out on my
own from looking at the pictures.
I liked the idea that she used
dryer lint to stuff these small proects.
You'll have to scroll down the page to see it.
Tea Mouse
This would be so cute for a little girl with a tea
set, for a teacher or a grandmother. Maybe make
it into a pin cushion for someone who sews.
Here is another idea to recycle old clothes...
Make homemade tissues. They wouldn't be any different
than using a hanky.
Cut up flannel shirts or cotton t-shirts.
You could use pinking shears to keep the edges
from fraying.
Then make a hanky hamper. I use a woven basket
for those used tissues by the bedside. You could
also use an old pail or decorated coffee can with a lid.
Scroll down past the mouse directions to find it.
Cloth Tissues
I have even heard of people making their own washable
feminine pads and toilet tissues.
Don't know if I would ever go that far.
But if interested here are web sites with directions:
Menstrual Pads
Cloth Toilet Wipes
When researching this I discovered some
diaper services has cloth toilet
wipes that they will pick up and clean for you.
I'd hate to have that job!
When it comes to paper towels we rarely
use them. I always have a stash of rags
underneath the sink handy for anything.
When I was a cleaning sub contractor I
made tons of my own rags from cut up old t-shirts
or took old towels and cut them up to make
about 8 rags about the size of washcloths.
For the towels I zig-zagged all the edges
so they wouldn't fray.
When socks lose their mate or develop
a hole I then cut them in half to open
them up to make a dust cloth out of.
Here is a trick when buying socks and
making your life easier.
Buy your kids, hubby or yourself
the same kind and color of sock.
Come time to match them up
it makes it so much easier.
No mismatched socks to figure out.
When one sock comes up missing
save it as a back up sock.
Then when another one comes up
missing you have an instant match.
When clothes are totally wore out
and can't be passed on I will look
to see if they have buttons on them
and cut them off. We loose so many
buttons on clothes at times
and when I need an extra one to sew
back on I turn to my collection of
buttons in different sizes and colors.
If you own a nice button down shirt and
it looses a button check on the bottom
underside of where the shirt buttons up.
Sometimes manufactures will add extra
buttons in case you should lose one.
I have had jeans or pants loose a button.
For a quick and easy repair I would
put a large safety pin in its place.
Insert the closed safety pin through the
button hole and wallah, instant fix.
Enter to win free milk for a year!
Enter the Great Gallon Giveaway and the first 125,000 people to enter will receive a coupon good for a FREE 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk with the purchase of 2 gallons of white milk (up to $3)! It’s a Bricks coupon, so be sure to hit your back button to print two of them.
Meijer now has their coupon policy posted on
their website concerning using Mealbox (meijers)
coupons and manufacture's coupons together.
I am so glad they finally did this because
I have had so many problems with them accepting
both type of coupons that I got to the point that I
quit trying to do it. There was an
argument every time! Even with the store manager!
So be sure to print this out if you shop
Meijer and have it handy in your coupon book
when trying to use them!
Here is a list of counterfeit printable coupons.
Here's a kitchen tip...
To save money on buying cooking spray
you can use a plain baggie, cover your
hand with it then dip it in the butter
bowl to grease baking dishes.
Here are some free websites with games for
the kids or adults to play:
Stopped in Kroger tonight. I know it seems like
we go there a lot but when there's one on
every corner around here you can't resist.
Hubby needed Apriva (Kroger brand of Splenda)
for his coffee. Sometimes he gets tempted
to use real sugar in his coffee when he is out.
I'd rather trudge through snow and ice to
get him some Apriva considering he is diabetic.
I did see Kroger had Christmas things 75% off.
I didn't see anything of interest.
The road are very slipper and covered.
No plows or salt trucks in sight. Plenty
of wreckers with their lights on though.
As I am walking out of Krogers a lady walks in
wearing fuzzy slippers on her feet!!!
What in the world is wrong with people
that we can't bend over and put on a decent
pair of shoes or boots for this weather???
I keep thinking about the bed warmers I posted
yesterday. I am half tempted to make some this
week for our beds. It just sounds good to
crawl into a warm heated bed. I used to love
our waterbed in the Winter time with the heater.
But waterbeds don't like us anymore because
of bad backs so now we are back to using
a regular mattress.
My stomach and bowel is still bothering
me today. I'm thinking of heading off to the
bedroom with the computer and watching a movie.
I watched Food, Inc. the other day and I can
say it was quite an informative movie about
the food industries. I recommend that everyone
watch this movie!