Thrift stores are not allowed to sell recalled toys!! And never assume that they don't sell them just because of that. Things get overlooked. Today I was in Ohio Thrift and picked up the three boxes of Magnetix for Christmas for the kids. Take note of the photo above and enlarge if need be to see them. I had no idea til I got home to research their value to see what kind of deal I got on them. That's when I did a search and found out these toys were recalled as far back as 2007. The magnets were coming loose and children were swallowing them and caused some fatalities!!
While I know thrift stores do not offer a return policy I called them up and explained the situation to them. They are letting me return these items tomorrow!!
Check it out for yourself on the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Be well informed! Earlier this year there was a debate over the recall of China toys with lead sold in used stores. They almost kept thrift stores from being able to sell childrens toys and products. I was worried that they wouldn't sell them any more and read many articles and laws about it and was kept up to date since it would affect my lifestyle if they no longer sold them.
So knowing the laws is what helped to return these toys to a store with a no return policy!